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EnvironmentI&mational, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp.

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F.H. Frimmel and L. Huber

Engler-Bunk-lnstitut, University of Karlsruhe, 76128 Karlsruhe, FRG

EI 9507-375 M (Received 26 April 1996; accepted 28 April 1996)

The distribution of heavy metals in the aqueous phase of aquifers is strongly dependent on the kind
of solid phase and on the presence of dissolved organic matter. Batch experiments were performed
to investigate the phase distribution of Cd, Pb, and Cu using Quartz, Potassium Feldspar, Sodium
Feldspar, Kaolinite, Calcite, and Fe&m-coated Quartz sand as mineral phases. Natural organic
matter (NOM) from a brown water lake was used to study its influence on the phase distribution of
the metals. From the experimental results, Freundlich isotherms were calculated. They turned out
to be suited for a description of the heterogeneous systems. Despite the obvious limitations of
mechanistic interpretation, NOM increased the dissolved fraction of Cu and Pb, and decreased that
of Cd.


The protection of groundwater is important for safe- Model calculations have shown that it is still difficult
guarding the drinking water supply. Besides organic to apply the data obtained for well defined systems to
micropollutants, heavy metals are a risk for water the complex mixtures in nature. This is most obvious for
quality. Therefore, it is essential to know about the dis- cases where the ubiquitous natural organic matter
tribution and transport of metals in aquifers. Only from (NOM) is taken into account (Buffle 1989).
a detailed understanding of these processes can mea- The role of protons in complexation reactions of
sures to protect aquatic systems be derived. There have metals was studied thoroughly by Perdue (1990).
been numerous attempts to determine and calculate the Tipping (1986) focused on the phase distribution of
interactions of heavy metals with sediments and rock humic substances caused by iron oxides and hydroxides,
formations. Adsorption, ion exchange, and precipitation and Marinski and Ephraim (1986) applied the poly-
or surface complexation have been identified as major electrolyte model to explain the interactions of NOM
mechanisms (Farley et al. 1985; KorJ 1992). Natural soil and metals.
and sediment samples, clay minerals and well defined Recently, Benedetti et al. (1995) showed that copper
solid phases like SiO,, Ah%, or goethite have been competes much more effectively with protons bound to
used to investigate the distribution of heavy metals and the phenolic type groups of NOM than calcium and
their dissolved species(Gerthand Brtinner 1983; Zasoski cadmium. An attractive approach to improve the predic-
and Burau 1988; StSver and Roennefahrt 1992). tive power of models uses phenomenological and
508 F.H. Frimmel and L. Huber

mechanistic parts. The application of adsorption iso-

therms seems to be a relatively uncomplicated way
which leads to useful information on the phase distri-
bution of water constituents. This has been demon-
strated mainly for the elimination of organic micro-
pollutants and NOM with activated carbon (Sontheimer
et al. 1988; Johannsen and Worth 1994).
It is promising to gain data sets also on the behaviour
of metals in systems with NOM and defined mineral
components of aquifer material, and by this to set a
basis for the description and simulation of real aquifer
systems. The aim of this work was to:
1) Investigate the phases quartz (Qz), sodium feldspar Fig. 1. Competing reactions between metals and ligands (L) in a
solid/liquid system (X, Y, Z different sites on the solid phase surface).
(NaFs), potassium feldspar (Kfs), kaolinite (Kaol),
calcite (Cal), and iron/manganese hydroxides (MnFe) as
where m, is the mass of sorbent (e.g., in g); and, V, is the
sorbents for dissolved cadmium, copper, and lead;
volume of the solution (e.g., in L).
2) Determine the phase distributions in the presence and
The complex formation in solution is described as a
absence of NOM; and,
1: 1 metal/ligand interaction according to Eq. 3 :
3) Describe the equilibria by means of Freundlich iso-
therms. iv+ L &ML (3)
L is an independent functional group of NOM.
For the description of phase distribution equilibria in The different reactions in the heterogeneous system of
solid/liquid systems, isotherms according to Freundlich an aquifer can be expressed as shown in Fig. 1. The
and Langmuir, or distribution coefficients are suited complexity of the interactions of metals, ligands, and
(Stumm 1992). For aqueous systems, the Freundlich sites in a heterogeneous system is obvious.
approach is commonly used (Sontheimer et al. 1988). The kinetics of the adsorption of NOM on the mineral
The adsorption equilibrium between the adsorbed and phases can be calculated (Stumm 1992; Cosovic 1990).
dissolved part of the sorbate is described by Eq. 1: For the calculation of the adsorption isotherms, the
analysis developed for activated carbon adsorption was
q=K&’ (1) used (Frick and Sontheimer 1983; Johannsen and
where, Worth 1994). The method is applied to undefined
q is the amount of sorbate adsorbed on solid phase (e.g., mixtures (e.g., NOM) and uses fictitious components
umol/g); and, with different adsorption properties. It is based on the
K, is the Freundlich constant; the better the adsorption ideal adsorption solution theory (IAS-theory) (Radke
the higher the number. and Prausnitz 1972). The relative amount (initial con-
In the double logarithmic plot of q versus c, the centration) of the fictitious components and their two
isotherm is linear for n = 1; for n > 1 adsorption iso- Freundlich parameters (Kr and n) are varied until a
therms are called ‘unfavourable’ according to the low good fit with the experimental data is obtained. Nor-
load of the solid phase at low equilibrium concentra- mally only a few (e.g., 3) components are necessary and
tions in solution. The experimental determination of the a constant number for the Freundlich value n is selected.
isotherms can be done by using the initial concentration
(c,,)and the concentration remaining in the solution after EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
equilibration (c). According to Eq. 2, the amount of Mineralphases
adsorbed matter can be calculated:
Quartz (SiOd was obtained from Quarzwerke Freenen
as type F 32. According to the classification system of
q = 2 (co-c) (2) DIN 18123 (1983) it is a middle sand which has
practically no basic or other impurities. Sodium feldspar
(albite, NaAlSisO,) and potassium feldspar (orthoclase,
Influence of humic substances on aquatic adsorption of heavy metals on defined mineral phases 509

Table 1. Composition of mineral phases (main components), numbers as weight %, average values from x = 5 determinations.
L.O.I. = loss of ignition; n.m. = not measured.

Qz KFs NaFS Kaol Calc MnFe

SO, 98.3 66.0 68.8 57.7 1.00 4.73

0.13 18.4 18.8 28.6 0.32 7.01

Fe*03 0.06 0.30 0.13 0.18 0.71 18.4

TiO, 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.58 0.01 n.m.

K,O 0.01 11.6 2.45 3.76 0.38 1.52

Na& co.01 2.82 7.11 0.19 0.06 1.02

CaO 0.05 0.46 1.75 0.01 53.9 5.22

MgO 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.35 1.25

MnO, co.01 co.01 co.01 co.01 0.02 53.4

PA 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.01 n.m.

BaO 8.63

L.O.I. 0.2 0.2 0.30 0.09 42.3

W 5.2

sum 99.2 99.8 99.4 99.8 99.1 97.8

KAlSi,O,) were from SCR Sibelco (Antwerpen, fairly homogeneous chemical composition. The excep-
Netherlands) and had the size of middle and fine sand. tion was Mn/Fe-oxihydrate. A core of quartz-particles
Kaolinite (Al,(OI-I)@i,O,) was from Gebriider Dorfher (d ca. 0.5 mm) was coated with Mn(IV)- and Fe(III)-
GmbH & Co of the type Dorfner-Kaolin ZY. The hydroxide (ca. 120 pm).
particle size equals that of a clay-fraction. Calcite To increase the yield in the isotherm experiments,
(CaCO,) was from Mathis GmbH & Co, and its origin mineral phases (except MnFe) were ground which led
was a quarry of the Tuniberg near Freiburg. Manganese to specific surfaces of 670 (Qz), 940 (KFs), 750 (NaFs),
and iron oxihydrate was supplied by Stadtwerke 860 (Kaol), and 1250 (Calc) m2/kg.
Karlsruhe (water works Rheinwald) and originated from
a quartz sand filter which functioned for elimination of Solutions and chemicals
iron and manganese from raw water. The chemial
composition of kaolinite and calcite are given in Tables Experiments were performed with deionized water
1 and 2. Numbers are averaged from x = 5 deter- (dw) and synthetic water. The synthetic water had an
minations. Some characteristic properties of the solid ion balance similar to groundwater from calcite
phases are given in Table 3 (Hodel et al. 1995). dominated aquifers, with electric conductivity K (20°C)
Particle size distribution was obtained by dry sieving = 375 @/cm and ionic strength u = 5.18 mmol/L.
according to DIN 18 123. Most of the particles had a Concentration of Ca” was 0.76 mmol/L and of Mg2+
510 F.H. Frimmel and L. Huber

Table 2. Composition of mineral phases (trace elements), numbers in mgkg, average values from x = 5 determinations.
n.d.: < limit of detection.

Qz KFs NaFs Kaol Calc MnPe

Ni n.d. n.d. n.d. 8.26 9.97 26.0

CU 9.30 9.31 9.68 73.3 11.6 3.84

Zn 5.78 7.14 7.98 9.68 15.9 52.4

Pb 4.91 55.7 33.3 192 8.87 2.05

As n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 9.66 301

Sr 8.25 52.7 52.5 115 335 165

Zr 22.8 2.98 7.98 161 6.71 n.d.

Nb n.d. n.d. n.d. 16.8 n.d. n.d.

Th n.d. n.d. n.d. 16.7 n.d. 0.2

Rb n.d. 392 111 121 2.91 n.d.

Cd 0.02 n.d. 0.02 n.d. 0.04 0.53

Tl n.d. 0.71 0.25 n.d. 0.02 0.22

Bi 0.02 0.15 1.27 n.d. n.d. n.d.

co n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 26.0

The analytically determined concentrations of the trace metals show standard deviations of up to 10%.

Table 3. Characteristic properties of the mineral phases.

Properties Qz KFS NaFs Kaol talc MnEe

density, g/cm3 2.65 2.57 2.605 2.6 2.72 2.68

Co,, weight % 0.07 0.17 0.22 0.15 0.29

cation exchange capacity, 6.0 11 19 20 101 493


specific surface, m2/kg 9.2 16.5 12.6 860 6.5 63 000

average particle size 300 220 300 14 550 1300

(based on 50 % sample
ma=), Pm
Influence of humic substances on aquatic adsorption of heavy metals on defined mineral phases 511

0.4- ‘i
0.3 ! I I I I I I
0 100 200 300 400 s60 600 700
time [h]
Fig. 2 Kinetics of the adsorption of brown water NOM on the mineral phases calcite, kaolinite, sod iron/manganese oxihydrate.

was 0.31 mmol/L; pH (20°C) was 8.4. The water Reactions

was in thermodynamic equilibrium with respect to
Batch experiments were performed in PTFE bottles
CaCO,. In addition, water from a brown water lake
(volume V = 250 mL). First, 2 g (Qz, NaFs, KFs, Kaol),
(Hohlohsee, Black Forest) was used as source for
1.5 g (Calc), or 1 g (MnFe) of the mineral phases were
NOM in its original composition or diluted with dw.
defined metal concentrations (about 1 umol/L each)
The original brown water had an electric conductivity
and NOM (mostly 4.7 mg/L) for 2 d at 100 rpm.
K (20°C) = 48 @/cm. Concentrations of Ca*’ and
After this, samples were taken, filtered (0.45 pm
M$+ were 0.05 mmol/L; concentration of DQC was
membranes) and analysed. Most experiments were run
20 mg/L; A (254 nm) / DOC was 4 L/(mg - m); pH
five times. All experiments were performed at ambient
(20°C) was 4. The water was filtered through a
0.45 urn membrane filter (cellulose-nitrate, Sartorius)
after sampling. All chemicals used for pH adjustment RESULTS
and analytical purposes were of analytical grade
(puriss. p. a.). Selection of time scale
In multicomponent systems, equilibration time has to
Analytical methods be watched carefully. Metal adsorption is a relatively
Metal concentrations were determined with atomic fast process. Adsorption of NOM generally requires
absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled more time. Figure 2 shows the kinetics of DOC
plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) ac- adsorption on selected mineral phases. In the case of
cording to standardized methods (Fachgruppe Wasser- calcite and kaolinite, equilibrium is nearly reached after
chemie 1995). The detection limits were 0.1 ug/L a few days. Equilibration in the MnFe system takes
(Cd), 0.6 ug/L (Cu), and 0.6 ug/L (Pb). The con- longer. From a pragmatic view, 2 d was chosen as the
centrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) were reaction time for equilibration.
determined with a Carbon-analyzer (Dohrmann). The
detection limit was 0.2 mg/L. Standard deviations Stability of pH-values
for the methods were three times the detection Adsorption processes, especially those with metals,
limits. The pH-values were determined with a glass are strongly influenced by the proton concentration (pH-
electrode. values). Figure 3 shows the change of pH-value in the
512 F.H. Frimmel and L. Huber

7- [lb

1. initial pH

- 3.6
3- * 4.8
+ 6.5
* 7.3

2 1 I I I I I I I
0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80

m (solid) I V (solution) [g/L]

Fig. 3. Plot of pH-values of aqueous systems containing solutions with different initial pH-values and different kaolinite/solution ratios.

Table 4. Initial concentrations of NOM and Freundlich parameters for the fictitious components adsorbed on kaolinite.

Fraction KF n D°CO,i

(mg/g)-(wCY m@- %

non adsorbable 0 3.3 17.5

1 0.5 0.16 2.0 10.5
2 1.0 0.16 5.6 30.2
3 2.0 0.16 7.8 41.8

sum: 18.7 100

averaged error (Oh): 1.15

solution as a function of the relative amount of kaolinite Worth (1994). It was originally developed for the de-
as the solid phase. Kaolinite acts like a solid pH-buffer scription of NOM adsorption on activated carbon and
with a pK value around 4.6. As a consequence, the pH- is based on the assumption of fictitious components
value of heterogeneous phases will be significantly with different adsorbability given as Freundlich para-
dependant on the component with the highest buffer meters (I& n). Table 4 shows a set of data for the
capacity. fictitious components of brown water NOM which de-
The other mineral phases showed equilibrated pH- scribes the experimental results of its adsorption on
values of 5.8 f 0.2 for Qz, KFs, and NaFs; 8.6 f 0.1 for kaolinite.
calcite, and 7.2 f 0.2 for MnFe. The four components include a non-adsorbable frac-
tion (17.5% of DOC) and fractions with increasing
Adsorption isotherms for NOM afIinity to kaolinite. It turned out that a single value for
the Freundlich exponent n was well suited to match the
The adsorption of NOM onto mineral phases can be experimental data points with the model calculation
described according to the model of Johannsen and (Fig. 4).
Influence of humic substances on aquatic adsorption of heavy metals on defined mineral phases 513

pH = 3.6

Dilution 1:l

Isotherm for original brownwater

0.0 0 2 4I 6I I I I
8 10 12 1
Remaining concentration in solution (DOC mg/L)
Fig. 4. Adsorption isotherms (experimental data points and model calculation) for aquatic NOM on kaolinite.


1.6- .

8 1.2-
$.g 1.4-
d DH-values:
‘;; 0.8-
initial1 final
2 0.6- hY -3.7 1

= 7.6 1 93~0.07

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Remainingconcentrationin solution (DOC mg/L)

Fig.5. Adsorption of aquatic NOM on calcite starting from different initial pH-values.

Good agreement is obtained for the adsorption of NOM as the pH-value decreases. This is in good
NOM in the original brown water and in its dilutions agreement with observations from the adsorption of
(1: 1, 1:2, 1:3). Isotherms for the adsorption of aquatic humic substances on XAD-resins (Abbt-Braun and
NOM on calcite are given in Fig. 5. Even though there Frimmel 199 1).
was quite a difference in the initial pH-value of the The comparison of the isotherms for the NOM ad-
solutions, there is only a narrow range in the final sus- sorption on kaolinite, on calcite, and on the iron/ man-
pensions. Obviously there is an increase in the adsorbed ganese oxihydrate is given in Fig. 6.
514 F.H. Frimmel and L. Huber

Kaolinite (2 days)
DO&= 18.7 mg/L.

a, = 1250 m*/kg

s, = 63000 m*ikg
0.001 ! I I I I ‘ I I I I
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 1
Remaining concentration in solution (DOC mg/L)

Fig. 6. Adsorption isotherms(experimentaldata points and model calculations)for aquaticNOM on kaoliite, calcite, and iron/manganeseoxihydrate.

Table 5. Dissolved and adsorbed amounts of NOM in aqueous suspensions of selected mineral phases.
c,(DOC) = 20 mgIL; solid/solution-ratio m/v, = 20 a.

Solid phase DOCIDOC, DOC Load

% mg/L DOC mg/n DOC me/m2

Qz 100 19.4 0.00 0.00

NaFs 93 17.3 0.06 0.08

MnFe 41 8.5 0.61 0.01

Calc 20 3.7 0.72 0.57

Kaol 21 3.8 0.74 0.86

Note that theNOM load on mineral phases is based on NOM. A comparison of kaolinite and calcite shows that
their surface area. It has to be kept in mind that the pH- the lower pH-value ofthe kaolinite containing system is
values in the experiments were different according to the stimulating the adsorption ofNOM and obviously rules
buffer capacities of the mineral phases. For the Fe/Mn out the effect of the larger surface area of the calcite.
oxihydrate containing system, the reaction time was 40 d. The degree of adsorption of NOM on the different
This was according to the aim to reach thermodynamic mineral phases under comparable reaction conditions is
equilibrium (Fig. 2). Despite the long reaction time, there given in Table 5.
was relatively poor coverage of the surface area deter- There is a clear tendency for better adsorption from
mined via a nitrogen-adsorption-isotherm according to quartz to kaolin&e+if the load is given as mass ratio. The
the BET-method of Brunauer et al. (193 8). One might sequence is somewhat different on the basis of surface
assume that most of the determined surface is due to a area. Again the special role of the Fe&In-oxihydrate is
porous structure and cannot easily be reached by the obvious.
Influence of humic substances on aquatic adsorption of heavy metals on defined mineral phases 515


Dissolved concentration [pmol/L]

Dissolved concentration [pmol/L]

Fig. 7. Adsorption isotherms for the lead/calcite system in absence a) and presence b) of NOM (c,,(DOC) = 4.7 mg/L).

Metal adsorption reason for that may be seen in a partly irreversible

fixation of the metal in the calcite. This has to be kept in
An example of the influence of NOM on the ad- mind in case of a quantitative use of the data. The
sorption of heavy metals on mineral phases is given in discrepancy was also shown for the other systems but to
Fig. 7. a smaller extent. (More details are given in Hodel et. al.
The experiments were done in model water (ground- (1995).) Mineral phase specific effects can be deduced.
water type). The two lines in Fig. 7a show the isotherms Comparison of the isotherms for the lead adsorption
for the individual application of lead as a single metal in the presence and absence of NOM (Fig. 7: a, lower
(upper line) and for th e 1ea d application simultaneous line and b, upper line) proves the vehicle function of
with the other metals (lower line). The isotherms for the NOM for lead which remains in solution to a higher
lead adsorption on calcite simultaneously applied with extent if NOM is present.
the other metals and, in the presence of NOM (Fig. 7b), The simultaneous adsorption of the metals Cd, Pb,
show the numbers obtaitied from balance calculations and Cu on the different mineral phases is given in Table
according to Eq. 2 (uptier line), and the data points 6. The influence of the NOM on the phase distribution
gained from extractions of the sorbent (lower line). of the metals is given in Table. 7. The values of the
There was a smaller yield of the experimental extraction Freundlich parameters are only given for correlation
which led to an apparent smaller load of the calcite. The coefficients ? > 0.5 1. The K, values were calculated
516 F.H. Frimmel and L. Huber

Table 6. Freundlich isotherms for the simultaneous adsorption of cadmium, lead, and copper (c,, (each) = 1 urnoIL) on different
mineral phases; K, in (pmobkg) - (umo!/L)-“.

Solid Cd Pb cu

phase KF n 3 K, n rr K, n ?

QZ 6.0 1.8 0.95 140 1.8 0.98 150 1.4 0.99

KFs 22 1.9 0.89 170 1.2 0.98 71 1.2 0.81

NaFs 17 0.2 0.84 270 1.1 0.92 340 1.5 0.94

Kaol 42 1.8 0.96 350 0.8 0.87 1200 2.1 0.92

Calc 230 0.9 0.96 300 1.2 0.92 210 1.5 0.89

MnFe 220 1.0 0.87 0.51 400 1.6 0.83

Table 7. Freundlich isotherms for the adsorption of cadmium, lead, and copper (cO(each) = 1 pmol/L) on different mineral phases in the presence
of NOM (c,(DOC) = 4.7 mg/L); KF in (umolkg) * (umol/L)“.

Solid Cd Pb cu

phase KF n ? K, n 3 K, n rs

Qz 2100 6.5 0.98 390 8.0 0.98 730 23 0.93

KFs 680 3.7 0.98 800 5.6 0.99 0.51

NaPs 3700 7.4 0.94 220 4.3 0.91 140 17 0.86

Kaol 415 2.2 0.96 470 2.4 0.99 510 12 0.76

Calc 590 1.4 0.92 120 1.6 0.97 0.04

MnFe 1200 1.5 0.93 0.05 200 1.9 0.94

according to Eq. 1, using six data points for q in it is reasonable to work with the different model systems
pmol/kg and c in pmol/L. Note that the linearized iso- can vary significantly (e.g., pH, size distribution). This
therms are only valid for a fairly narrow concentration implies a limitation of the direct comparability of the
range which, for copper, for example, is 0.79 umol < results.
c(Cu) < 0.87 pmol. The values of n which are extremely Despite those pitfalls, the results show some general
high in case of copper can only partly be explained by trends. For copper, to a lesser extent, there is a mobili-
the kg-based loads. This shows clearly that an inter- zation effect caused by NOM. Cadmium is better ad-
pretation similar to the explanation of phase equilibria sorbed in the presence of NOM. This was also observed
of purely organic compounds cannot be done. Because in breakthrough experiments using columns filled with
of the empirical character of Freundlich isotherms and the mineral phases (Huber and Frimmell994). The ex-
the necessity to work in analytically manageable con- perimental results so far cannot be fully explained by
centration ranges, no general mechanistic information the stability of the metal/NOM-complexes which in-
can be derived. In addition, the conditions under which creases from Cd to Cu.
Influence of humic substances on aquatic adsorption of heavy metals on defined mineral phases 517

CONCLUSIONS Farley, K.J.; Dzombak, D.A.; Morel, F.M.M. A surface precipi-

tation model for the sorption of cations on metal oxides. J.
The work shows that under some precautions Colloid Interface Sci. 106: 226-242; 1985.
Freundlich isotherms are suited to describe the phase Frick, B.; Sontheimer, H. Adsorption equilibria in multisolute
distribution of metals also in the presence of NOM. mixtures of known and unknown composition. In: McGuire,
M.J.; Suffett, I.H., eds. Treatment of water by granular activated
From the isotherms of the different mineral phases, it is carbon. Advances in Chemistry Series 202. Washington, D.C.:
possible to deduce-at least for a limited concentration Am. Chem. Sot.; 1983.
range-the behaviour of the metals and their species in Gerth, J.; Brtimmer, G. Adsorption und Festlegung von Nickel,
aquifers if their mineral composition is known. The Zink und Cadmium durch Goethit (a-FeOOH) (Adsorption and
immobilization of nickel, zinc and cadmium by Goethite
results so far are in good agreement with most data
(cc-FeOOH)). Fres. Z. Anal. Chem. 316: 616-620; 1983.
which were obtained in other investigations. Hodel, M.; Huber, L.; Lehmann, M.; Lensing, H.J.; Herrling, B.;
Model calculations depend strongly on sound experi- Frimmel, F.H.; Puchelt, H. Quantitative Wechselwirkungen
mental data and results. Therefore, it is essential to zwischen Metallen und Mineralphasen unter Berticksichtigung
identify the key components for the system under in- des Einflusses nattirlicher organischer Wasserinhaltsstoffe und
Modellienmg des StoITtransports im Grundwasser (Quantitative
vestigation. In addition to the influences of pH, tem- interactions of metals and mineral phases with respect to the
perature, and ionic strength, competing reactions and influence of organic matter and transport modelling in aquifers).
their degree of reversibility have to be investigated. Veroffentlichung des Lehrstuhls fur Wasserchemie und der
There is no doubt about the fundamental role of NOM DVGW-Forschungsstelle am Engler-Bunte-Institut der Universi-
in the distribution, transport, and reactions of metals in tat Karlsruhe; 1995.
Huber, L.; Frimmel, F.H. Zum Transportverhalten von Cadmium,
aquifers. Due to the complicated structure of NOM, Blei und Kupfer in ausgewtilten mineralischen Phasen von
there is little hope for reliable mechanisms to describe Grundwasserleitem (Characterization of the transport of
the interaction with other parts of a groundwater system. cadmium, lead and copper in selected mineral phases from
Simple approaches like isotherms obtained from batch natural aquifers). Vom Wasser 83: 9-22; 1994.
Johannsen, K.; Worth, E. Eine mathematische Methode zur Durch-
experiments in addition to column experiments will help
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tions with greater prognostic power. 22(5): 225-230; 1994.
KoD, V. Zur Modellierung der Metalladsorption im natiirlichen
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werk (AZ: 4710,410S) and the experimental help of Brigitte Raue and natural sediment-groundwater systems). Habilitation; TU Berlin;
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