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Term: Hair Peg - third stage of hair development

Desiree A. Lumaban
• Dermal Papilla - main role in the regulation of hair
growth and formation.
HAIR TREATMENT • Hair Shaft - visible part of the hair that sticks out of the
INTRODUCTION: • Pre-germ - first stage of hair dev
• Hair follicles originates from an interaction between • Hair germ - second stage of hair dev
epidermal and dermal layers of the skin •
• Each hair follicle originates from an interaction
between epidermal and dermal layers of the skin. So
hair follicles are in a sheath of epidermal cells and
connective tissues which encloses the root of the hair.
• Term: Hair follicle - A shaft or opening on the surface of
the skin through which hair grows.

1. Cortex - flat cells which overlap in a roof-tile formation
with an intracellular content to bind them together
2. Two regions of cortex
• Paracortex - predominant
• Orthocortex - minority component
3. Paracortex - predominant Orthocortex - minority
• Eumelanin - brown to black coloration
• Pheomelanin - auburn tone

• Here is a picture of the layers of the skin, so if we could Now let’s proceed to the hair structure. Cortex is composed of
remember, again epidermis is the outer layer of the flat cells which overlap in a roof-tile formation with an
skin intracellular content to bind them together. Cuticle is the
• Dermis naman ang subcutaneous layer which serves outermost structure which surrounds the cortex, so si cuticle
as a cushion for the dermis and epidermis and protects in the inside of the hair shaft from damage. Each cell
subcutaneous tissue serves as an accessory has an outer membrane and contained within the membrane are
three distinct layers, the A-layer, the exocuticle and the
• There are 2 regions of cortex the paracortex and
1. Superficial dermis increase in number and grow
orthocortex. So Paracortex is predominant and the
cells are embedded in sulfur-rich matrix with chemical
2. Specialized fibroblasts which will become the dermal
crosslinkages where as Orthocortex cells is a minority
component and do not have this protection.
3. Keratin cells become the hair shaft.
4. Hair 'peg' migrates downwards to form the follicle with • Lastly is the 2 types of melanin. First is eumelanin -
swellings. gives us a brown to black coloration while pheomelanin
5. Hair follicle has one of the highest rates of cell division gives an auburn tone.
in the human body

In the next slide Specific cells from the superficial dermis ETHNIC HAIR STRUCTURE
increase in number and grow forward to form a 'peg'. Beneath Here we can see two pictures on the left side a woman with an
this are specialized fibroblasts which will become the dermal AfroCaribbean hair and on the right side we have a Caucasian
papilla. Epidermal cells adjacent to the dermal papilla will haired woman.
multiply and push a column of keratinizing cells towards the • Afro-Caribbean hair is a very tightly curled and has an
scalp surface, and these keratinizing cells becomes the hair elliptical transverse section when viewed under the
shaft. The hair 'peg' migrates downwards to form the follicle with microscope. So The amino acid content is similar to
swellings appearing as the column elongates. The hair follicle Caucasian hair pero ang distribution of the sulfur
has one of the highest rates of cell division in the human body amino acids differs, which gives rise to the curly 2
and makes considerable demands on energy to sustain such appearance. The non-uniform distribution of the
growth. disulfide bridges on one side of the hair fiber causes
the curliness. This gives rise to problems such as
difficulty in combing, dryness and brittleness, which in the alleviation of damage by certain hair cair
turn can lead to hair breakage. treatments.
• Reactions of sulfur amino acids - most interesting
GROWTH sulfur amino acid, cystine, may be reduced to general
thiol groups (—SH) by a number of reducing agents.
So these agents include e mercaptans such as
thioglycollic acid, alkali bisulfiteand certain phosphorus
derivatives [8] such as tertrakis (methylol)
phosphonium chloride (TMPC).
o Ammonium thioglycolate - is the most
important as it forms the basis of most
permanent waving processes and also many
Alkylation of thiol (SH) groups - Alkylation can be readily
accomplished with a wide range of alkylating agents. So for
example is the reaction of thiols with iodoacetic acid - meron
syang obvious application in the determination of the degree of
reduction of hair that has been treated with reducing agents.
• Anagen - active growth stage of hair. Lasts 3-6 years. • Lastly is Reactivity of “free” amino groups - Free'
• Telogen - resting stage. Lasts between 6-8 weeks. amino groups are those which do not participate in
• Catagen - transition stage where hair stops growing. either the continuous protein chain, or in the cross-
Lasts 2-3 weeks linking bonds formed between adjacent protein chains.
Amino groups can be made to enter into the formation
Typical growth rate for human hair is 0.3-0.5 mm per day. A of interprotein chain bonds by reaction with aldehydes,
healthy scalp (the top of the head extending from 2-3 cm above including formaldehyde.
the ear), supports something of the order of 100000 hair follicles.
• So in here we have the stages or cycles of hair growth: PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
the anagen, telogen, catagen. Anagen - is the active • Mechanical properties - Human scalp hair fibres have
growth stage of hair. Lasts between 3-6 years. Telogen diameters within the range 30-100 µm. (micromole ▪
- known as the resting stage. Lasts between 6-8 hardness similar to that of stainless steel ▪ breaking
weeks. Lastly is Catagen -which is the transition stage load of a typical hair is of the order of 100 g.
where hair stops growing. Lasts 2-3 weeks • Electrical properties - resistivity of hair is of the order
of 800 megohms, ▪ particularly high dielectric constant
HAIR CHEMISTRY of 8.3, similar to calcite ▪ Iso-electric point is
Let’s move on to the hair chemistry. Hair fibres are composed of approximately 5.
approximately 85% of the complex protein keratin, with some • Influence of water 3 ▪ 85-87% - large changes in water
7% of associated water. And we also have other principal content and physical properties of hair. ▪ Less than
constituents are lipids 3%, and pigment 2%. melanin, derived in 85% - water uptake occurs in the regain isotherm. ▪
biosynthesis from the amino acid tyrosine. There are also Greater than 85% - “solution region”
present trace amounts of many metals such as aluminium (Al), • Optical properties - refractive indices of hair
chromium (Cr), calcium (Ca), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), measured at a wavelength of 578 µm are 1.557 and
manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn), the last in a 1.540.
fairly high concentration of 22 mg per 10Og of hair
CHEMICAL HAIR REACTIVITY 1. The extreme anisotropy of the hair fibre is
Under the chemical hair reactivity we have: demonstrated by a number of its properties, e.g. the
• Alkali Hydrolysis- Hydrolysis by strong alkalis is less contrasting values for radial and longitudinal swelling.
complete than acid hydrolysis, in the sense that, as 2. Hardness measurements also give unexpectedly large
well as liberating individual amino acids. This is values, indicating the closeness of packing and
demonstrated by use of a colorimetric test, the biuret strength of the lateral bonding operative in the keratin
test, which works positively upon the alkali hydrolysate. molecule.
This test applies only where peptide linkages, are 3. The equally large values for the mechanical moduli,
present. e.g. Young's modulus and rigidity modulus can be
• Acid hydrolysis - acid hydrolysis of keratin, e.g. with attributed to the factors described in (2) above.
moderately strong hydrochloric acid,breaks down the 4. That strong thermal effects are met when hair is
protein into its constituent amino acids almost entirely. allowed to interact with water reflects the highly polar
So in here si Ruhemann’s Purple is used to detect and nature of the keratin chain segments and the generous
quantify proteins in their hydrolysates which is useful surface area available for adsorption of water.
in measuring the extent of damage of hair cuticle and
5. The magnitude of the volume swelling of hair in water • Chemical treatments, such as thioglycollate-based
is a consequence of the abundance of water-sensitive hair-waving and -straightening products, are used to
bonds between adjacent keratin chains. achieve permanent sets. (Ammonium thioglycolate is a
6. Hair has a high electrical resistivity and a fairly low chemical used to straighten hair. This chemical is much
dielectric constant. In practical terms these properties less damaging to the scalp and hair than others and is
relate well to the fact that it is easy to generate also much less smelly. Its function is to make follicles
electrostatic charges by brushing and combing. These more permeable and break up the disulfide bonds that
charges leak away only very slowly, giving rise to the make curls) Other keratin-reducing agents, as well as
hairdressing phenomenon of 'flyaway hair'. caustic lye products, fall into this category. The latter is
7. The refractive index of hair is high, making it difficult to almost exclusively used in straightening products for
enhance its gloss by depositing films of organic negroid hair (Negroid hair is generally commonly
polymers upon its surface. helical or spiral with different variations: Usually ganito
yung hair ng mga black people, yung super kulot).
8.4 “SET”: A UNIQUE PHYSICAL PROPERTY OF Basically, the products that cause a permanent set
KERATIN FIBRES introduce new chemical bonds into the hair structure,
• They enabled the development of a molecular model: particularly new disulfide bonds.
unstretched keratin chains are folded (corrugated),
whereas fully stretched keratin exists in a planar, • By replacing disulfide bonds with other covalent cross-
sheet-like form. These are referred to as alpha (half- linkages that cannot participate in the interchange, a
length) keratin and beta (1 in 1) keratin. Astbury viewed technically permanent set can be obtained. The
keratin chains as molecular 'springs,' which has always lanthionine bond and the lysinoalanine bond are two
been a good analogy. examples of mechanically stable cross-linkages.
• The fibre is said to have'set' in the stretched state. Set Lanthionine bond is a bond created when disulfide
can be defined quantitatively as follows. If the original bonds are broken by hydroxide chemical hair relaxers
length of the fiber is L and the extended length is after the relaxer is rinsed from the hair.
Length of fiber + δL, the set produced in the fiber is
δL/L. Because this set, like the beta state of keratin, is
intrinsically unstable, the set fibre will attempt to revert
to its original length, i.e. δL decreases with time. • Various constraints were imposed on hair-care product
Exposure to liquid water or its vapour accelerates this formulators during the 1990s. These can be divided
process, so after time t has passed, the excess length into three categories: performance-related,
will be δLt where δLt is environmental, and a growing concern for health
• This treatment can be directly applied to the set hazards.
achieved in single fibers. However, when testing hair 1. Those that use physical mechanisms, such as
products, it is more useful to apply the Micchelli and shampoos, conditioners, and hair sprays
Kohler method to tresses of hair made of many parallel 2. Those that cause chemical changes in the hair, such
hair fibers. These should weigh about 1g each and as permanent waving, hair-straightening preparations,
roughly correspond to a portion of a head of hair. Tress and permanent hair colorants.
is a long lock of a woman's hair. After the setting
treatment, the tresses are wound into spiral curls and CLASSIFICATION OF HAIR-CARE PRODUCTS
their lengths are measured at various intervals. Hair-care products may be classified into two groups:
Typically, to speed up the process, they are exposed to 1. Those that use physical mechanisms, such as
a high humidity environment throughout the test. shampoos, conditioners, and hair sprays.
2. Those that cause chemical changes in the hair, such
PERMANENTS AND TEMPORARY SET as permanent waving, hair-straightening preparations,
1. Water waving techniques are used to create a and permanent hair colorants.
temporary set, which is then treated with wave sets, • Hair-care products are designed to provide positive
hairsprays, and other products. benefits to the hair while eliminating or reducing
2. Chemical treatments such as thioglycollate-based hair- undesirable characteristics. Hair is an extremely
waving and -straightening products, are used to important aspect of one's appearance, but despite its
achieve permanent sets strength, it is susceptible to damage from weathering,
- Ammonium thioglycolate chemical attack, heat, and abrasion. Roughness and
• Water waving techniques are used to create a dryness are symptoms of poor hair care.
temporary set, which is then treated with wave sets,
hairsprays, and other products. Physical mechanisms, • Today's fashion, for example, is to dye hair. We must
as opposed to chemical mechanisms, are used in be cautious when deciding whether or not to color our
these treatments. Because of their nature, the set will hair because chemical-laden hair dyes can irritate your
last only a few days rather than weeks or months. scalp and cause hair thinning or loss in some people,
as well as long-term chemical changes in the hair shaft.

• Hair characteristics can be measured objectively in the
laboratory or through psychometric tests. In the latter,
human observers are used in a statistically designed
• The objective test data must be able to be correlated
with the consumer's perception. A hair attribute is a
feature that can be reliably assessed by the product
• Psychometric test
• Negative characteristics include dandruff (a scalp skin
disorder: common condition that causes the skin on the • Cetyl Trimethyl Ammonium Chloride (CTAC) – cationic
scalp to flake.) and hair greying. For the former, a wetting agent
shampoo containing an 'active ingredient' is preferred, - Key ingredient
and for the latter, a variety of hair colorants are - Emulsifier
recommended • Cetearyl alcohol- confers viscosity to the product
• Citric acid- helps lower pH levels Citric acid helps lower
CURRENT POST-SHAMPOO HAIR-CARE PRODUCTS the pH in many products, such as shampoo, that have
• One approach to developing new products is to link the much higher, more alkaline pH levels. This helps keep
ability of existing hair products to produce the desired hair at healthy pH levels
properties. Deficiencies can be compensated for, and • Other ingredients: o Panthenol- shown to give an
negative traits can be reduced or eliminated. increase in volume to the hair
• Instead of quoting highly detailed formulae, a building- o Dimethicone copolyol- improves wet
block formula for each type of product will be examined combability, reduces flyway and confers
first. Following that, an investigation will be conducted softness to the hair
to determine how the simplified formula can be o Hydrolysed proteins of vegetable origin –
modified to achieve the properties required by the humectants, providing body to the damaged
products. hair.
• Some formulae contain special additives that are Formula II- represents a more intensive conditioner.
thought to be effective at low concentrations.
Effectiveness is defined as bringing about significant
changes in product performance or introducing novel
properties, i.e. properties not previously associated
with that type of product. The range of silicon
compounds now available includes examples of such
additives, and Alexander has reviewed the use of many
of them in hair-care products. Unlike other proposed
raw materials, such as protein derivatives, these raw
materials are chemically well defined.

1. Smooth, tangle-free wet and dry combing. • Glycerin- acts as humectant. It attracts water to the
2. Reduction of static electricity generated by combing hair, thus conferring moisturizing benefit for dry,
and brushing dry hair, otherwise known as 'flyaway' permed or damaged hair.
hair. • Benzalkonium Chloride- foaming and cleansing agent.
3. Improved gloss or lustre. It can be also used as bactericidal agent at
4. Improved body or volume. concentrations up to 5%
5. Improved texture of chemically or heat damaged hair. • Cocamide MEA
- The rinse conditioner is applied to the hair after Formula III – hair conditioning mousse
shampooing and rinsing away the shampoo. - Represents essentially a styling product
The hair is towel-dried and then the conditioner
uniformly distributed through the hair. A few
minutes after application the treated hair is
rinsed with clean water and styled as desired.
(a) Formulation
Formula I – represents a traditional composition for this
category of product
• Polymer VC 713- have been developed to improve the • Setting lotions do not work by sticking hair fibres
condition of hair together, but by coating each hair fibre, creating
- the polymer provides superior greater interfibre friction and reducing moisture uptake,
holding power at low solids level, thus conferring greater control to the hair.
even in high humidity environments.
• Mulgofen ON 870 - used as low foaming emulsifier,
wetting agent, dispersant and detergent in Bath
products, Conditioners, Liquid Soap and etc.
• Cationic Emulsion – ex. CTAC which leads to smooth,
tangle-free combing and a reduction in 'flyaway' These
days, hair conditioning mousse is popular. This may be
because of the ease of application.
• The correct dosage can be selected merely by filling
the palm of the hand to varying degrees. For ex. size
of an egg, size of a gold ball and etc. directly from the
container. • The choice of polymer is important to ensure a flexible
• The mousse foam breaks down fairly rapidly on wet film is left on the hair which does not become sticky
hair, but not too quickly so as to prevent the user from under conditions of high humidity. The vinyl acetate
being able to control distribution copolymers have better water resistance than polyvinyl
pyrrolidone and give greater flexibility to hair.
EVALUATION OF CONDITIONERS • Vinyl acetate copolymers – gives greater flexibility to
1. Hair Test Swatches- can be assessed in-vitro to
determine their effect on combing. • Ethoxylated fatty alcohol- a non-ionic environmentally
- can be easily used in-vivo friendly surfactants primarily used in detergents,
2. Conditioner’s effect on static electrification of dry hair – personal care e.g. for shampoo, conditioners as well
can be assessed using a charge locator as used by as for textile and leather processing.
factory engineers.
- Valve voltmeter in which the grid is STYLING MOUSSE
connected to a probe. The greater • The above formula can be used as an aid to producing
the bias of the grid, the larger the roller curls or for blowdrying. Both processes involve
charges affecting the probe. applying the product to 'towel-dried' hair, but blow-
- Static hair occurs when your hair drying involves simultaneous use of heat and styling
builds up an electric charge, with brush or comb.
meaning it has gained some extra • Such products (the setting lotion and styling mousse)
electrons thanks to friction or a are very effecting in improving body, texture and
change in humidity. That makes the control of the hair mass
strands of your hair repel each other, • The difference from the setting lotion, or the feature of
leaving your hair frizzy and difficult this product is that it is discharged from its container by
to style. a mixture of butane and propane propellant
- Measurements can be in-vitro or in- • On release from the container, the propellant droplets
vivo 8 rapidly expand to form a characteristic foam
3. Gloss or lustre – can be quantified by scientific
instrument in-vitro
- Gloss measurements in-vivo are
more difficult since perception of
gloss takes account of both reflected
and scattered light.
4. Texture and Softness – may be evaluated in-vitro or in-
5. Control and Manageability- best assessed in-vivo

• Setting Lotion
• Application is to towel-dried hair with combing to
distribute the product evenly through the hair. The hair
is then set on curling rollers and dried. On removal of
the curling rollers the hair should be combed gently into STYLING GEL
the desired style. • Styling gel formulations are derived from setting lotions
• Traditional setting lotions are ethanol/water mixtures in by adding structure. They can be formulated in a
which polymeric materials have been dissolved.
variety of strengths as well as other attributes such as • When the droplets arrive on the hair most of the
'wet look', conditioning/moisturizing or 'shine'. propellant has been lost through evaporation. Take
• Dispersion of the carbomer is critical in this type of note that: The propellant is a gaseous compound which
formula. It should be added to the water/alchohol mix pushes the product out of the container and produces
slowly and carefully with high-speed shear to allow a spray.
lump-free dispersal. • The droplets are therefore quite concentrated polymer
• Carbomers - are thickening agents that help control the solutions and will react with the hair fibre in one of two
viscosity and flow of cosmetic products. They also help ways. This is dependent on surface energy, volatility
distribute and suspend insoluble solids into liquid, and and viscosity.
prevent the oil and liquid parts of a solution from • If they are not spread efficiently they will bind adjacent
separating. hair fibres by 'beads' of polymer. à spot welding
• Sodium hydroxide- is the last ingredient to be added. • Conversely, if they are less concentrated and less
This neutralizes the carbomer, thus producing the viscous, efficient spreading occurs and the hair mass
desired viscosity. is bound by seams of dried polymer. à seam welding
• Packaging is usually in tubes or pots and such • The former effect is known as 'spot welding' and the
products have greater appeal for the male user. latter as 'seam welding'
• Used sparingly they give texture and shape, but used • Ideal hairspray:
generously, stiff, spiky styles can be created. 1. has a relatively fine spray which is gentle enough
• Other ingredients which may be of benefit are: not to disturb the configuration of the hair.
- propylene glycol for a 'wet look', 2. It should give whole-head coverage quickly, thus
- silicone for gloss and condition, the spray pattern should be wide-angled.
- panthenol for condition and 3. Drying time should be relatively rapid.
moisturizing 4. The dried spray should not be tacky on the hair,
nor should it become tacky with exposure to high
humidity. Meaning, ang ideal hairspray it should
not produce any stickiness lalo na when exposed
to high humidity.
5. It should be easily removable by brushing or
shampooing. Because if not, 'buildup' will occur
and the hair becomes dull and coarse in texture.

a.) Hairspray formulations:

Picture of the two formulations
• Both formulae contain a hair-control polymer
which is neutralized with an amino alcohol, AMP,
to ensure that the spray residues can be removed
more easily during shampooing.
HAIRSPRAY • Dimethicone copolyol- a surfactant of the silicone
• Aerosol or Non-Aerosol packaging These terms refer glycol type, which confers superior combing
to the delivery system used for the hair spray 10 properties together with a softer, smoother texture
• Aerosol spray- conventionally formulated to provide to the hair
various strengths of hold from normal to maximum. • The main disadvantage of the pump-driven
• These terms refer to the delivery system used for the product is that a coarser, wetter spray is produced.
hair spray o Propellant o Valve Sa dalawang delivery system ng hairspray, the
o Actuators aerosol type is more recommended kasi it would
These are parts of an aerosol spray. We can make Profound give you a finer spray when applied correctly.
changes in performance by altering the dimensions of the Compared to the pump-driven na mag produce ng
chambers and orifices in the valve and the actuator chosen for wetter spray.
the product. For example, a finer spray could be obtained if the • Environmental considerations have led to the
actuator orifice was reduced, the expansion chamber enlarged evaluation of alternative propellants allowing
and diameter of the swirl chamber in the valve increased. formulators flexibility to create products containing
• The aerosol hairspray should be held at a distance of less volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
approx. 20cm from hair to allow satisfactory even • Environmental considerations à less volatile
coverage. organic compounds (VOCS)
Di natin pwede iapply si aerosol hairspray ng • DME (dimethyl ether) is a more polar propellant
masyadong malapit or masyado malayo because if than the hydrocarbons, and can be used with
that’s the case, the coverage wont be even. aqueous-based formula.
• Particle size is an important factor in achieving • If DME is to have consideration in a hairspray
satisfactory coverage without the potential for particle context, then the chosen resin must also be
inhalation. compatible with water.
• Disulfide bonds are bonds that give strength and
rigidity to the hair.
b.) Manufacture
• must be done in a flame-proof area with spark As we know in the structure of our hair, hair is made mostly of a
proof manufacturing equipment protein called keratin, which is also present in nails. In hair,
• A top-entry mixing vessel with a variable-speed keratin molecules are arranged in straight bundles. These
mixer is required. bundles are held together by disulphide bonds which give
1. The alcohol is added to the mixing vessel. strength to the hair.
2. The resin is added to the alcohol and mixed until all the
solid has dissolved. • Thioglycolic acid and Ammonia à Ammonium
3. The neutralizer is added to the mixing vessel and thioglycolate
mixed for approximately ten minutes. 11 • Ammonium thioglycolate is a chemical that breaks the
4. Dimethicone copolyol, perfume and any other additives disulfide bonds
are added and mixed until the product is homogeneous • By breaking and reforming these disulfide bonds, it
and clear. allow us to rearrange the wave pattern of the hair.
• Ammonium thioglycolate acts as a reducing agent in
HAIRDRESSING permanent waving formulations for hair treatment
Major categories:
1. Brilliantines ADVANTAGES
a.) Jelly • The viscous vehicle moderates the reaction rate of the
b.) Pomade thioglycolate with the hair
o Based on petrolatum, with mineral or vegetable oil, • In the emulsion form, the application of the product on
beeswax and silicones as possible additives to the hair is safer and more controllable.
o The newer formulae are lighter-textured due to the use • Perming formulation is Emulsion and oil-in-water ( o/w)
of vegetable wax and oil. type
o The major use it to add lustre while giving style • Formula X would normally require only one emulsifier
definition and reducing frizziness. which would be of a high HLB value.
c.) Liquid • HLB or hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) is the
o Based on vegetable or highly refined mineral oils balance of the size and strength of the hydrophilic and
o They induce gloss by coating the hair fibres in a very lipophilic moieties of a surfactant molecule.
thin film of oil and help to lubricate the scalp, preventing • HLB measures the affinity of the emulsifying agent for
dryness. water. 12
d.) Wax- composed of carnauba, ceresin or ozokerite
• Since our formulation uses two emulsifiers which is the
combined with mineral oil or lanalon to make the
sorbitan oleate (lipophilic) and polysorbate 40
formula pliable. When we say pliable, it means can be
(hydrophilic) and our formula for permanent hair
easily bent.
waving would normally require 1 emulsifying agent. We
will now solve for the effective combined HLB given by
2. Emulsions
the expression:
o Formula IX is representative, have some unique
• Effective combined HLB given by the expression:
properties, although this is a very traditional water-
in-oil emulsion type of formula.
• The HLB value of approximately 13 means that the
o Such an emulsion is quite stable until rubbed
combined effect of the two emulsifiers is equivalent to
briskly, when it breaks, giving rise to freed droplets
one of about 13.
of water.
• The HLB scale ranges from 0 to 20
o The water acts as a grooming aid and reduces
greasiness of the product. The higher fatty acids • HLB values greater than 10 are more hydrophilic and
in the beeswax are critical to the formula. thus better at stabilizing o/w emulsions.
o The paraffin wax is also an important constituent, • In contrast, emulsifiers with HLB values less than 10
but it is possible to replace this with are more hydrophobic and therefore better suited for
microcrystalline wax. w/o emulsions. Since our formula is oil-in-water
emulsion and ang combined HLB is 12.8, meaning,
3. Aerosol hair dressings effective sya and stabilized sya.
o Designed for male use and have a lower polymer 2. Neutralization or oxidation process which re-forms the
concentrations than their female counterpart bonds in different configuration.
o The inclusions of materials such as PEG 400 and • Neutralizer fixes hair in a new way. It is applied to the
PEG laurate will allow some re-groomability. hair follicles to define a new shape.
• Neutralizer reforms the disulfide bonds of the hair and
Permanent waving • Unlike curling your hair using hair, using these
2 stage process: products (perming formulation & neutralizer) breaks
1. There is a reduction or breaking of the disulfide bonds. down natural bonds in the hair and rearranges them to
form new bonds. In short, it is a permanent procedure dissolving of dermal lipids, from the skin, on contact with
that breaks the natural cell structure of your hair and defatting agents.) , therefore various post-conditioning
re-structures it. That is why a neutralizer is applied and treatments like silk secrets and etc. are available to lubricate the
used to rebond the structure of the hair, giving you the scalp, moisturize and add lustre to the hair.
desired texture and shape. • “Canerow” - The art of plaiting the hair close to the
scalp in a variety of patterns
To summarize the procedure in doing the permanent waving. • Before, natural oils such as coconut oil or shea butter
The first thing you will do is, you will wrap your hair in a perm were used to maintain scalp suppleness during the
rod, this perm rod will determine what size and what kind of curl teasing, stretching process as the hair is plaited.
or perm you want in your hair. After that, you will now start • Now, more modern hair pomade formulae are used
applying the perming formulation which contains an ammonium which are blends of waxes, oils and petroleum jelly.
thioglycolate to break the disulfide bonds that hold the natural
wave pattern of our hair. After the waving lotion has had time to
process and has been rinsed away and the rods have been
blotted to remove excess water, a neutralizer is applied. The
neutralizer is actually what reforms the disulfide bonds of the
hair and sets the new curl pattern. It is also the most potentially
damaging stage of the perming process and should always be
closely monitored. Once allowed to take effect, the neutralizer is
rinsed away, the rods are removed, and the hair is re-rinsed for
good measure, it can be styled as desired.

• Straightening changes the hair strands’ physical shape
through a chemical process
• The breaking and re-forming of bonds permanently
rearranges the internal protein structure.
2 stage process
1. Application of the relaxer
2. Applying a neutralizing shampoo

These are traditional hair-strengthening products:

a. Caustic-lye formulae - This contains 5-10% of sodium
hydroxide, which breaks the disulphide bonds. The hair
loosens up, causing the curls to disappear. Method of
1. Apply a regular shampoo followed by
combing in a petroleum jelly preparation.
2. Apply the caustic lye preparation working
quickly to keep processing time to a
3. Treat with neutralizing solution.
4. Treat the hair with a pomade if desired -
shampoo as necessary with a regular
b. Thioglycollate hair straighteners –
Same sa naga pa rebond tayo ng buhok sa mga salon,
the first thing that they will do is to wash and dry the
hair. After that, they will apply the straightening relaxer.
If na applyan na ng relaxer, you will wait for an hour to
process the relaxer. Then, pwede na sya i-rinse. After
rinsing, i-dry ito ulit using blower. If dry na ang buhok,
it will be straightened using hair iron 13 and after that
we can apply neutralizer. A neutralizer is used to re-
bond the structure of the hair, giving you the desired
texture and shape
• Both of this treatment must be followed by the
application of a neutralizer.

Post-conditioning treatments. The hair relaxer treatment has a

defatting action (when we say defatting, this is the chemical

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