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9 Nutrition and gas exchange

in plants

Gunnera (large photograph) and Wolffia (small photograph)

Giant leaves vs mini leaves Think about…

1 Why are leaves usually flat and
There is a wide range of leaf size among plant species. The leaves
of Gunnera* can grow up to 3 m long while those of Wolffia* are
smaller than the head of a pin. Nevertheless, leaves are generally flat 2 What are the functions of
and thin, and their functions are basically the same.
(Answers on p. 20)
Watch more

Gunnera 大葉草 Wolffia 微萍 Acknowledgements and Important Notice:

All questions from the HKDSE, HKCEE and HKALE are reproduced by permission of the HKEAA.
Unauthorized use of the aforementioned questions in this electronic version is prohibited.
II Organisms and Environment

In Ch 6 and 7, we learnt about nutrition and gas exchange in humans. In

this chapter, we will learn how these two processes take place in plants.

Watch this to prepare for

9.1 Nutrition in plants
your class and answer the
questions. A Plants as autotrophs
Plants can make food (carbohydrates) from carbon dioxide and water
Video Questions using light energy by photosynthesis. During the process, oxygen is
released as a by-product. In photosynthesis, light energy is converted to
chemical energy in food.

Cross-link The light energy needed in photosynthesis is trapped by chlorophyll in

Photosynthesis involves a plants. Carbon dioxide is obtained from the air while water is obtained
series of chemical reactions.
This will be discussed in
from the soil (Fig 9.1). The word equation below shows the overall
Bk 3, Ch 20. process of photosynthesis.

light energy
carbon dioxide + water carbohydrates + oxygen

(released into air)
carbon dioxide
from air
carbon light energy
+ water carbohydrates + oxygen
dioxide chlorophyll

intermediates* proteins

water minerals
from soil from soil used to produce useful substances
such as enzymes and chlorophyll

Fig 9.1 Plants make food by photosynthesis

Plants can make other nutrients like proteins and lipids from the
intermediates of photosynthetic reactions. The production processes
require minerals absorbed from the soil. With these nutrients, various
useful substances such as enzymes and chlorophyll can be made.

intermediate 中間生成物

9– 2
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

As plants can make organic substances (e.g. carbohydrates) from

inorganic substances (e.g. carbon dioxide and water), they are described
The word ‘autotroph’ means as autotrophs*. This mode of nutrition is called autotrophic nutrition*.
‘self-feeding’ in Greek.

Importance of plants as autotrophs

Plants, as autotrophs, are producers* in the ecosystem*. Many organisms
depend on them directly or indirectly for food. That is, plants serve as the
basic food source for other organisms. Fig 9.2 shows an example.

cows depend on humans depend on plants directly when eating

plants directly vegetables OR indirectly when eating beef

Fig 9.2 Most organisms depend directly or indirectly on plants for food

Carnivorous plants
In addition to photosynthesis, some
plants feed on small animals (usually
insects) to obtain extra nutrients. They
are called carnivorous plants*. Venus
flytraps* are an example.
The Venus flytrap attracts insects with
its colour and scent. When an insect
touches the special hairs on its leaves,
the plant shuts to trap the insect and
Fig 9.3 Venus flytrap
then produces a liquid to digest it.

Watch how Venus flytraps catch insects at:

autotroph 自養生物 autotrophic nutrition 自養營養 carnivorous plant 食肉植物 ecosystem 生態系 producer 生產者
Venus flytrap 捕蠅草
9– 3
II Organisms and Environment

B Importance of minerals to plants

As discussed before, plants require minerals for making useful
substances like enzymes and chlorophyll. These minerals are absorbed
in the form of ions from the soil by roots. The elements provided by the
mineral ions can be divided into two groups:
1 Major elements* (or macronutrients*): Plants need them in
relatively large amounts. Examples include nitrogen, phosphorus,
potassium, magnesium, sulphur and calcium.
2 Trace elements* (or micronutrients*): Plants need them in very
small amounts. Examples include boron, copper and zinc.

Each of the elements serves particular functions in plants. Plants may

suffer from deficiency diseases if any of the elements are insufficient.
Below are some examples.

Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P)

Forms in soil absorbed by plants: Form in soil absorbed by plants:

Nitrate ions (NO3−) and ammonium ions (NH4+) Phosphate ions (PO43−)

Main functions: Main functions:

For the synthesis of amino acids, proteins, • For the synthesis of cell membranes, ATP
nucleic acids and chlorophyll (adenosine triphosphate) and nucleic acids
• Required in some enzymatic reactions
Deficiency symptoms:
• Poor growth Deficiency symptoms:
• Yellow leaves (known as chlorosis*) • Poor growth
• Leaves turn purple
• Roots poorly developed

nitrogen deficiency phosphorus deficiency

in rape* leaf in tomato leaf

chlorosis 萎黃病 macronutrient 主要營養素 major element 大量元素 micronutrient 微量營養素 rape 油菜
trace element 微量元素
9– 4
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

NPK values of fertilizers

Have you ever noticed that there are three numbers 10- 30 -20 30- 10 -10
on the packaging of fertilizers (Fig 9.4)? They are
NPK values which indicate the percentages (by
weight) of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in
the fertilizer. For example, a ‘10−30−20’ fertilizer
contains 10% nitrogen, 30% phosphorus and 20%
Different elements affect plant growth differently.
For example, nitrogen promotes leaf development
and phosphorus promotes flowering. Thus we
should read the NPK values carefully to choose the
Fig 9.4 Which fertilizer (A or B) promotes flowering of
fertilizer that meets the plant’s needs.

Potassium (K) Magnesium (Mg)

Form in soil absorbed by plants: Form in soil absorbed by plants:

Potassium ions (K+) Magnesium ions (Mg2+)

Main functions: Main functions:

• Promotes photosynthesis and transport in • For the synthesis of chlorophyll.
plants Magnesium forms part of the chlorophyll
• Required in some enzymatic reactions molecules

Deficiency symptoms: Deficiency symptoms:

• Poor growth • Poor growth
• Blackened leaf edges • Yellow leaves (chlorosis)

potassium deficiency magnesium deficiency

in potato leaf in rose leaf

9– 5
II Organisms and Environment

Investigation of the effects of different minerals on

9.1 plant growth

1 Label five conical flasks A to E. Put equal volumes of nutrient solutions into each of the
flasks as follows:
A: complete nutrient solution
B: nitrogen-deficient nutrient solution seedling
C: phosphorus-deficient nutrient solution (to supply
roots with cotton wool
D: potassium-deficient nutrient solution oxygen)
E: magnesium-deficient nutrient solution aluminium foil
(to stop light
2 Place three seedlings into each flask and set up the from entering
apparatus as shown. the flask so as
to prevent algal
3 Observe the appearance of the seedlings. Put the flasks in nutrient
bright light. Refill with fresh nutrient solutions every three solution
days. Observe the seedlings again after two weeks.

What are the independent variable, dependent variable and

? controlled variables in this experiment?

Results and discussion

The seedlings in flask A grow healthily while those in flasks B to E grow poorly. This shows that the
deficiency of an essential mineral will lead to poor growth in the seedlings.

Making a hydroponics system

Hydroponics* is a method of growing
plants in nutrient solutions rather than
in soil. The roots are immersed in an
aerated solution containing the correct
proportions of minerals. Studies found
that plants grown by this method have
a higher growth rate.
You can build a simple hydroponics
system at home. The following video nutrient
may help. solution
watch?v=BUpUfxqULXA Fig 9.5 Growing plants hydroponically

hydroponics 水耕法

9– 6
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

1 How do plants obtain food?

Plants are autotrophs. They make their own food by
2 What is the importance of plants as autotrophs?
They serve as the basic food source for other organisms.
3 What is the importance of the major elements, nitrogen, phosphorus,
potassium and magnesium, to plants? What happens to the plants if
any of them is insufficient?

Element Main function Deficiency symptom

Nitrogen • For the synthesis of amino • Poor growth

acids, proteins, nucleic acids • Yellow leaves
and chlorophyll (chlorosis)

Phosphorus • For the synthesis of cell • Poor growth

membranes, ATP and • Leaves turn purple
nucleic acids • Roots poorly
• Required in some enzymatic developed

Potassium • Promotes photosynthesis • Poor growth

and transport in plants • Blackened leaf edges
• Required in some enzymatic

Magnesium • For the synthesis of • Poor growth

chlorophyll • Yellow leaves

Level 1 Level 2
Questions 1 to 3: State whether the statements 4 Which of the following elements in plants
are true or false. are obtained from the soil?
1 Plants can produce organic food from (1) carbon
inorganic substances. p. 2 (2) nitrogen
(3) phosphorus
2 Fertilizers provide food for plants. p. 5
A (1) and (2) only
3 A deficiency of magnesium in plants will
B (1) and (3) only
result in yellow leaves because magnesium
is necessary for the synthesis of proteins. C (2) and (3) only
p. 5 D (1), (2) and (3) p. 4, 5

9– 7
II Organisms and Environment

12(IB)Q5, 14(IA)Q6–8, 9.2 Gas exchange in plants
Plants take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and oxygen for
respiration from the air. At the same time, they release oxygen and
carbon dioxide produced in photosynthesis and respiration respectively
into the air. In other words, plants exchange gases with the surrounding
air. In terrestrial plants, leaves are the main site of gas exchange.

A Structure of a leaf
Fig 9.6 shows the structure of a terrestrial dicotyledonous leaf.


upper epidermis*

palisade mesophyll*

vascular xylem*
bundle* phloem*

air space spongy mesophyll*

guard cell* lower epidermis*


Fig 9.6 Structure of a terrestrial dicotyledonous leaf

upper epidermis

palisade mesophyll

vascular bundle
spongy mesophyll
Flowering plants are classified
into monocotyledonous air space
plants* and dicotyledonous
lower epidermis
plants*. The details of these guard cells
plants will be discussed in
Bk 4, Ch 28. Fig 9.7 Photomicrograph of a terrestrial dicotyledonous leaf (T.S.) (×200)

cuticle 角質層 dicotyledonous plant 雙子葉植物 guard cell 保衞細胞 lower epidermis 下表皮
monocotyledonous plant 單子葉植物 palisade mesophyll 柵狀葉肉 phloem 韌皮部 spongy mesophyll 海綿葉肉 stoma 氣孔
9– 8 upper epidermis 上表皮 vascular bundle 維管束 xylem 木質部
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

epidermal cell 1 Epidermis, guard cells and stomata

(no chloroplasts)
• The epidermis is the outermost layer of cells covering the upper and
lower surfaces of the leaf. It protects the inner layers of cells.
• There are tiny pores called stomata (singular: stoma) in the
epidermis (Fig 9.8). The stomata allow gases to diffuse into and
out of the leaf.
• In most terrestrial dicotyledonous plants, there are more stomata in
the lower epidermis than in the upper epidermis.
• Each stoma is surrounded by two guard cells. The guard cells
guard cells
(contain chloroplasts) control the opening and closing of the stoma.
Fig 9.8 Surface view of a • Epidermal cells have no chloroplasts, except the guard cells.
leaf (×400)

2 Cuticle
The cuticle is mainly made • It is a thin waxy layer covering the upper and lower epidermis.
of cutin* produced by the
epidermal cells. Cutin is waxy • It prevents excessive water loss by evaporation from the leaf.
and water-repellent.

3 Mesophyll
• It is the internal tissue of the leaf. Its cells contain chloroplasts
for photosynthesis. There are two forms of mesophyll: palisade
mesophyll and spongy mesophyll. They differ in the following

Palisade mesophyll Spongy mesophyll

Arrangement The cells are cylindrical The cells are irregular in

of cells and closely packed. shape and loosely packed.

The air spaces among There are large air spaces

Air space
cells are narrow. among cells.

The cells contain many The cells contain fewer

chloroplasts. chloroplasts.

4 Vascular bundles
• Leaf veins are embedded in the mesophyll. They contain vascular

• Each vascular bundle has two types of tissues: xylem and phloem.
Animation 9.1
Xylem transports water and minerals. Phloem transports organic
nutrients (mainly sugars).

cutin 角質

9– 9
II Organisms and Environment

B Gas exchange in leaves of terrestrial plants

The following shows how gas exchange takes place in the leaf of a
terrestrial dicotyledonous plant.

Gases IN Gases OUT

3 Gases in these cells 1 Gases produced by

diffuse to the the cells diffuse to
neighbouring cells. the neighbouring
cells towards the air

2 Gases dissolve in
the water film on
the surfaces of 2 Gases diffuse to
mesophyll cells and the water film on
then diffuse into the the surfaces of
cells. mesophyll cells.

1 Gases from the

environment diffuse 3 Gases diffuse into
into the air space the air space and
through the stoma. diffuse out through
the stoma.

Structural adaptation of leaves for gas exchange

1 The whole leaf

• Leaves are broad and flat. They are also large in number in a plant.
These provide a large surface area for diffusion of gases.
• Leaves are thin. This shortens the distance of diffusion of gases
between the plant body and the atmosphere.

2 The internal structure of the leaf

• The spongy mesophyll cells are loosely packed. This provides a
large surface area for diffusion of gases.
• There are numerous air spaces among the spongy mesophyll cells.
This allows gases to diffuse freely.

• There is a water film on the surfaces of the mesophyll cells. This

allows gases to dissolve and then diffuse into or out of the cells.
• There are stomata in the epidermis. This allows gases to move into
and out of the leaves freely.
• Guard cells are present to control the opening and closing of
stomata. Therefore, the rate of gas exchange can be regulated.

9– 10
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

C Gas exchange in leaves of aquatic plants

1 Submerged plants
Submerged plants (e.g. seagrass, Hydrilla* and Elodea*) grow under
water. Their leaves do not have cuticle. As this barrier to diffusion
of gases is absent, gas exchange can take place over the leaf surface.
Cross-link Leaves of submerged plants are usually very thin and have few or no
The distribution of stomata stomata in the epidermis on both sides (Fig 9.10).
on leaves is an adaptation
to the environment. You
will learn more about this in
Ch 10.

Fig 9.9 Seagrass Fig 9.10 Leaf of seagrass (T.S) (×100); both
cuticle and stomata are absent

2 Floating plants
Leaves of floating plants (e.g. water lily) have stomata in the upper
Water and minerals diffuse epidermis only (Fig 9.12). The lower epidermis is not covered by cuticle.
into the leaves through the Gas exchange takes place mainly through the stomata in the upper
lower epidermis.


Fig 9.11 Water lily Fig 9.12 Leaf of water lily (T.S) (×150);
stomata are present in the upper
epidermis only

Elodea 伊樂藻 Hydrilla 黑藻

9– 11
II Organisms and Environment

D Gas exchange in stems

Gas exchange also takes place in stems:
• The stems of herbaceous plants have stomata for gas exchange.
• The stems of woody plants are covered by a layer of cork, which
is impermeable to gases. Gas exchange takes place through special
openings in the cork layer called lenticels (Fig 9.14). Unlike stomata,
lenticels cannot be closed or opened.
gas exchange takes
lenticel place through the


Fig 9.13 The bark of a tree Fig 9.14 Part of a woody stem (T.S.) (×100)
showing lenticels

Lenticels in fruits
Lenticels are also present in some fruits
like apples and pears (Fig 9.15). They
allow gases to move into and out of the
living tissues inside the fruits. However,
certain bacteria and fungi can penetrate
into the fruits through these openings
and cause infections. Fig 9.15 The tiny dots on the
root hair air space apples are lenticels
cell in soil

O2 CO2

E Gas exchange in roots

O2 CO2
Roots also carry out gas exchange. The surfaces of roots are not covered
by cuticle. Gas exchange can take place all over the surfaces. Oxygen
soil water soil particle in the air spaces in the soil diffuses into the root hair cells and reaches
Fig 9.16 Gas exchange in all the other cells of the roots. Carbon dioxide leaves the root cells by
roots diffusion in the opposite direction (Fig 9.16).

cork 木栓 lenticel 皮孔

9– 12
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

Holes in flower pots

Usually there is a hole at the bottom of flower pots (Fig 9.17). This
hole allows excess water in the soil to drain freely so that adequate air
is available for the roots of the plant. If the soil becomes waterlogged*,
the root cells may not get enough oxygen for respiration. Thus the
roots cannot absorb minerals by active transport effectively, causing
poor plant growth. Fig 9.17 Flower pots with holes

1 Where does gas exchange take place in plants?

In terrestrial plants, gas exchange takes place through:
• stomata on leaves and herbaceous stems,
• lenticels on woody stems,
• surface of roots.
In submerged leaves, there are no cuticle and stomata. Gas exchange takes place over the
leaf surface.
In floating leaves, there are stomata in the upper epidermis only. Gas exchange takes place
through these stomata.
2 How are leaves of terrestrial plants adapted for gas exchange?

Feature of leaf Adaptation

Leaves are broad and flat. There are These provide a large surface area for gas
Whole leaf

numerous leaves in a plant. exchange.

Leaves are thin. This shortens the diffusion distance of gases

between the plant body and the atmosphere.

Spongy mesophyll cells are loosely This provides a large surface area for gas
packed. exchange.

There are numerous air spaces among This allows gases to diffuse freely.
Internal structure of leaf

the spongy mesophyll cells.

There is a water film on the surfaces of This allows gases to dissolve and then diffuse
the mesophyll cells. into or out of the cells.

There are stomata in the epidermis. This allows gases to move into and out of
the leaves freely.

There are guard cells surrounding the This allows the rate of gas exchange to be
stomata. regulated by controlling the opening and
closing of stomata.

waterlogged 積水

9– 13
II Organisms and Environment

F Effect of light intensity on gas exchange

in plants
All organisms, including plants, need energy for body activities. The
energy is obtained from the breakdown of food in cells by respiration.
Respiration takes place all the time to release energy for use. During
respiration, oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is released.

In plants, the food used in respiration is made by photosynthesis using

light energy. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is consumed and oxygen
is released. The carbon dioxide needed can be obtained from respiration
while the oxygen released can be used in respiration. Unlike respiration,
photosynthesis takes place only in the presence of light.

As respiration takes place at a rather constant rate throughout the

day but the rate of photosynthesis varies with light intensity, the net
Animation 9.2
uptake and release of gases by a plant depends on the relative rates of
photosynthesis and respiration. The diagrams below show the details.

In the daytime, the rate of

photosynthesis is higher than that
of respiration. More carbon dioxide
is used in photosynthesis than is
CO2 O2 NET release released in respiration, and more
of O2

Photosynthesis oxygen is released in photosynthesis

than is used in respiration.
As a result, there is a net uptake of
CO2 O2 NET uptake
of CO2 carbon dioxide and a net release of

release energy
for use

At night, photosynthesis stops and

only respiration occurs. Oxygen is
used and carbon dioxide is released in
NET uptake
Photosynthesis respiration.
of O2
At night

As a result, there is a net uptake of

oxygen and a net release of carbon
CO2 O2 NET release dioxide.
Respiration of CO2

release energy
for use

9– 14
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

Fig 9.18 shows the exchange of carbon dioxide between a plant and the
atmosphere under different light intensities.

net uptake
of carbon
dioxide rate of photosynthesis
higher than rate of

A B C D rate of photosynthesis
net release lower than rate of
of carbon respiration

light intensity

Fig 9.18 Effect of light intensity on the exchange of carbon dioxide in a plant

Point Gas exchange in the plant

A In complete darkness, only respiration takes place. The plant takes

in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.

A−B Photosynthesis starts to take place when light intensity increases.

However, its rate is lower than that of respiration. Therefore there
is still a net release of carbon dioxide from the plant.

B At this point, the rate of photosynthesis equals the rate of

respiration. Therefore no NET exchange of gases occurs. This
point is called the compensation point.

B−C As the light intensity keeps increasing, the rate of photosynthesis

becomes higher than that of respiration. Therefore there is a net
uptake of carbon dioxide by the plant.

Cross-link C−D The net uptake of carbon dioxide reaches a maximum. It does not
The concept of limiting increase with increasing light intensity. This is because another
factors for photosynthesis factor (e.g. carbon dioxide concentration) limits the rate of
will be discussed in detail in
Bk 3, Ch 20.

No gas exchange takes place in plants at the compensation point.

No net gas exchange takes place in plants at the compensation point.

Gas exchange occurs in plants all the time.

compensation point 補償點

9– 15
II Organisms and Environment

Investigation of the effect of light intensity on gas

9.2 exchange in plants using hydrogencarbonate indicator

1 Set up the boiling tubes as shown below. Make sure the leaves do not
Practical 9.2
touch the indicator and there is no air leakage in the tubes.

control bright light dim light darkness

leaves of
10 cm3 size
hydrogencarbonate muslin aluminium
indicator foil


2 Leave the set-up under bright light for about five hours. Observe any
colour changes in the hydrogencarbonate indicator in each tube.

Results and discussion

Tube A It acts as a control. The hydrogencarbonate indicator remains red.

Tube B The hydrogencarbonate indicator changes from red to purple. This shows that
(bright light) there is a decrease in carbon dioxide content in the tube.

Under bright light, the rate of photosynthesis is higher than that of respiration.
This results in a net uptake of carbon dioxide by the leaf.

Tube C The hydrogencarbonate indicator remains red. This shows that there is no
(dim light) significant change in the carbon dioxide content in the tube.

Under dim light, the rate of photosynthesis is more or less the same as that of
respiration. There is no net uptake or release of carbon dioxide by the leaf.

Tube D The hydrogencarbonate indicator changes from red to yellow. This shows that
(darkness) there is an increase in carbon dioxide content in the tube.

In the dark, only respiration occurs. This results in a net release of carbon
dioxide by the leaf.

9– 16
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

Design an investigation of the effect of light intensity

9.3 on gas exchange in plants using a data logger

With reference to Practical 9.2, design and carry out an investigation to study
Practical 9.3
the effect of light intensity on gas exchange in a plant using a data logger*.
Write a full report of your investigation.
Note: A data logger with a carbon dioxide sensor data logger with
or an oxygen sensor can be used to measure and carbon dioxide
or oxygen sensor
record the changes in carbon dioxide or oxygen
content in the air around a plant. Some data

loggers can be connected to a tablet computer,

Co2 concentration (ppm)


which displays the data collected in the form of a


graph directly.

signal to
–0.8 0 0.8 1.6 2.4 1.3.2 4.0 4.8 5.6 6.4 7.2 8.0 8.8 9.6
Time (min)

tablet computer
Materials and apparatus computer

The materials and apparatus you need will depend

on the design of your investigation. You may
choose from the following: leaf

data logger interface 1 beaker (250 cm3) 1

carbon dioxide sensor 1 stopper 1
oxygen sensor 1 bench lamp 1
tablet computer with interfacing aluminium foil
software installed 1 muslin
conical flask 1 freshly-picked leaves

What is the effect of light intensity on gas exchange in plants?

Light intensity Relative rates of photosynthesis and respiration Net gas exchange

No light Only respiration takes place. • Net uptake of oxygen

• Net release of carbon
Low light Rate of photosynthesis is lower than rate of
intensity respiration

At compensation Rate of photosynthesis equals rate of respiration • No net gas exchange


High light Rate of photosynthesis is higher than rate of • Net uptake of carbon
intensity respiration dioxide
• Net release of oxygen

data logger 數據收集儀

9– 17
II Organisms and Environment

Learning through examples Skill builder Skill practice

The graph below shows the exchange of carbon dioxide of a plant on a particular day.

area A
rate of carbon
dioxide uptake 2
(mg h–1)

area B area B

time of the day

2400 0600 1200 1800 2400 (hour)
midnight sunrise noon sunset midnight

a During which period did the plant carry out the processes below?
i Photosynthesis (1 mark)
ii Respiration (1 mark)
b When was there no net exchange of gases between the plant and the atmosphere? (2 marks)
c Calculate the highest rate of photosynthesis of the plant in terms of the rate of carbon
dioxide uptake. Show your workings. (2 marks)
d In the above graph, area A is usually larger than area B for a healthy plant. Why? (4 marks)

Suggested answers

a i 0600–2000 1 Photosynthesis also

occurred during 0600–
ii All the time 1
0700 and 1900–2000
b 0700 and 1900 2 though its rate was
lower than the rate of
c Highest rate of photosynthesis respiration.
= (6 + 2) mg h−1 1
= 8 mg h−1 1
d Area A represents the amount of food produced by photosynthesis Calculating the rate
of the plant. 1 of photosynthesis
Refer to p. 19.
Area B represents the amount of food consumed by respiration. 1
For a healthy plant, the amount of food production should be
greater than that of food consumption so that there is a net gain
in food production 1
for providing energy for different activities of the plant. 1

9– 18
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

Learning through examples Skill builder Skill practice

Calculating the rate of photosynthesis

The rate of photosynthesis is usually expressed in terms of a quantity related to photosynthesis such
as the rate of carbon dioxide uptake, the rate of oxygen production or the rate of production of
When we calculate the rate of photosynthesis from a graph showing the rate of carbon dioxide
uptake of a plant (like the graph on p. 18), the release of carbon dioxide by respiration should
also be taken into account. In the calculation, the rate of respiration of the plant is assumed to
be constant throughout the day.

6 When calculating the rate of

photosynthesis, the carbon dioxide
released by respiration should also
4 be taken into account.

Highest rate of photosynthesis

rate of carbon = 6 + 2 mg h–1
dioxide uptake 2 = 8 mg h–1
(mg h–1)
Remember to
0 write the unit!
As only respiration takes
place in the dark, the rate
of respiration is –2 mg h–1.

time of the day

2400 0600 1200 1800 2400
midnight sunrise noon sunset midnight

Learning through examples Skill builder Skill practice

The graph on the right shows the rate of

oxygen uptake of a plant on one day. 4
rate of oxygen uptake

What is the rate of photosynthesis of the 2

(arbitrary unit)

plant at 12 hour in terms of the rate of

oxygen uptake? (2 marks) time of the
day (hour)
4 8 12 16 20 24


Q18 (p. 25)

9– 19
II Organisms and Environment

Level 1 Level 2
Questions 1 and 2: State whether the 4 The graph below shows the rate of carbon
statements are true or false. dioxide uptake in a plant under different
light intensities.
1 Gas exchange does not take place in a
woody stem. p. 12

rate of carbon dioxide uptake

2 In a green plant, photosynthesis takes place
in the daytime and respiration takes place 3

(arbitrary unit)
at night only. p. 14 2

3 Which of the following features of the 1

leaf enable it to carry out gas exchange 0
efficiently? 1 2 3 4 5 6
–1 light intensity (arbitrary unit)
(1) There are numerous air spaces among
spongy mesophyll cells.
(2) There are stomata in the epidermis of Which of the following can be deduced
the leaf. from the graph?
(3) The epidermis is covered by a cuticle. (1) No gas exchange occurs at 1 unit of
A (1) and (2) only light intensity.
B (1) and (3) only (2) The rate of photosynthesis is higher
C (2) and (3) only than that of respiration at 3 units of
D (1), (2) and (3) p. 10 light intensity.
(3) There is a net uptake of oxygen by the
plant in the dark.
A (1) only B (2) only
C (1) and (3) only D (2) and (3) only
p. 15

Recall Think about... (p. 1)

1 Being flat and thin can provide a large surface area for gas exchange and
absorbing sunlight. This also allows gases and sunlight to reach leaf cells easily.
2 Leaves serve many functions in plants. For example, they carry out
photosynthesis to make food, and undergo gas exchange to obtain carbon
dioxide for photosynthesis and oxygen for respiration.

Suggested answers to ?
p. 6 Independent variable: type of mineral
Dependent variable: whether the seedlings grow healthily
Controlled variables: volume of nutrient solution, temperature, light
supply to seedlings, etc.

9– 20
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

Key terms
1 autotroph 自養生物 9 light intensity 光強度
2 autotrophic nutrition 自養營養 10 major element 大量元素
3 compensation point 補償點 11 palisade mesophyll 柵狀葉肉
4 cork 木栓 12 producer 生產者
5 cuticle 角質層 13 spongy mesophyll 海綿葉肉
6 epidermis 表皮 14 stoma (plural: stomata) 氣孔
7 guard cell 保衞細胞 15 trace element 微量元素
8 lenticel 皮孔 16 vascular bundle 維管束

Concept map


are need to absorb exchange

autotrophs minerals water gases

make in terrestrial plants,

from occurs through

food soil
stomata lenticels root surface
present on present on
photosynthesis leaves and
elements woody stems
such as herbaceous

nitrogen phosphorus potassium magnesium

9– 21
II Organisms and Environment

CE Bio 2011 II Q50–52

Exercise Directions: Questions 4 to 6 refer to the following
experimental set-up, used for studying the effect of
Section 9.1 magnesium deficiency on the growth of the young
Level 1
MC young seedling
air in
1 Which of the following is not a symptom of
phosphorus deficiency in plants? cotton wool

A poor growth
B purple leaves aluminium foil
C blackened leaf edges conical
D poor root development p. 4 flask solution X
(containing all the essential
minerals for plant growth,
2 Complete the following paragraph with suitable except magnesium)
words selected from below. (5 marks)
4 Young seedlings should be used for this
autotrophs heterotrophs chemical
experiment because
light carbon dioxide oxygen
nitrogen phosphate minerals A their roots can be put into the set-up
Plants are (a) . They can make B their roots grow very quickly.
their own food from (b) C they increase in height quickly.
and water using (c) energy D they have little stored minerals. p. 6

by photosynthesis. During this process, MC

5 A control set-up is needed for this experiment.
(d)  is released as a by-product.
The control set-up should be the same as the
Plants can also make other nutrients like experimental set-up except that in the control
proteins and lipids from the intermediates set-up,
of photosynthetic reactions. The production A seedlings are not used.
processes require (e) absorbed B solution X is replaced with distilled water.
C solution X is replaced with distilled water
from the soil. p. 2, 3
with magnesium added.
D solution X is replaced with a solution
Level 2 containing all the essential minerals for
3 CE Bio 2005 II Q43 plant growth. p. 6
A student found that the leaves of a plant
6 The seedlings show a yellowing of the leaves
growing in the laboratory had turned yellow.
after one week. This is because magnesium is
Which of the following is the least probable
essential for
explanation for this observation?
A stimulating cell division.
A shortage of nitrate in the soil
B the synthesis of proteins.
B shortage of magnesium in the soil
C the synthesis of chlorophyll.
C insufficient light supply to the plant
D the formation of root hair cells. p. 5
D insufficient carbon dioxide supply to the
plant p. 4, 5

9– 22
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

7 The graph below shows the contents of three
minerals in four plants (W, X, Y and Z). The
Section 9.2
plants are growing in the same environment.
Level 1
Key: nitrate ion MC
potassium ion 9 The table below shows the density of stomata
magnesium ion in the upper and lower epidermis of four plants
mineral content
(arbitrary unit)

(W, X, Y and Z).

Density of stomata
(number of stomata per cm2)

Upper epidermis Lower epidermis

W X Y Z plant
W 0 24 000
Which plant probably has the highest
concentration of chlorophyll? X 2300 2200
A W B X Y 9000 0
C Y D Z p. 5
Z 10 11
8 A farmer planned to grow crops in three fields
(X, Y and Z). To find out whether the fields Which plant is most likely a floating plant?
contained enough nitrate for the crops, the A W
farmer divided each of the fields into two equal B X
parts. Extra nitrate was applied to one of the C Y
parts. Then he grew crops in both parts and D Z p. 11
harvested the crops after three months. The
graph below shows the crop yield in the three 10 For each plant cell type listed in column 1,
fields. select from column 2 one statement that
matches it. Put the appropriate letter in the
space provided. (3 marks)
crop yield

Column 1 Column 2
Guard cells A They allow gases
Palisade to diffuse in and
mesophyll cells out of the leaf.

Spongy B They control the

mesophyll cells size of stomata.
Key: field part with extra nitrate
field part without extra nitrate
C There are many
air spaces among
a Which field contained enough nitrate for the cells.
the crops before applying extra nitrate?
D They are closely
Explain your answer. (3 marks)
b Describe and explain the result in field Y. p. 8, 9
(3 marks)
c After harvesting the crops, the farmer
found that the amount of nitrate in the
fields had decreased. Explain why. (1 mark)
p. 2, 4

9– 23
II Organisms and Environment

11 A student used the set-up below to investigate 13 The rate obtained was lower than the actual
the effect of light intensity on the gas exchange rate of photosynthesis of the plant. Which of
of leaves. the following is the most probable reason for
X Y Z this?
A The plant also carried out respiration
during the study.
green leaf
B The plant also carried out transpiration
wire gauze
during the study.
hydrogencarbonate C The air temperature might have increased
during the study.
black paper muslin
D The atmospheric pressure might have
a Suggest a control set-up for this decreased during the study.
experiment. (1 mark) p. 15
b The test tubes were sealed completely MC
14 Which of the following set-ups can be used as
during the experiment. Explain why.
a control for the above study to find out the
(1 mark)
actual rate of photosynthesis?
c State the colour of the hydrogencarbonate
indicator in the following test tubes after
three hours. Briefly explain your answer.
i Test tube Y (3 marks)
ii Test tube Z (3 marks)
p. 16
Level 2
light proof box
DSE Bio 2014 IA Q6–8
Directions: Questions 12 to 14 refer to the diagram
below, which shows a set-up used to determine
the rate of photosynthesis of a green plant. During
the study, the position of the plunger remained
unchanged. chemical X

bell jar graduated pot

0 tube
green plant 0.5
chemical X coloured
that maintains water
the carbon
dioxide level initial reading = 0.1 mL chemical X
reading after 30 minutes = 0.4 mL
12 Based on the results, what was the rate of
photosynthesis of this plant?
A 0.6 mL oxygen released per hour
B 0.3 mL oxygen released per hour
C 0.6 mL carbon dioxide absorbed per hour chemical that
absorbs oxygen
D 0.3 mL carbon dioxide absorbed per hour
p. 15, 19 p. 19

9– 24
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

15 DSE Bio Practice Paper IA Q33 17 CE Bio 2011 II Q20
The photograph below shows the cross section The diagram below shows a diagrammatic
of a leaf: representation of the root and the leaf of a
1 (1)


There is a gas released by the leaf when it is Which of the labelled arrows in the diagram
placed in darkness. From which of the labelled show(s) the direction of oxygen diffusion
cells is this gas released? between the plant and the surrounding at
A 1 and 2 only midnight?
B 1 and 4 only A (2) only B (3) only
C 2 and 3 only C (1) and (3) only D (2) and (3) only
D 1, 3 and 4 only p. 8, 9, 14 p. 10, 12, 14
16 DSE Bio Sample Paper IA Q8 18 The graph below shows the rates of oxygen
The graph below shows the exchange of release of two plants (P and Q) of the same
carbon dioxide between a green plant and the species under different light intensities. Plant
atmosphere under different light intensities: P was grown in a complete nutrient solution
while plant Q was grown in a magnesium-
net uptake 3 deficient nutrient solution.
of carbon 2
(arbitrary 1 light Plant P
unit) intensity
rate of oxygen release

net release 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 (arbitrary 3
(arbitrary unit)

of carbon 1 unit)
Plant Q
dioxide 2
(arbitrary 2
unit) 3 light
Which of the following can be deduced from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
the graph?
(1) At 1 unit of light intensity, only respiration –2
occurs. a Calculate the actual rate of oxygen release
(2) At 2 units of light intensity, no net of plant P at 5 units of light intensity.
photosynthesis occurs. What assumption is made during the
(3) At 7 units of light intensity, the rate of calculation? (2 marks)
photosynthesis is higher than the rate of b Determine the compensation point of plant
respiration. P in terms of light intensity. Explain your
A (1) and (2) only answer. (3 marks)
B (1) and (3) only c The rate of oxygen release of plant Q is
C (2) and (3) only different from that of plant P at 5 units of
D (1), (2) and (3) p. 15 light intensity. Describe and explain such
difference. (3 marks)
p. 10, 12, 15

9– 25
II Organisms and Environment

19 The photomicrograph below shows the cross c The area below the line showing the
section of a dicotyledonous leaf. oxygen production rate is usually greater
than the area below the line showing the
carbon dioxide production rate. Explain the
tissue P importance of this observation. Hint (p. 26)
(4 marks)
p. 15, 18

tissue Q DSE Bio 2016 IB Q11

9 Gas exchange in organisms relies very much
(×90) on diffusion. To be an effective organ for gas
exchange, the leaves in plants and the lungs
a Name tissues P and Q. (2 marks)
in humans share some common principles in
b Describe how carbon dioxide from the
their structural adaptations. Discuss how their
environment reaches the cells of tissue P.
structures are adapted to fulfil these common
(3 marks)
principles. Despite these similarities, explain
c With reference to the photomicrograph, why the operation of the breathing system in
describe two structural features of tissue Q human is more effective. (11 marks)
that enable it to carry out gas exchange p. 8–10
efficiently. (2 marks)
p. 8–10 Hint
Q20 For a plant to grow healthily, the amount
Level 3 of food produced must be larger than the
amount of food consumed.
20 DSE Bio 2012 IB Q5
The graph below shows the oxygen production
rate and carbon dioxide production rate of a
local plant on a summer day:
rate of gas production

(arbitrary unit)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
time of a day (hour)

a State the times at which there is no net

exchange of gases into or out of the leaves.
(1 mark)
b Sketch a line on the above graph to show
the oxygen production rate of the plant on
a winter day. (2 marks)

9– 26
9 Nutrition and gas exchange in plants

Reading to learn
Read the article below and answer the questions.

Green walls
Green walls (also known as vertical gardens) have become popular in recent years. They are
commonly found outdoors such as in parks and on outer walls of buildings, as well as indoors such
as in shopping malls and hotel lobbies. A green wall is a vertical structure that has different types of
plants growing on it (Fig 9.19). Besides for decoration, it is believed that green walls can help purify air
and save energy on air conditioning by shielding the buildings from direct sunlight.

water is pumped to
the top and falls down

plant tray

water is drained
to the bottom

irrigation tank
(water with
nutrients added) pump

Fig 9.19 An outdoor green wall Fig 9.20 Simplified diagram of the hydroponics
system in a green wall

Plants on green walls are usually grown using hydroponics (Fig 9.20). There is an irrigation tank
underneath the green wall. Water with added nutrients is pumped to the top. It then flows from tray to
tray to the bottom. Excess water in the trays is allowed to drain freely. To ensure there is an adequate
water supply to the plants, the irrigation tank has to be regularly refilled manually.

1 Suggest how the green wall helps ‘purify’ air. (1 mark)
2 Give two nutrients that should be added to the water for irrigating the plants on the green wall. (2 marks)
3 Devise a method to remind people to refill the irrigation tank when the water inside nearly runs out.
(3 marks)

9– 27
Self test Time allowed: 15 minutes Total: 10 marks

Section A (1 mark each)

1 Which of the following substance(s) is/are 2 A woman put some potted plants in her
absorbed by the roots of a plant? bedroom. At night, the oxygen concentration
(1) oxygen in the bedroom
(2) nitrate A decreases as the plants carry out respiration
(3) carbon dioxide only.
A (2) only B decreases as the plants use more energy.
B (1) and (2) only C increases as photosynthesis occurs in the
C (1) and (3) only plants.
D (1), (2) and (3) D increases as the stomata of the plants are

Section B (8 marks)
3 The photomicrographs below show the sections of a plant leaf and a human lung.
cross section of a leaf cross section of a lung

(×100) (×40)

a With reference to the photomicrographs, suggest two common features of the leaf and the
lung that facilitate gas exchange. (4 marks)
b In the leaf, the composition of air in the air spaces in the daytime and at night is different.
Explain why there is such a difference. (3 marks)
c ‘Gas exchange in the lung is more efficient than that of the leaf.’ Suggest one piece of evidence
from the photomicrographs to support this statement. (1 mark)

9– 28

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