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Level 2 Speaking

Topic1 Social Etiquette

(Introductions and Greetings; Leaving-signals and Saying Goodbye)

Lesson3. Saying Goodbye

一、 warm-up activity(引出话题):5min(具体时间据学生人数决定)
1、播放《泰坦尼克号》中 Rose 与 Jack 在一起遇到 Rose’s mother,并急忙与 Jack 告别的片段。

二、 背景介绍: 2-3min;课本中的背景知识做课下了解,简要概括重点内容。
1、 中英告别的方式有所不同。我们用于告别的时间很短,我们习惯于说走就走。但英国人往往以为我们结束
2、 人们分手时,通常说 Good-bye / Bye-bye。但在说这些话之前,还有一些客套很有意思,各种语言也不尽
“慢点儿骑车”之类的客套话。这些说法都不能直接译成英语。如果说 Stay here,听起来十分别扭。如果
说 Go slowly / Walk slowly 或者 Ride slowly,也很不自然。其实,微微一笑并作个表示再见的手势就可以

三、知识点讲解:约 15-20min,讲解完后应设置 5-10min 时间,让学生练习发音,并将个人信息代入模板练习。

1. Good-bye. (非正式场合,熟悉的人之间,也可以说 Bye-bye 或者 Bye)【常】
2. Good night. (用于晚上分手时)
e.g. A: Good night.
B: Good night.
3. See you tomorrow. (固定表达法,其中 tomorrow 可以替换为 next time, next week, later,soon,around 等)
e.g. A: See you tomorrow.
B: See you.
4. Take care! ( “再见”的另外一种说法,侧重于“保重”的意思)
e.g. A:See you around.
B: Take care.
5. Have a nice trip. (对要去旅行的人的祝愿)
e.g. A: Have a nice trip.
B: Thank you,bye-bye.
6. Have a nice day!(商店、参观、宾馆等服务行业人员在客人离开时的祝愿语)
e.g. A: Here is your receipt. Thank you. Have a nice day!
B: Thank you. You,too.
7. Keep in touch! (告别时用语,类似于“再见”)
e.g. A: Good-bye. Keep in touch.
B: Keep in touch. See you.

四、 话题分析:约 5-10min(带领学生进行分析+头脑风暴);Saying goodbye 需讲述离开的理由,并表示与对


五、例文分析:约 15-20min(分析词汇及句型等);每个 conversation 单独分析,全部分析完后,对不同表达进行

A: I really must be going now.[1]
B: So soon? Can’t you stay a little longer?[2]
A: I wish I could, but I’m late already.
B: What a pity!
A: Thank you for a delicious meal. It’s been a very nice evening.[3]
B: I’m glad you enjoyed it.
A: It’s time we were off. [1]
B: But you’ve only just come. Wouldn’t you like to stay for a snack? [2]
A: That’s very kind of you, but we really must go, or we’ll miss our train.
B: What a shame!
A: Thank you very much for the party. [3]
A: I think it’s about time we made a move. [1]
B: What, already? Won’t you have another drink? [2]
A: I’d love to, but I have to be up early tomorrow.
B: Oh, dear!What a pity!
A: Thank you for a most enjoyable evening. [3]
B: Not at all. Hope you can come again.[4]
A: If you’ll excuse me, I really should be off now. [1]
B: Not yet, surely? Have another coffee at least. [2]
A: No, thank you all the same.
B: Oh, dear! What a shame!
A: Thank you very much indeed for the wonderful meal. [3]
B: Thank you for coming. [4]
A: I’ve come to say good-bye. [1]
B: When are you off?
A: I’m flying home on Friday.
B: Goodbye then, and all the very best. [4]
A: Cheerio. Remember to look me up if ever you’re in Paris.
A: Oh, God, I must go now. [1] remember me to your parents. Hope to see them when I come back.
B: Thanks. Good luck.
C: Well, if you’re ever in Leeds, come and see me. You’ve got the address. Got the address?
A: Yeah. Really nice to know you all. I’m going to miss your friendship.
B: Don’t forget to drop me a line, will you?
A: Oh, I won’t forget at all.
C: See you then! [4]
B: Goodbye! All the best.
A: Alright, bye! [4]
(Jane is saying goodbye to her classmate Mike after school on the Friday afternoon.)
Mike: Hi, Jane. Nice Friday, isn’t it?
Jane: Yeah. Everybody likes Friday. It’s time to relax.
Mike: What are you going to do this weekend?[5]
Jane: I have to help my mom with her house-chores. I promised her. Are you planning anything special?[5]
Mike: Well, I’m going to visit my grandma. She lives in a farm 20 miles away from here.
Jane: That would be fun. I hope my mum will give me a free day after finishing her housework.
Mike: You can talk to her directly. I think she will.
Jane: Oh, my bus is coming. I’ve got to go now[1]. Have a nice weekend. [4]
Mike: The same to you. See you next Monday. [4]
Jane: See you. [4]

1、 给出离开事由的表达:
I really must be going now.
It’s time we were off.
I think it’s about time we made a move.
If you’ll excuse me, I really should be off now.
I’ve come to say good-bye
Oh, God, I must go now.
Oh, my bus is coming. I’ve got to go now.
2、 对方提出离开时的挽留:
So soon? Can’t you stay a little longer?
But you’ve only just come. Wouldn’t you like to stay for a snack?
What, already? Won’t you have another drink?
Not yet, surely? Have another coffee at least.
Thank you for a delicious meal. It’s been a very nice evening.
Thank you very much for the party.
Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.
Thank you very much indeed for the wonderful meal.
Hope you can come again.
Thank you for coming.
Goodbye then, and all the very best.
See you then!
See you next Monday.
Have a nice weekend.
See you.
5、情景对话练习 7:周五下午放学(即将过周末)的道别。
What are you going to do this weekend?
Are you planning anything special?
1)See you later.
2)See you soon.
3)See you around.
4)See you next time.
5)So long.
7)I’ll see you around.
8)Bye now.
9)I hope to see you again soon.
1)Have a nice weekend.
2)Have fun.
3)Have a nice journey.
4)Have a nice summer holiday.
5)Have a good day.
6)Enjoy yourself!
I’ve got to go.
I’m off now.
It’s getting late.
I’d better run.
I’ve got to get going.

1)Take care of yourself. (临别前的关照)
2)Until we meet again.

六、学生练习:约 30min(应根据班级学生数量设置练习时间)
1、10-15min 练习例文分析中的情景对话练习:
2、15-20min 与 partner 组织新的 conversation,并表达练习。
1)以情景对话练习 7 为模板。
1) 脱稿。
2) 表达流利,发音准确。
3) 配合默契,衔接得当。

1、完成课本中的 Practice1;
2、两人一组完成一个新 conversation。
1) 从 Practice2、3、4、5 中任选其一。
2) 根据情景提示完成对话,可参考前面的情景对话练习。


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