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33 Powerful

for attracting more clients
in your online business
Hello Friend!
I’m so excited you opted in for these affirmations. This
is a great way to get your mindset into the place of
attracting new clients.

There are a few ways you can use these affirmations to your benefit.
You can write these out yourself, speak them into a voice recorder
and then listen to your own voice speaking them out on repeat, or
write them down regularly until you feel that they are true for you, or
perhaps you would like to focus on just one per day.

Asking yourself how it would feel if knowing that you are a client
magnet was true. How would that feel in your body, how would it
change the way you think? How would it change the way you
approached the day? And so on.

Any of the affirmations that feel untrue for you right now, insert I am
becoming the type of person who…….. To see if that is more in
alignment for you and any that don’t resonate at all just don’t say.
33 Powerful Affirmations for attracting more
clients in your online business

1. I am a client magnet.
2. My clients share incredible testimonials about me all around the internet.
3. I attract an abundance of clients through word of mouth.
4. My clients achieve incredible results.
5. I love my clients.
6. My clients love me.
7. It’s easy for me to attract high quality clients.
8. Dreamboat clients fall out of the sky ready to work with me.
9. Every client I attract, the more attractive I become.
10. I share my message daily and dreamboat clients connect with it.
11. The more I share my truth the easier it is to connect.
12. My voice is important, my message is important.
13. The more I see my greatness the more other people see my greatness.
14. I am the best student of my work and the more I study, the more people want
to study my work with me too.
15. I am the embodiment of what I teach and that is magnetic.
16. I love what I do and my potential clients feel that.
17. People find me and the work I do with ease.
18. Of course people desire to work with me.
19. I create sell out programs.
20. More and more people desire to join my work every time I release it.
21. My business is growing over time.
22. I love the work that I do.
23. There is always someone waiting to step into the next level with me.
24. I am ready to create a massive impact in the world.
25. I am becoming the type of person who can hold bigger and bigger energies.
26. I take massive action in alignment with my goals.
27. I use strategy and mindset to help me achieve my vision.
28. My programs are hugely valuable.
29. I value my work.
30. I love people.
31. I believe in people.
32. I am highly compensated for the work that I do.
33. My thoughts, beliefs and actions are aligned to attracting dreamboat clients.
I am most famous for my saying Faith + Action = Miracles, so this
part up here is the faith part and if you are really ready to step into
being a client magnet and attracting new clients consistently,
check out the strategy that earned me my first $500K in business

I think you’ll love it.

All the love,

Suzy x

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