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Class : IX E
Members’ name :

1. Ananta Rizki (07)

2. Dimas dwi B. (12)
3. Dina Aulia R. (13)
4. Halimatus Sa’diyah (19)
5. Septiani Jessica (30)

Junior High School 5

Probolinggo City
1. Orally = Dengan lisan
Synonim = spoken <> berbicara
This exam conducted orally
2. Represent = mewakili
Synonim = act as <> bertindak sebagai
We represent the school for dance competitions
3. Chore = pekerjaan/tugas
Synonim = assigment <> tugas
They should do the chore before they go to school
4. Exercise = gerak badan/latihan
Synonim = activity <> aktivitas
We sholud have enough exercise to be healty
5. Praise = pujian
Synonim = admire <> mengagumi
Siti praise the picture
6. Government = pemerintah
Synonim = administration <> administrasi
Scholarsip from the government to finish her junior high school
7. Remind = mengingatkan
Synonim = admonish <> menegur
They remind each other of what to do and what not to do
8. Tidy = rapi
Synonim = neat <> rapi
It looks tidy now,isn’t it I love it.
9. Decide = memutuskan
Synonim = cut <> memotong
Decide what the first speaker would likely say in each situation
10. Statement = pernyataan
Synonim = acknowledgment <> pengakuan
Mr.Doni told us to make a statement.
11. Achievement = prestasi
Synonim = cleverness <> kepintaran
Dani get ranked first for its achievement
12. Proud = Bangga
Synonim = happy <> bahagia
I feel proud o my brother
13. Grandest = termegah
Synonim = the widest <> terluas
I would like to see the grandest
14. Advice = nasihat
Synonim = suggestion <> saran
Dina very helpful advice
15. Teenager = pemuda
Synonim = juvenik <> remaja
Teenager of today are very creative
16. Hand craft = kerajinan
Synonim = accessories <> aksesoris/perhiasan
Siti has just mode very beautiful handy craft
17. Difficult = sulit
Synonim = difficult <> susah
For us very difficult math test
18. Result = hasil
Synonim = sum <> jumlah
My exam get great result
19. Correctly = dengan benar
Synonim = accurately <> dengan akurat
Answer this question correctly
20. Clearly = dengan jelas
Synonim = distinct <> dengan terang
He speak very clearly
21. Dream = mimpi
Synonim = chestnut <> berangan
It’s you dream to go to the school story telling competition
22. Loudly = keras
Synonim = hard <> keras
Say the speakers sentence loudly
23. Finish = selesai

Synonim = end <> berakhir

Lina tells Udin the she will get a scholarship from the government to
finish her SMP
24. Clean = bersih
Synonim = clear <> indah
Mom, ihave cleaned up my room

25. Race = perlombaan

Synonim = contest <> kontes

I’m sure you will win the race

26. Diseases = penyakit

Synonim =Ache <> sakit

Much instant food so fhar we will not get serious diseases

27. Sentence =memvonis atau menghukum

Synonim =censure <>mengecam

Siti sentence have been rewritten here for you

28. Punctuation = tanda baca

Synonim =mark <> menandai

Use the punctuation marks correctly

29. Necessary = kebutuhan

Synonim = basically

But it may be necessary in their culture

30. Scholarship = beasiswa

Synonim = student ship <> beasiswa

I got a scholarship

31. Guard = menjaga

Synonim = keep <> menjaga

We must not come in until the security guard gives us permission

32. Principal = kepala sekolah

Synonim = headmaster <> kepala sekolah

We must hand in a notice from our parents to the principal

33. Litter = sampah

Synonim = garbage <> sampah

34. Scout = pramuka

Synonim = guide <> pemandu

On Friday we must wear the scout uniform.

35. Casual = lepas

Synonim = free <> bebas

We must not wear sandals,T-shirt,or a casual wear.

1. Matching

English Sinonym
1. Result a. Distinct
2. Proud b. Sum
3. Correctly c. Orally
4. Difficult d. Assigment
5. tidy e. Difficult
6. Goverment f. Happy
7. Grandest g. administration
8. Chore h. Neat
9. Clearly i. Acknowledgment
10. Statement j. accuratly

2. Matching =

English Indonesia
1.Result a. pernyataan
2.Proud b. pemerintah
3.Correctly c. termegah
4.Difficult d. hasil
5.tidy e. bangga
6.Goverment f. rapi
7.Grandest g. Dengan jelas
8.Chore h. sulit
9.Clearly i. pekerjaan
10.Statement j. Dengan benar

3. Filling
1. This exam conducted.......
2. We ...... the school for dance competitions
3. They should do the ...... before they go to school
4. We sholud have enough ..... to be healty
5. Siti ..... the picture
6. Scholarsip from the ...... to finish her junior high school
7. They ...... each other of what to do and what not to do
8. It looks .... now,isn’t it I love it
9. ....... what the first speaker would likely say in each situation
10.Mr.Doni told us to make a ......

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