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Well, this question immediately bring to my mind a memory when I turned an adult.

If my
memory serves me right, it was about 1 year ago when I left my home to start the university life.
because, my university is far away from my home I had to move to the university and stay at the
dorm. Besides, I had to face some problems, challenges by myself such as communicating with
new friends, adapting to new environment, taking care of myself when I was sick or hurt and so
on. These event mark the transition I became an adult. To be honest, at the beginning I felt
stressful and exhausted because this is the first time I was alone with everything. However, after
experiencing a period of time, the new life was not hard now for me depending on the advice
from my parents, friends and I found many interesting and wonderful that made me over the
moon instead of being depression. To put everything in a nutshell, this event is vital transition
because it help me comprehend the life is different with my previous imagination, assist me
understand that I need to move out of comfort zone because there is a beautiful and varluable
world out there.

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