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I do declare myself free from the whims of the ever flickering consistency of this school's wifi

service and provider. This shameful disservice to the students, faculty, and guests of this
establishment needs to be addressed and dealt with. The school’s guest network, meant to be
used by students, teachers, and guests is supposedly strong and allows contact with the world
outside of the numerous walls of this school. But this is far from the truth. This internet network
is untrustworthy, unstable, and often flickers on and off like the flame of a candle on a cold,
windy night. If this flame goes out, then it creates darkness and puts the inhabitants of the room
in fear, and this is what the internet service does to us, as students, staff, and guests of this
We hold the truths of this generation to be true:

The absence of a stable internet service, which would prevent the devices of the students and
teachers being used, is a great technique but can prove to be harmful and unfair to the people
in the school. In today’s world, communication and entertainment are brought to us by our
phones which give us the ability to text, call, and entertain ourselves whenever we want to. It
also provides us with comfort and a reassurance that we will be able to communicate and stay
in contact with our loved ones anytime we want to.

During school, this time is limited for less interference with the education of students. But even
when we are allowed to go on our phones, we are not able to do anything because of the lack of
stable internet connection. This flaw restricts us from entertaining ourselves, and more
importantly stops us from communicating with those who are important to us. Everyone is faced
with this difficulty. In modern times, we see on the news and around us terrible things happening
to schools and places around school. Contacting those that we love and regard as important
should be a basic action that we should have the liberty to do. But the school's unreliable
service fails us, and we are not able to contact anybody outside or inside the walls of the school.
What if, in times of need, we are failed yet again by this fickle service?

Only way to get this service to work is by downloading VPNs which provide sufficient technology

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