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Endangered species are the animals, birds or fishes which have a possibility

of going extinct in the near future. A species is called as endangered when

it’s population has declined between 50 and 70 percent.The average species
extinction in a year is about 200 to 2000.


There are various reasons for the endangerment of an animals which



Name : Mrithika . V . G

Topic : Humans and Other Species

Sub-topic: Endangered species

Question: How are animals facing endangerment?

Primary driver - Extinction of species

Secondary driver - Disruption of food cycle

Tertiary driver - The red list


 Hunting

 Invasive species

 Global warming

 Deforestation

 Loss of habitat

 Fur fashion

 Over fishing
And many more...

People have developed a habit of hunting for various types of animals as a
source of fun and competitiveness which has led to a decline in the population
of these animals. The tribes in the forest hunt animals to eat their flesh and to
make clothes out of their skin to protect themselves for the cold or hot
weather. Some uneducated people without a job with proper income to provide
for their family, hunt and kill animals to get money. An example for this is when
people kill elephants and rhinoceros for their tusks.

Invasive Species

An invasive species is a species which is taken out of it’s native habitat and is
introduced to a new environment. The species then rapidly multiplies because
the species is new and has no predators in the environment. The species then
get overpopulated which leads to the lack of resources for that and the other
species in that environment. Thus reducing the population of the native species
to that habitat. An example for this is the European Starling bird which was
introduced to North America and invaded the resources of other species and
became a common species there in North America.

Global Warming

Global warming is caused be the pollution made by burning fossil fuels, gas
emitted by vehicles, open burning of garbage waste etc... This causes the Earth
to warm down causing the glaciers in polar regions to melt causing the animals in
polar regions to loss their habitat and eventually become prey to the predators
in the water.


Deforestation is when people cut trees which ends in the loss of habitat. Some
of the reasons to cut trees is to sell them, burn them to fertilize the soil, use
them to make wooden sculptures etc... The selling of trees cut from the forest
is also called logging and is illegal to cut trees in the restricted places. The
tribes of the forest do agriculture to get food. The soil they do agriculture in
will get unfertilized after some time, so the tribe people burn trees in the soil
hoping the soil would get fertilized again so they can do farming. This process is
also called as slash and burn farming

Loss of Habitat

Loss of habitat is because of deforestation and glacier melting. When a species

loses its habitat, it has to go to another place and has to compete with other
animals for the place which results in death of the animal and causes decline in
In an average
People fish to about
get food200but
to overfishing
2000 animalsleads
are to
the endangerment
extinct every of year.
many In just
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others caused the endangerment of the pearl oyster.

These are some of the ways animals are facing endangerment through human
activity. Humans activities is one of the main reason for the endangerment of

Fur Fashion

Many mammals and other types of animals are killed to make designer clothing
with fur or animal skin. This is seen as a fashion so people get lots of money in
selling fur so lots of animals are hunted for their fur or skin. This due to an
human activity. Humans use this fur to make a clothing more fancier to tend to
make themselves look rich in front of others. A lot of animals are victims to
this and are killed which leads to the species getting endangered.

Over Fishing

Primary driver - Extinction of species

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