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Sample Screen Time Policies:

1.2 A – Screen time is not planned or utilized in the program.

Screen time is defined as any media content viewed on mobile phone, tablet, computer, television, video, film,
and/o r DVD. Screen time is not used at any time in this program.

At the ABC-123, we care about the health and well-being of the children in our care, we follow best practice
recommendations on screen time. Screen time is not planned or unutilized in the program.

1.2 B – Screen time is not planned or utilized in the program.

Screen time is defined as any media content viewed on mobile phone, tablet, computer, television, video, film,
and/or DVD. Screen time is only utilized with children over the age of 2 years old. Screen time is limited to 30
minutes per day. Screen time must be educational in nature and intentionally planned on the daily activity

Because we care about the health and wellbeing of the children in our care, we follow best practice
recommendations on screen time:
• Children under 2 and younger should have no screen time
• Children over 2 should watch less than 30 minutes daily for educational use
• Usage of any visual media (video, DVD, smartboard, YouTube, Internet) is required to be included in
the lesson plan and to be related to the curriculum.
• Smartboards are to be utilized as educational tools.
• Electronic media must be age appropriate. Educational DVDs may be used occasionally to supplement
curriculum or as a special event rather than as part of the regular daily routine

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