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Lesson 6

Task 1

It is swimming. Yes, I do like this kind of sport.

Task 2

1. 3 races

2. 3.86km swim 180km cycle

3. 1900

Task 3

1. compete

2. competetive


4. competitor

Task 4

1. competitor

2. compete

3. competition

4. competitive

Task 5

In the 1st picture the people wear funny costumes and in the second they are in a swamp.

Task 6

Differen teams – the Idiotarod

Between two teams – the Mud Bowl Championship

Task 7

1. A

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. Both

6. B
Task 8

I would like to watch The Mud Bowl Championship but not to take part in it. Unfortunately in my
country we don’t have such crazy competition.

Task 9

1. race

2. players

3. teams

4. match

5. goals

6. line

7. winner

Task 10

1.marathon, car race or horse race

2. in volleyball there are 6 players

3. Dynamo Kyiv

4. goals- football, hockey

Points – basketball, volleyball

Task 11

A have to or must

B can

C don’t have to

D must not or can’t

Task 12

1. have to

2. must not

3. can

4. must

5. can

6. has to
7. don’t have to

Task 13

1. must

2. have to

3.can not

4. can

5. don’t have to

Task 14/15 Speaking говоріння

Task 16

1. mustn’t

2. don’t have to

3. must

4. must

5. both

6. don’t have to

Task 17

1. both

2. cant

3. mustn’t

4. cant

5. don’t have to

6. have to

Task 18

1. F

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. F

8. T

Task 19

1. surfing

2. oars

3. kneel

4. rowing

5. waves

6. athletic

Task 20

1.have to

2. can


4. must


6. have to

Task 21

1. competition

2. Winners

3. score

4. line

5. referee

6. team

7. rules

8. spectators

Task 22

2. The players don’t have to get a red card

3. The referee has to stop the match.

4.The players can’t use any special equipment.

5. The ball don’t have to go over the net.

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