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Level 2 Speaking

Topic1 Social Etiquette

(Introductions and Greetings; Leaving-signals and Saying Goodbye)

Lesson1. Introductions

一、 warm-up activity(引出话题):5min(具体时间据学生人数决定)
1、 由老师开始做英文自我介绍(包含姓名、家乡、兴趣爱好等),中文翻译一遍。
2、 由学生做简短的英文自我介绍,需涵盖姓名(中英文名字)、家乡、所学专业、日常爱好、一句话总结对班级

二、 背景介绍(介绍他人的方法): 2-3min;课本中的背景知识做课下了解,简要概括重点内容。
1、 见面:英国人彼此第一次相识时,一般都要握手。除了热恋中的男女,步行时一般人都不手拉手。
2、 女士优先与绅士风度:在英国,尊重妇女是体现绅士风度的一个重要方面。女士优先是一个人人皆知的行为准
3、 在普通社交场合做介绍,除非男士地位高或年长,一般都会先将男士介绍给女士,即女士享有优先知情权;在

三、知识点讲解:约 15-20min,讲解完后应设置 5-10min 时间,让学生练习发音,并将个人信息代入模板练习。

My name is…(用于正式场合,也可以用非正式表达 I’m…)
First, let me introduce myself. I’m…
This is…(正式场合,介绍客人时,称呼语在姓名前,如 Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss + First name 及 Last name)
Allow me to introduce… to you.
May I have the pleasure/ honor of introducing… to you?
I’d like you to meet…(正式场合,如被介绍者是青年人,通常用 First name + Last name, 而不加称呼语)
Meet my brother/friend …(非正式场合,介绍时只用名字,显得亲切)
I’m glad to meet you./ Nice meeting you./ How nice to meet you.
It's a pleasure to have finally met you.
I've heard so much about you.

四、 话题分析:约 5-10min(带领学生进行分析+头脑风暴);
1、Introduction 中涉及对人物的介绍,除姓名外,还有其他相关信息,如国籍、公司、部门、职业等。
2、自我介绍:say hello、姓名及其他相关信息,如国籍(家乡)、工作或学习等。
2) 介绍姓名、职位(商务场合)、关系(普通场合),可按实际情况添加国籍等其他信息。

五、例文分析:约 15-20min(分析词汇及句型等);每个 conversation 单独分析,全部分析完后,对不同表达进行

A: David, I’d like you to meet my brother, Peter.[1]
B: How do you do?[2]
C: How do you do?
B: What do you think of life in England?[3]
C: I’m still feeling pretty homesick.
B: It’s bound to be strange at first.
A: Mr. Brown, this is Wendy Smith. [1]
B: Pleased to meet you.[2]
C: How do you do?
B: How do you find things over here?[3]
C: If it wasn’t for the climate, I’d like it very much.
B: It won’t take you long to settle down.
A: Daddy, this is Sam’s brother, Joe. [1]
B: Hello.
C: Nice to meet you. [2]
B: How do you like London?[3]
C: It’s quite different from what I expected.
B: Don’t worry. You’ll soon get used to it.
A: Mrs. Smith, I’d like to introduce my Chinese friend, Lin. [1]
B: I’m very glad to meet you. [2]
C: It’s a pleasure to meet you. [2]
B: What are your first impressions of England?[3]
C: Well, it’s much colder here than it is at home.
B: Never mind, you’ll be all right in a week or two.
(Tom and Edward arrive for work on Monday morning. Edward introduces Tom to a number of co-workers on the way in.
Then he introduces Tom to his department manager Tony. Tom also gets to meet some of the people who work with him.)
Edward: Good morning, Ann. I’d like you to meet Tom. [1] He’s our new Software Engineer[5]. Tom, this is our Personnel
Manager[5], Ann.
Ann: (shake hands with Tom) Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you[2], Tom. Welcome aboard.
Tom: Thank you. I’m glad to meet you[2], too.
Edward: And this is Frank. He is part of your team.
Tom: (shake hands with Frank) Hi, Frank, I’m very happy to meet you.
Edward: (smiling) Only good things, John. Oh, and here comes Tony Blakely, the department manager.
Tony: Hello, you must be Tom. Pleased to meet you.[2]
Tom: It’s an honor to meet you[2], Sir. I’m looking forward to working for you.
Tony: From what I’ve heard, it sounds you fit this post. I’ll see you this afternoon to go over things.
Tom:Trust me, Sir. No problem. See you later.
Edward: All right. Now you know your guys, Tom, concentrate on your work.
Tom: You are right. Thank you, Ed. Bye.

1. 在介绍他人时通常可用以下表达:
I’d like you to meet my brother, Peter.
Mr. Brown, this is Wendy Smith.
Daddy, this is Sam’s brother, Joe.
Mrs. Smith, I’d like to introduce my Chinese friend, Lin.
I’d like you to meet Tom.
2. 打招呼方式:
How do you do? (较为正式)
Hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
It’s an honor to meet you.
3. 在问及对某地(国家/城市)的印象及看法时,可用以下表达:
What do you think of …?
How do you like…?
What are your first impressions of…?
How do you find things over here?
4. 情景对话练习 5:
1) 词汇:
职 业 occupation 的 词 汇 : architect ; teacher ; nurse ; doctor ; engineer ; manager ; shop assistant ; reporter ;
journalist;actor;dentist;artist;scientist;accountant;clerk;salesperson;waiter/ waitress;
部 门 department 的 词 汇 : Personnel Department ; Human Resource Department ; Sales Department ; Product
Development Department ; Public Relations Department ; Marketing Department ; Finance Department ;
Purchasing(Procurement) Department;After-sale Service Department;Quality Control Department;
2) I’m looking forward to working for you. 表示对上级尊敬久仰的礼貌表达。

5. 拓展---地道口语表达:
1) I’d like you to meet Bruce Read.
2) This is Linda Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ross.
3) Allow me, Sir, to introduce you to my fellow travelers.
4) Nice meeting you.
5) How nice to meet you.
6) I’ve heard so much about you.
7) First, let me introduce myself. I’m Peter White, production manager.
8) Hello, I’m Alan Simmons. I work in the Forbes Parent Company.

9) Have you met Bruce Read?
10) Have we met before?
11) Jane, Tom is the guy I was telling you about.
12) Hello, Kevin. Andrea’s told me all about you.
13) I’ve been wanting to meet you for some time.
14) I’d delighted to make your acquaintance.
15) It’s a privilege to know you.
16) You can call me Bob.
17) I’m a total stranger here.
18) I’m new around here.
19) Excuse me, I don’t think we’ve met. My name is Hanson Smith.

六、学生练习:约 30min(应根据班级学生数量设置练习时间)
1、5-8min 练习例文分析中的情景对话练习:
2、15-20min 与 partner 组织新的 conversation,并表达练习。
1)以情景对话练习 4 为模板。
1) 脱稿。
2) 表达流利,发音准确。
3) 配合默契,衔接得当。

七、课后作业:将课本中的 Practice(1)作为模板,两人一组根据个人信息组织新的 conversation。


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