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Task 1

1. X-rays photo is showing the inside of people, buildings, flowers objects

2. This photo was made by taking a series x-rays photographs and putting them together in one picture

3. I do not like this kind of photo

Task 2


3. reception

4. ground floor, stairs

5. lift, stairs

6. exit

7. canteen

8. basement

Task 3

Now I’m at home. I have a ground floor, the stair to the basement and corridor.

Task 4

On the first floor there is an office where the workers are working.

On the second floor there are people shaking hands, probably this is the meeting.

On the third floor there are the corridor and working room.

On the fourth floor, I guess this is a rest room.

Task 5

1. He’s calling from home

2. She is sitting on the first floor

3. The top drawer on the left

1. He is in the office to fix company’s photocopier

2. He is on the third floor

Task 6

1. at

2. on

3. next to
4. in

5. on the

6. at the

7. in

8. up

9. through

10. next to

Task 7

Place: 1,2,3,4

Movement: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Task 8

1. on

2. down

3. outside

4. at

5. past

6. between

7. along

8. across

Task 9

1. at

2. in

3. on

4. next to

5. through

6. up

7. into

8. down

Task 12
1. in

2. on

3. below

4. opposite

5. between

6. near

Task 13

1. out of

2. across

3. along

4. past

5. through

6. up

7. outside

Task 14

1. He’s an environmental cartoonist, and during the day he thinks about his next cartoon.

2. He starts work on the cartoons

3. He loves going outside and working in the garden.

Task 15

1. He became interested in the outside world in childhood

2. They design areas outside with trees and flowers.

3. It’s creative and highly-skilled job.

4. He plans a cartooning storyline

5. His wife helps him with ideas for the dialogues.

6. If he has lots of ideas, he will work till the morning

7. It has won a book award.

Task 16

1. down

2. in
3. opposite

4. on

5. next

6. across

7. through

8. up

Task 17

1. basement

2. entrance

3. lift

4. corridor

5. canteen

6. ground

7. opposite

8. exit

9. stairs

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