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FEBRIARY 24, 2023



A dilemma is a situation where a difficult choice has to be made between two or more
alternatives, often equally undesirable or morally conflicting. It is a situation where one has to choose
between two options, both of which have consequences that could be either good or bad. Dilemmas can
arise in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business, politics, and ethics.

A dilemma becomes a moral dilemma when the choice to be made involves ethical
considerations and has moral implications. In other words, a moral dilemma is a situation where there is
a conflict between two or more moral principles, values, or obligations, and each decision has ethical
consequences that are difficult to reconcile.

For example, consider a situation where a person has to decide whether to tell the truth or lie to
protect someone. If telling the truth could harm the person's reputation or cause them distress, but
lying would violate the principle of honesty, then it becomes a moral dilemma. Moral dilemma has three
types and these are personal, organizational and structural moral dilemma.

Personal moral dilemma is a situation where an individual has to make a difficult choice
between two or more options, each of which has moral implications, and the decision is based on the
individual's personal values, beliefs, and moral principles. For example, you have a brother or sister who
needs a kidney transplant. Since you are the only one who is compatible to his/her kidney you are
forced to make a decision whether to donate your kidney or worry about your health if you do that
thing. In that situation you are facing a personal moral dilemma.

Organizational moral dilemma is a situation where an organization faces a difficult choice

between two or more options, each of which has ethical implications, and the decision is based on the
organization's values, principles, and moral obligations. For example, an organizational moral dilemma
could be a situation where a company has to decide whether to prioritize profit over the well-being of
its employees or the environment. If the company values maximizing shareholder value but also wants
to be socially responsible, it may face an organizational moral dilemma in deciding whether to prioritize
profits or invest in environmentally-friendly or employee-centric practices.

Structural moral dilemma refers to a situation where there is a systemic or structural problem
that creates ethical dilemmas, and the solution requires significant changes to the existing structures or
policies. These dilemmas are usually not caused by individual actions but rather by the way society or
organizations are structured, and the decision to resolve them requires addressing the root cause of the
problem. For example, a situation where a society or organization is designed in a way that perpetuates
systemic racism or discrimination against a particular group. In such a scenario, individuals may face
ethical dilemmas in their daily interactions or decision-making that are shaped by the structural
inequalities and biases. To address such a dilemma, the society or organization must engage in
significant changes, such as reforming policies and practices, promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion,
and addressing systemic inequalities.

In conclusion, a moral dilemma is a situation where an individual or an organization faces a

difficult choice between two or more options, each of which has ethical implications. Moral dilemmas
can arise in various contexts, such as personal relationships, business, politics, and ethics.

Personal moral dilemmas arise when an individual has to make a difficult choice based on their
personal values, beliefs, and moral principles. Organizational moral dilemmas arise when an
organization faces a difficult choice based on its values, principles, and moral obligations. Structural
moral dilemmas refer to systemic or structural problems that create ethical dilemmas, and the solution
requires significant changes to existing structures or policies.

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