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Activity 1


1. Barbie doll,Teddy bear

2.I found out I was a girl when I was 3years old that i always say I'm pretty girl.

3. Because I am girl that i was born of my mother.

4.Because I'm always say I'm pretty ,"ganda ko palagi"


1.High school in Abuyog National High School and college is The lewis college

2.Abuyog Sorsogon City

3.Abuyog, Catholic

Point of reflection

*We adapt to what society culture we belong to and the outcome is how we act on our everyday lives.

*It's limiting to think that just because you prefer what people think is not normal

Guide Question


1.Gender identify isn't about who you are attracted to but about who you are.

2.Boys are raised to canform to make gender role ,girls are canform to female gender or role.

3.Girls are better at reading and boys are better at math.

4.Gender roles infact how they socialized with their peers and form relationships. is intended to prevent various economic and public accomodations.

Week 1

I think girls are much more aware of their true strengths and potential.

I think boys are delusional,we think we are smarter.

I think girls should learn how to cook a "few"reliable meals.

I think boys should be more active socially or physically.

*Society think girls should be more matured and we'll behaved compared to her male siblings.

*Society thinks that boys should have always been that protector and provider.

The Society thinks the only strong is boys not girls but they are wrong there are many work at boys that
can girls do.

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