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Lucia: Hi, I’m Lucia. What’s your names?

Gabriela: My name is Gabriela.

Lucia: Sorry, what do you say it? can you spell it?
Gabriela: G-A-B-R-I-E-L-A
Ivanna: I´m Ivanna. I-V-A-N-N-A
Karina: My name is Karina. K-A-R-I-N-A. Nice to meet you.
Lucia: Nice to meet you too. I invite you to my birthday party. It´s February 25 th
Ivanna: Thanks for invite us! How old are you?
Lucia: I’m 18 years old, and you?
Ivanna: I´m 18 years old too, what about you?
Gabriela: I´m 19 years old.
Karina: I´m 28 years old.
Gabriela: Do you have a theme for your party?
Lucia: Yes, I have it. The theme is a colors party. The dress code is wearing your
favorite color.
Ivanna: Oh, my favorite color is blue.
Karina: Mine too, blue is my favorite color.
Gabriela: I prefer purple.
Lucia: I love purple, too. Well, see you at my birthday party!
Karina: I like birthday parties.
Gabriela: Oh, when is your birthday?
Karina: My birthday is on November 29th. And you?
Gabriela: It´s on July 1st. When’s yours?
Ivanna: My birthday is on March 23rd.
Gabriela: I’m hungry. I want boneless.
Karina: Oh, I prefer Mexican food.
Ivanna: My favorite food is Mexican food, too.
Lucia: Sorry, I just have chicken and vegetables, it’s my favorite food. Would you
like to eat it?
Gabriela: Yes, thank you.
Lucia: Excellent!
Karina: Let’s dance. What is your favorite song?
Gabriela: I love Umbrella of Rihanna. Rihanna is the best singer.
Ivanna: I prefer Shakira. I love her song Día de Enero.
Karina: I like Flawless of Beyonce. She’s my favorite celebrity.
Lucia: Do you listen to Taylor Swift? Her song Question is awesome, I love it!
Karina: We can make a playlist with those songs. Do you like that idea?
Ivanna: Yes, I like it!
Karina: Lucia, is your family coming?
Lucia: No, my mom and dad are at work, and my two sisters are in school. They´re
coming later.
Karina: That’s nice! I have two sisters too. And my mom is at work too.
Ivanna: Do you have sisters? That’s nice, I just have a brother, and I live with my
mom, dad and my grandma
Gabriela: I’m bored, we need to do something else. What do you like to do?
Lucia: One of my favorite things to do is song writing, also I sing, and I love to learn
something new. What about you, Ivanna?
Ivanna: I love swimming, watching TV and making craft. What about you, Karina?
Karina: I like to go to the gym, read and walk.
Gabriela: I like to go to the gym too, but I also like to practice Taekwondo and
rollerblading. Actually, I need to go, I forgot that I have a practice tomorrow, I’m
sorry, see you later!

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