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Name: Daniel Ayala.

Date: 15-06-2021.

Grup: 32001 A2

Write an article about a difficult change in your life.

The most complicated situation of my life

When I was 12 years old I changed school to a military school, the truth is, despite everything
they used to do to us, I liked it but I always wanted to study in a technical school because I
loved cars, when I was going to enter high school I asked my parents that they change me to
school but they did not want me to because their wish was for me to graduate from a military
school, after everything that happened I got very sad because I did not want to continue in
that school and the last years there were quite a lot bad, I fought all the time with blows, my
grades went down and I did not have so much desire to study, but now I am grateful because
thanks to a military college my character is better formed and now I can follow an engineering
university at the university.

to begin with also counting the other experience within that I can say that those days are not
bad, I met a girl who was my first love and we lasted many years until recently we finished.

After that I have felt better, I no longer feel bad, I met a good girl who still loves me a lot, I
know that soon I will feel better and give me another chance with someone who loves me at
the end I just want to be happy.

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