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PEÑOLA,KRISTA BSBA-FM G1 NSTP 2 (11:00-12:00pm)

Assignment in NSTP

1. What is first aid kit?

-A first aid kit is a box, bag or pack that holds supplies used to treat minor injuries including cuts,
scrapes, burns, bruises, and sprains. More elaborate first aid kits can also include survival supplies, life-
saving emergency supplies or convenience items like bug sting wipes or cold & flu medicines.

2. The Qualities of a good first aider:

•Quick and prompt

A great first responder must be able to recognise when someone requires immediate assistance.

•Calm and in Command

From time to time, first responders are confronted with a range of emergency scenarios. You should be
able to maintain your ‘cool’ under pressure and be aware of the broader situation using this.

•Communication Expert

One of the most important abilities a First Aider should have, is the ability to communicate with the
victim/s in a high-pressure situation.

•Leadership Ability

You must know how to command a potentially volatile situation as a first responder on the site. During
an emergency, others, including co-workers and onlookers, may look to you for leadership.

•Understanding Your Limits

You must be able to recognise the limitations of your talents and expertise, as much as you want to
jump in and help with any emergency. Rather than attempting to do it alone, a certified first aider can
assess whether additional assistance is required.

•Prepare yourself

To assess dangers and confidently deliver first aid, the first aider needs good practical and hands-on

3. .What are the types of first aid?

A. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Those trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can help a victim of cardiac arrest to start
breathing again. CPR involves first checking the person’s airway is clear, then using rescue breathing and
chest compressions to maintain blood circulation.

B. Bleeding

It’s important to stop a wound from bleeding to prevent the loss of too much blood. You’ll need to be
able to identify the type of bleeding to determine its severity and know when the person needs medical

C. Burns

To treat a burn, you need to remove its source (whether that’s heat, a chemical, or electricity) and then
cool the affected area with running water for several minutes. Aloe vera and over-the-counter
medication are useful for minor burns, whereas major burns require immediate medical attention.

D. Choking

An obstruction leading to choking can cut off a person’s air supply and lead to unconsciousness or even
death. It’s important to recognize if someone is choking and needs help. Plus, you need to know what
procedure is appropriate to use. For instance, when a person is unable to cough or talk but is still
conscious, you should use the Heimlich maneuver; however, the appropriate first aid is different for
someone who is unconscious.

E. Broken Bones

You should always treat any injury to a limb, hand, or foot as if it were a broken bone to prevent further
damage. If it’s not an open fracture, the person is conscious, there is no heavy bleeding, and the skin
appears normal, add a cold pack to the injury. You should also create a splint with padding for a limb
injury, without trying to straighten the limb, before you head to the hospital. Broken bones related to
the spine, head, pelvis, hip, and thigh are more severe and require emergency treatment. You’ll need to
wait for an ambulance, as only a trained medical professional should move the injured person.

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