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An Obstacle I have faced

During our lives we come across obstacles that we have to face, obstacles are the ones that

prevent us from continuing with something or moving forward, frequently they are harder

to face, maybe there are ones harder than others and they take time to do it, but it’s part of

the life to do it. In this essay, I will be talking about some problems that I have had

throughout my life, how I faced them, as the importance of them in my life, and how I deal

with them. Some of the problems I will be talking about are: A hernia operation when I was

diagnosed with sinusitis and lose of a friendship.

It was 2018 when I see the hernia for the first time in my body. I remember I was taking a

shower when I noticed a kind of lump in my body, so I tell my mom, and then we go to the

doctor. There de doctor explained to us that it was a hernia, probably from an inheritance,

and that they had to operate on me. The surgery was going all good, and of the

recuperation, I really don’t remember so much but the obstacle here was that I have

intentions to enter to Gymnastic classes, and for the circumstances, It was not

recommended to do it. It wasn’t

something really hard to face because I had de intention and interest but I wasn’t already in

so it was something easy to carry.

When I was diagnosed with sinusitis it was like a year and a half before, science childhood

I always had been on a swimming course, and it was something I really enjoy to do, but

then I take a pause of it because I start boring of it, then I decide to go back a few years
before, and it was going alright, I like to go swimming because it was something that

relaxes me, but after months I started to get sick, so we go to the doctor and it was when

they tell me I had sinusitis, previously I had already these symptoms and it was sinusitis or

I needed glasses but in the end it was neither of the two, coming back the doctor tell me that

I definitely can't continue going to the swimming classes, because do it that frequently at

the week just will make wors my state, so I have to go out of it, at first I was a little bit sad

about it, but then I just get used to.

During our lives we learn many things, about our mistakes and experiences and one of them

is to take care of a friendship. During quarantine Being in virtual classes, I started talking to

someone I already knew before, at first it was casual but then the point came where we

talked more and more until it was something every day. Taking care of a friendship is

something on the part of both people, considering the good and bad of that person, and

being honest with each other. Sometimes it was strange, no matter how confident we were,

sometimes in a call we didn't even know what to say and it became uncomfortable, one of

the advantages was that everything was through chat, I am of the idea that sometimes

through chat and in person it can be different, not in drastic changes, but with slight

changes, and perhaps it was the fact that we were not totally open with each other that made

the friendship begin to dry up over time, after spending hours talking about things without

sense, friendship became routine. From my point of view, I feel that the quarantine and

confinement have affected us all in a certain way,

Maybe it was the fact that we were both going through a stage of changes and not in the

usual way (due to the quarantine), which meant that we no longer got along like before, but

what definitely made things change was when one began to feel more things for the other,

that the other person was not prepared to receive, which made everything more

uncomfortable, and one day we just stopped talking, at first I thought it would be a pause

between the two of us, but in the end no one wrote again. And I feel that while I didn't see

that person it was easier to get along, even though it was weird not to talk to that person

every day, but then when we went back to hybrid classes and later face-to-face classes,

that's when I assumed it more, some days suddenly gave me I feel no longer having that

friendship, but it is something that I have been overcoming over the months, in the end,

everyone goes their own way, even though things are sometimes uncomfortable when we

are together. And what I learned from this is the value of caring and appreciating a

friendship, being empathic with each other, and being conscious of what we say, because

we do not know what effect it has on the other person.

In conclusion throughout our lives, we faced problems that help us learn things, and are

experiences that we have to know overcome, but the important is to get the positive of the


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