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Now that you have already mastered the key elements that contribute to a well
written text, you are now ready to do the activity below.

Directions: Write a Three-paragraph (10 SENTENCES MINIMUM each

paragraph) essay about to topic below. Choose only 1 topic.

“My Favorite Subject”

“My first heartbreak”
“The hardest decision that I ever made in my whole life”
“Students’ Challenges in the New Normal Classroom”

Be guided by the rubric below in doing the task.

Ideas Establishes a clear focus and provides 15
relevant information
Organization Establishes a strong beginning, middle, and 15
end. Demonstrates an
orderly flow of ideas
Coherence and Shows strong evidence of unity 20
Cohesion among sentences through transition
Language Use Meets all the characteristics of 20
effective language
Mechanics No errors in: grammar, spelling, 30
capitalization, punctuation

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