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Corrections and Suggestions of the Panelists

1. The research title was changed, instead of Correlation between Social

Media Use and Sleeping Habits Toward Academic Performance of Grade
9 Students, it changed into “The Impact of Social Media Use and Sleeping
Habits of Grade 9 students toward Academic Performance”.
2. Be careful/observed the transition of paragraphs in Rationale and RRL.
3. Reduce/erase the non-related paragraph in Rationale and RRL.
4. The problem of the study must be discussed in the first paragraph of
5. There must be a reference of the research gap that will be seen in the last
paragraph of Rationale.
6. Look for the studies that are relevant to respondents’ age.
7. The arrangement of the SOP was change as well as the indicators.
8. Erase the Hypotheses change into “ is there a significant relationship
between the ff:”.
9. There must be a (3) three null and alternative hypothesis.
10. It should be a (5) five Point Likert Scale.
11. Change all the questionnaires.
12. Avoid repeated use of the word Slovin’s formula.
13. Look for theories/model that suited to the study.
14. The indicators were changed so expected that the conceptual
framework and questionnaires are also changed.
15. Look or search studies that has already indicators and
questionnaires’ that are related to our study.
16. The questionnaires must not be contextualized (correction during
17. The questionnaires can be contextualized. (correction during the
checking of new questionnaires)
18. The final SOP and questionnaires must be checked by the panelists.
19. The respondents must be the Grade 8 students enrolled during
2021-2022 both modular and online, who are already grade 9 now.
20. The survey table must change into Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral,
Disagree, Strongly Disagree instead of Very high and so on.
21. There shouldn’t have a questionnaire for the #4 objective.
22. Improve the theoretical framework.
23. The content of the conceptual framework should only describe the
conceptual diagram.
24. Change the output in the conceptual.

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