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English 8

Quarter 3 – Week 1


Examine biases (for or against) made by the author

Juan B. Dugayo Jr.


This module is self-instructional. You can read and analyze concepts and ideas and reflect on
them. The activities and tests will help you assess how you understand the lesson as you go through
with the module.
If you need help and further clarification, you can ask the assistance of your subject teacher
through traditional or on-line communication.
It has been recommended to ask for guidance from your parents or guardians.
Your score on the activities and tests will be part of your formative and summative grades.
Remember, you must work on this module independently. It is expected that you will make the
most of this module and learn the necessary skills the lesson requires.

LESSON 1: Examine biases (for or against) made by the author

Every author holds opinions that affect his or her discussion of an issue, opinions that you as a
reader must try to recognize and understand. Even the most seemingly factual report can carry an
understated or implied judgment. Such judgments reflect an author's bias or preference for one side of
an issue over another.

In this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Examine biases (for or against) made by the author;

2. Identify words (whether positive or negative) can reveal an author’s bias; and

3. Identify biases in different readings by stating the authors’ connotations, loaded words, stereotypes,
vague language or generalizations, one-sided arguments, and personal opinions.


Direction: Read the paragraphs/sentences and answer the questions that follow:

1. My son's girlfriend is very rude. She calls so late at night--sometimes as late as 9:00 at night! Last
week she called me “ate” so disrespectful!--I quickly corrected her. Today she came over for lunch and
brought Graham Cake--without even asking if it was okay. What if I had already made a Graham Cake?

To whom is the author biased against? ___________________________________________________

Which words show the author's bias?


2. In the long history of the United States, there never was a black president, if Obama is elected, he
would be the first Negro in the White House.

To whom is the author biased against? _________________________________________________

Which words show the author's bias?


3. Since the resignation of the assistant CEO of the company last week, Mark Mercado, a manager, and
Linda Deleon, a supervisor, and mother of two, are vying for the position.

To whom is the author biased against? ___________________________________________________

Which words show the author's bias?


Source: “Bias Examples • WriteExpress.” n.d. Www.Writeexpress.Com.


Recognizing the Denotative and Connotative meanings of words can help ensure that you
understand exactly what an author is trying to say.
The denotative meaning is the literal or formal meaning of a word. For instance, the term dog
denotes an animal with fur, four legs, and a tail. The connotative meaning is not part of the official
dictionary definition, the emotions and associations connected to a word are known as its connotative
meaning. Depending on how a word has been used over time, it may have a positive, negative, or neutral
connotation. A word whose connotation is neither positive nor negative. For example, when speaking
about a pet, the word “dog” has a neutral connotation; but, the word “mutt” has a negative connotation,
and the word “purebred” has a positive connotation.

Read the sentences below. Circle the words having negative connotation.

1. Tondo is a gritty neighborhood, but the rents are low.

2. On my flight to Cebu, I sat next to this babe. She was beautiful.

3. Every morning my neighbor takes his mutt to the park. It always barks loudly when leaving the

4. You need to be pushy when you are looking for a job.

5. Bob is bullheaded sometimes, but he always gets the job done.


Author’s Bias

An important part of evaluating an author’s ethos is identifying that author’s bias. Bias is any opinion
that influences a person’s thoughts, feelings, or actions. A person can be biased against something or
have a bias for something. An author’s bias is an opinion or prejudice that affects that author’s writing
and prevents the author from being completely neutral about the topic or issue about which s/he is

How to determine the author’s bias

The author may state directly some of his/her biases by telling the reader his/her opinions on certain
topics or admitting that s/he has a conflict of interest or preference. But when an author does not
acknowledge his/her own bias, a reader can infer what an author’s bias maybe by looking at the author’s

When looking at the author’s diction:

• Does the author use words with more negative connotations when referring to one side of an
issue or particular people?
Example: Negative: Let's just say she's dumb.
Is that what you're reading? Your interests sure are weird.
Before he makes any purchases, Billy likes to do his research; he's so cheap.
At work and at home, she's very egotistical.
• Does the author use words with more positive connotations when referring to one side of an
issue or particular people?
Example: Positive: Let's just say she's a little more simple than others her age.
Is that what you're reading? Your interests sure are unique.
Before he makes any purchases, Billy likes to do his research; he's very
At work and at home, she's very confident.

To be "simple" or "simple-minded," probably means you're very sweet, but not the smartest person
in the room. To be labeled as flat out dumb is not only hurtful but deliberately insulting. Uniqueness
is a bit like prettiness; there's nothing wrong with being special. Weird, however, carries a very
negative undertone. When we think of someone economical, we tend to consider them to be logical
and wise. Meanwhile, cheap is a derogatory term for someone stingy. Determined… assertive…
confident. Each of these labels carries a positive connotation; they indicate a "go-getter." However,
once someone slips from confident to egotistical, they're no longer an inspiration to be around.



Read the paragraphs and answer the questions after each paragraph. For each paragraph, determine
what the author’s bias is by looking for patterns in the author’s diction (connotations) and the use of

(This paragraph examines the effects of beauty on people’s (particularly women’s) lives.)

Men's looks matter to heterosexual women only somewhat. Most women prefer men who are taller
than they are, with symmetrical features (a sign that a potential partner is healthy and parasite-free).
But, women across cultures are intent on finding male partners with high status, power, and access to
resources—which means a short guy can add maybe a foot to his height with a private jet. And, just
like women who aren't very attractive, men who make very little money or are chronically out of work
tend to have a really hard time finding partners. There is some male grumbling about this. Yet, while
feminist journalists deforest North America publishing articles urging women to bow out of the
beauty arms race and "Learn to love that woman in the mirror!", nobody gets into the ridiculous
position of advising men to "Learn to love that unemployed guy sprawled on the couch!"

Now, before you brand me a traitor to my gender, let me say that I'm all for women having the vote,
and I think a woman with a mustache should make the same money like a man with a mustache. But
you don't help that woman by advising her, "No need to wax that lip fringe or work off that beer
belly!" (Because the road to female empowerment is...looking just like a hairy old man?)

Source: “Identifying Bias.” n.d. Accessed September 7, 2020.


1. To whom the author is biased for or against? __________________________________________


2. What are the negative connotative words used by the author that show bias?


3. What are the positive connotative words used by the author that show bias?



Recognizing Bias
✓ Look for loaded words – words that are charged with emotion (whether positive or negative)
can reveal an author’s opinion about his/her topic.
Example: terror, terrorist, freedom, sex, gay, reason and radical.

✓ Watch out for stereotypes – if the author labels an entire group, the writing is probably biased.
Examples: All teenagers are rebels.
All Asians are good at math. All Asians like to eat rice and drive slow.
Men are strong and do all the work.

✓ Notice vague language or generalizations – if the author isn’t using specific language, this
could be an indicator of bias.
Examples: We’ve been living here for more or less five years.
She’s got a small dog, a kind of Aspin, or something.
I can’t meet up later. I have too much stuff to do.

✓ Be on the lookout for one-sided arguments – if the author only presents one side of an
argument, his/her writing is probably biased.
Example: Informing volunteers only about the benefits of the vaccine, but not explaining the
side-effects or risks associated with it.

✓ Does the author present facts or opinions? Facts are what they are – the truth. Opinions, on the
other hand, can be based on feelings, emotions, or prejudice.

Direction: Read the paragraph below. Circle the Loaded words; Box the stereotyping words;
Underline the generalizing words; Line erase the one-sided arguments; and [ bracket the authors’

When I met with Mayor Gomez, I noticed that he had the appearance of a hobo. He was unshaven and
wearing dirty clothes. He spoke to me about his horrible plan to fix our city’s roads. Anyone who knows
the plan will tell you that it will bankrupt our city. The plan to fix our roads mostly benefits friends of

the Mayor. He plans to pay his buddies in the construction business thousands of dollars over the next
two years. I do not want to insult anyone, but the Mayor is of Italian descent, and we all know what
reputation they have in this part of the country. Need I remind you of Al Capone and other Italian Mafia
Source: “Author’s Tone and Bias.” n.d.


An author’s bias is an opinion or prejudice that affects that author’s writing and prevents the author
from being completely neutral about the topic or issue about which s/he is writing.

To determine the author’s bias a reader must look at the author’s negative connotations and positive
connotations when referring to one side of an issue or particular people. These connotations are another
clue to what or whom the author may be biased for or against. Another is looking at the author’s use of
negative evidence and positive evidence for one side of an issue than the other.

In recognizing bias a reader should look for loaded words, watch out for stereotypes, notice vague
language or generalizations, be on the lookout for one-sided arguments, and personal opinions.


Complete the table by supplying examples of the terms that determine an author’s bias:






Direction: Read the paragraphs/sentences and answer the questions that follow:

1. Parents always talk about how if schools had uniforms, everything would be so much easier. You
wouldn’t get caught up on looks and would learn the skills you need. Fewer students would-be victims
of bullying or teasing, which would increase their self-esteem. I think that school uniforms would put a
restriction on our creativity. We dress the way we do for a certain reason. Clothes give us expression
and the ability to use color and patterns. If we all wear the same thing - a bland, ugly uniform - we don’t
get to see what people are like on the inside. Clothes don’t distract us from learning; they simply let us
inspire our imaginations, and that can be a huge boost to one's confidence.

Source: “Author’s Bias - Quiz.” n.d. Quizizz.Com.

To whom the author is biased against/for? _______________________________________________

What are the connotative words used by the author that show bias?

Which of the following did you recognize in the paragraph? (loaded words, stereotypes, vague
language or generalizations, one-sided arguments, personal opinions)


2. New cars are not built as well as they used to be. Owners of new cars in 2002 have more
complaints about their automobiles than in past years. The recalling of new cars by their makers is
becoming a routine practice in America. Instead of insisting upon safe, well-designed products,
carmakers seem more concerned with throwing together shoddy automobiles and making a profit.
Invariably, new cars need parts replaced almost as soon as the warranty expires. Unfortunately, people
need transportation, so they continue to buy new automobiles.


To whom the author is biased against/for?


What are the connotative words used by the author that show bias?

Write the loaded words, stereotypes, vague language or generalizations, one-sided arguments,
personal opinions that you recognize in the paragraph.



Search the web for viral “Fake News”. Write a reaction to the author’s bias.


English 8
Quarter 3 – Week 1


Examine biases (for or against) made by the author

Juan B. Dugayo Jr.


Name: _______________________ Grade & Sec.: _____________Teacher: _______________


1. Q1 ____________________________________________________________________________
Q2 ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Q1 ____________________________________________________________________________
Q2 ____________________________________________________________________________
3. Q1 _____________________________________________________________________________
Q2 ____________________________________________________________________________
Looking Back :

1. _________ 4. _________

2. _________ 5. _________

3. _________

Acttivity 1.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________

Activity 2.


Checking your Understanding:

Negative Connotations

Positive Connotations


Loaded words

Vague language

Post Test:

1. Q1 _____________________________________________________________________________

Q2 _____________________________________________________________________________


Q3 _____________________________________________________________________________


2. Q1 _____________________________________________________________________________

Q2 _____________________________________________________________________________


Q3 _____________________________________________________________________________






1. His son’s girlfriend

Very rude, so disrespectful, without even asking if it is okay

2. black people


3. Mark Mercado

Mother of two , manager

Looking Back :

1. gritty

2. babe

3. mutt

4. pushy

5. bullheaded

Activity 1.

1. men, short men, jobless men

2.short guy, unemployed guy sprawled on the couch, beer belly

3. taller, high status, power, symmetrical features, access to resources

Activity 2.

Hobo-loaded words-circle

He was unshaven and wearing dirty clothes- loaded words-circle

Horrible plan to fix our city roads – opinion – bracket

It will bankrupt the city – opinion – bracket

Benefits friends of the mayor/pay his buddies – opinion – bracket

Italian decent / al capone/Italian Mafia – stereotype – box

Checking your Understanding:

Answers will vary

Post Test:

1. Uniform

Restriction to creativity, give us expression, bland, ugly uniform

if schools had uniforms, everything would be so much easier - generalizations

Wouldn’t get caught up on looks and would learn the skills you need- generalization

Fewer students would-be victims of bullying or teasing, which would increase their self-esteem -

I think that school uniforms would put a restriction on our creativity-opinion

If we all wear the same thing - a bland, ugly uniform – loaded words

Clothes don’t distract us from learning; they simply let us inspire our imaginations, and that can be a
huge boost to one's confidence – opinion

2. New cars

not built as well as they used to be, have more complaints, recalling of new cars, shoddy
automobiles and making a profit.

New cars are not built as well as they used to be- loaded words

Owners of new cars in 2002 have more complaints about their automobiles than in past years. -

The recalling of new cars by their makers is becoming a routine practice in America – opinion

Instead of insisting upon safe, well-designed products, carmakers seem more concerned with
throwing together shoddy automobiles and making a profit – opinion


Answers will vary.


“Author’s Bias - Quiz.” n.d. Quizizz.Com. Accessed August 3, 2020.

“Author’s Bias - Quiz.” n.d. Quizizz.Com. Accessed August 5, 2020.

“Author’s Tone and Bias.” n.d.

“Bias Examples • WriteExpress.” n.d. Www.Writeexpress.Com. Accessed September 7, 2020.
“Connotation: Definitions and Examples | LiteraryTerms.Net.” 2016. Literary Terms. May 22, 2016.

“Determine an Author’s Bias.” n.d. LearnZillion. Accessed July17, 2020.

“Examine Biases (for or against) Made by the Author..Docx - Name of the Teacher Ma Therese M Devaras
Subject English Grade Grade 8 I OBJECTIVE Examine | Course Hero.” n.d. Www.Coursehero.Com.
Accessed July 21, 2020.

“Identifying Bias.” n.d. Accessed September 7, 2020.

“NROC Developmental English Foundations.” n.d. Content.Nroc.Org. Accessed July7, 2020.

“Research Guides: How to Evaluate Information Sources: Identify Bias.” 2019. Njit.Edu. 2019.

Anna, Jo. 2007. “Connotation and Denotation.”

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