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Name: Jena Claros Instructor: Ms.

Pin Verano

Yr.& Course: BEED-1 Subject: Understanding the Self


Direction: Answer the following questions. 10 points each

1. What makes you decide to study/enroll in De La Salle John Bosco College? Elaborate your

● De La Salle Jhon Bosco College was just my dream before. In which, I thought that students like us who
belong in a lowest rank of family in the society does not deserve this kind of prestigious school. After we
graduated SHS, some of my fellow classmates enrolled here in DLSJBC and they encouraged me also to
study here in which, education is in high quality here in DLSJBC. I promised myself to enroll here, and
after a year, I’m enrolled finally! It was June 2019. At first, I felt so much nervous, but it was fade away
when I noticed that all of the teachers are very approachable. To sum up all of these, the high-quality
education was the reason that makes me decide to enroll DLSJBC.

2. When you buy something, do you prefer branded product? Why or why not? Explain your

●There’s some part of my mind that says YES, and there’s also NO. Honestly, I can’t decide, because all I
want is the quality of the product. Because sometimes there’s a branded product that is of low quality,
and there’s also unbranded product that is of high quality. Mostly, I encountered people that says
branded products is just a name sometimes, in short, you’re just paying for the sake of that brand just to
make yourself proud that you buy a branded product, it’s our attitude sometimes and we can’t deny it. I
don’t prefer branded or unbranded products, It’s the good quality I wanted.

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