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The gland in the female that produces the ovum (the egg cell) and the hormones estrogen

progesterone. It is the most important part of the female reproductive system.

Also known as the womb, the strongest muscle in the female body. The pear shaped muscular organ where the baby develops throughout
the 9 months of pregnancy. During labor it contracts forcefully enough to push the baby out through the birth canal.

The finger-like projections on the end of the Fallopian tubes that move slightly and draw the egg into the tube
after it is released from the ovary (ovulation).

The lower end of the uterus. The narrow neck-like opening That dilates (10 cm.) during
labor so the baby can pass into The birth canal.

The birth canal and the organ of sexual intercourse in the female.

The two tubes that carry the egg (ovum) from the ovary (after ovulation) to the uterus. It is the site of
fertilization or conception (the union of the egg and sperm).

The opening to the large intestine (rectum/colon) out of which

solid waste (feces) passes from the body.

The lower end of the large intestine that is a storage place for solid waste.

A hollow muscular structure for holding liquid waste (urine)

that comes from the kidneys.

It is the tube that travels from the bladder carrying liquid waste out of
the body.

the bone which is part of the pelvic girdle, that is located directly in front of each system to protect
them from injury.
female reproductive sex

hormone that activates physical changes in the female at puberty

Hormone that activates changes before and during pregnancy

process during which one of the ovaries releases and ripened egg

An egg cell is not fertilized and the uterine lining is shed

The time of life during which the ovaries slow

down their hormone production and no longer
release mature eggs.
A pelvic exam, where cells are taken from the cervix

X- ray of the breast to detect breast cancer




Fallopian tube urinary bladder

ovary cervix vagina


pubic bone

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