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Evidencia 2: Workshop “Products and services”

Ornela Calvo Moreno

Daniel Esteban Duarte Cervera
Juan Carlos Saldarriaga Cadavid

SENA, Centro de Desarrollo Agroempresarial y Turístico del Huila

Ficha: 2374645 Tecnólogo en Negociación Internacional
Dr. Julio Enrique Cuenca Morales
21 de febrero de 2022
1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write
them in a paragraph.
Three factors combine to reshape the foundations of the modern economy.
First, the digital revolution dramatically augments the reach, flexibility and
agility of companies, big and small, creating new economic actors, such as
‘micro-multinationals’: technology-intensive companies that are born global.
Second, international competition draws millions of new workers and
consumers into what is increasingly a ‘race to the top’, rather than a ‘race to
the bottom’, with emerging countries becoming champions of innovation,
engineering ingenuity and skills acquisition. Third, cultural and structural trends
change the nature of socio-economic interactions by transforming people’s
aspirations and preferences, such as the expectation of instant gratification
offered by one-click services or the seamless interoperability between products
and electronic devices,all this leads us to a globalized world.

2. Write a summary of ten lines from the text

A pronounced distinction between product and service markets is fictitious:
value creation and innovation increasingly take place at their intersection.
Business-related services are often decisive in making products attractive to the
consumer and they generate most of the value added in growth and

3. Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

Technological revolutionInternet and digital communications are purposeful
technologies that undoubtedlytransform economies, the economy is digital, all
traditional industries must prepare fordigitalization, 41% of companies in
Europe are still classified as non-digital, do not usedigital technologies and do
not have strategies to do it, only 2% take advantage of digitalopportunities.

4. Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically.
Look for the meaning of each word.
 Economy: Science that studies how a society is organized to produce its
means ofexistence
 Emergent: That emerges from a certain thing or has a beginning in it
 Scrutiny: Review or exhaustive analysis that is done of something
 Outsourcing: Process by which a company or institution entrusts the
accomplishmentof a part of its tasks or services to another company
 Globalization: Economic, technological, political, social and cultural
world-wide processthat consists of the increasing communication and
interdependence between thedifferent countries of the world
 Innovation: Modify existing elements in order to improve or renew them
 Manufacturing: A phase of economic production of goods
 Paradigm: synonym of an example, or to refer to something that is taken
as a model tofollow
 Potential: That it is not, it does not manifest or does not exist but it has
the possibility ofbeing, of manifesting itself or of existing in a future
 Provision: Action to provide or supply

5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

A Client A customer.

B Solution Products and services that solve a

client’s problem.

C Engagement A series of tasks to be done in a

specified sequence.
D Project Things created by projects.

E Deliverable An agreement between client-service


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