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Define the Problem

-Solving the problem starts with understanding and identifying the problem. If there is any
unclear information be sure to ask. Get feedback from others and list all the components.

● Understand the root cause

● Approach the problem by asking why
● List the important details
● Get multiple perspective

Generate Alternative Solutions

- To get the idea on how to solve the problem is to know what kind of outcome you want. Always
communicate with others. Ideas that have similarities can be combined to get a better one.

● Determine how to resolve the problem

● Identify the desired outcome
● Brainstorm to get multiple ideas
● Potentially combine the similar ideas for a better one

Evaluate and Select an Alternative

- Asses which solution is best and will work for those who are involved. Communication is a
must to get others perspective on which is most effective. Take into considerations that more
problems may arise.

Choose a strategy

● Evaluate other possibilities

● Get others feedback to improve the plan
● Measure the possible successful outcomes
● Adjust and select the solutions

Implement and follow up on the solution.

-The most important part is to implement and follow the plan. Carefully carry out the plan and
expect for more problem to arise. Overcoming challenges by adjusting and recording each steps
to not be lost.

● Verity each step before and after doing it

● Record each step of the plan
● Communicate with others in the process

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