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If you could take a year off, what would you do?

There are hundreds of things people can do in the world every minute, but some of
us cannot do what they want to do because of the wrong allocation of time. So, if I
could take a year off and had a chance to do everything what comes to my mind
first, I would start with learning new languages, because it’s like a step to a new
world, to a new culture and people that I’ve never met before, thousands of
unknown stories, history facts and other fascinating things that can help to
broaden my mind. It’s a good way to reach the point of mutual understanding
among nations. The second thing, I would refresh my dancing skills. I haven’t
attended a dance club for 4 years and I really miss it. To slim down a bit for me
wouldn’t hurt. The third things would read more books and watch more films, and
that’s the things I would never change in my life. Watching a good film with a
family or friends in a Sunday evening with a lot of snacks, what can be better. The
fourth thing would challenge myself in a new sphere of work or try to find new
hobbies. Developing yourself as a personality is always for the best. So, it’s not
even a half of what I would prefer to do. I’m sure that there are more to try and to
do, but these are the main points.

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