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My mother is the first person who springs to my mind when I think of a person I

preferred the appearance. In my heart, she is the most gorgeous woman.  Although
she was already in her late forties, she looked young for her age with a fine figure,
a friendly round-face framed by long and silky hair and, surprisingly, not a lot
of wrinkles and grey hair to be found. She really knows how to be well-turned out
such as she will choose turning on simple, monochromatic and elegant dresses that
are suitable for herself instead of showy clothes that her age usually wear and that
was why my dad fell for her the very moment he laid his eyes on her when they
were younger . My mom frequenly has to expose to sunlight, but she is fair-
skinned because she take care of her facial very often. My favorite feature of my
mother is her smile. Her smile is as warm as the sun and full of love. It helped me
escape me from a lot of things in my life like stress, sorrow and so on.

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