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Name: Jake Bradford M.

Johnson Date: November 6 2022

Name of the Priest/Pastor: Kapatid na Orly Rodriguez Week #: 12

Verse of the Gospel/Readings: Matthew 19:4-6


Matthew 19:4-6 states, "He answered, ‘Have you not read that he who created them
from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall
leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one
flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. "What therefore God has joined
together, let not man separate." These verses provide insight into Jesus' views on
marriage and the sanctity of the bond between a husband and wife. Jesus quotes from
Genesis, emphasizing the importance of the unity between a man and a woman in
marriage. He asserts that this bond is not just a social or legal arrangement but a
spiritual one, created and blessed by God.

Jesus' words in these verses also stress the importance of permanence in marriage. He
suggests that once a man and a woman have been joined together in marriage, they
should not separate, as their union is now a single entity, one flesh. This message
reinforces the idea that marriage is a lifelong commitment and that divorce should be
avoided if at all possible. It is a reminder that, as Christians, we should approach
marriage with a sense of gravity and respect for the sanctity of the bond between
husband and wife.

Lessons/Values Learned:

The message of Matthew 19:4-6 has relevance for us today, in a world where the
concept of marriage has changed and the institution of marriage is often viewed as
disposable. With high divorce rates and a culture that encourages individualism and
self-fulfillment, it is more important than ever to remember the importance of the lifelong
commitment of marriage. These verses remind us of the value of sacrificial love and the
importance of putting others before ourselves, in this case, our spouse.

In conclusion, Matthew 19:4-6 offers a valuable perspective on the nature of marriage

and the importance of permanence in the union between a man and a woman. It
reminds us of the sanctity of the bond between husband and wife and encourages us
to approach marriage with respect and commitment. As Christians, we should strive to
live out the principles taught in these verses and work to strengthen the institution of
marriage in our society.

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