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Eat right. Live longer.

You’ve all heard the saying ‘you are what you eat’. When you intake healthy fruits and vegetables
you reduce the chances of diseases. Know that healthy food not only impacts your physical health
but also your mental health too.

Junk food vs healthy food

Is satisfying your tastebuds worth risking your health? You may feel more content after consuming
junk food, however that is just a mere feeling of fullness and nothing more. Unhealthy foods can
lead to irregular blood glucose levels and increases your cholestrol. Moreover, they can cause
digestive problems because of the lack of fibre in them.
On the other hand, healthy food contains a plethora of nutrients. It not only keeps your body
healthy but also your mind. Healthy food increases your brain’s functionality and enhances the
immune system. Consuming food with little to none processing is finest for one’s health.

Physical activity

Good nutrition needs exercise to work. Physical activity is crucial for the body and can benefit you in
many ways. Not only will it help maintain a healthy weight but also improves your mood and makes
you feel better when you are constantly active.

In short you must recognize that a 20 minute walk and refusing to give into the temptation of
ordering in is what will help you strive for a longer life.

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