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A professional coffee taster

A. Whats your job?

I work for a coffee company, I’m a professional coffee taster

B. What skills do you have?

well, I have to be creative and I need a lot of concentration to identify the quality of the coffee, I
communicate coffee characteristics using accepted industry terminology

C. How did you get started a coffee taster?

My grandfather used to be a coffee lover so he decided to create his own business. I was still a
young went I started helping my grandfather. It became a family business, but I created my own
business at the age of 28.

D. Why do you want to change jobs?

My job is a good job is a high paid and very safe. However, it is pretty tired and a tittle stressful for
I’m ready for a change, I would like to work outdoor, I got a better opportunity with a better

Job counselor:

1. Supervisor of the coffee making process.

2. Teach other the cupping process
3. Build quality profiles

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