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Evidencia 2: Workshop “Products and services”

1. Find the main idea of paragraphs 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, and 12, and write them in a

Paragraph 1
In the modern economy is the digital revolution, international competition and cultural
trends that help in the multimillion-dollar implementation of workers in micro-
multinationals, making them known throughout the digital world worldwide.
Paragraph 2
The attraction to the customer must be greater every time so the creation of new ideas
and innovation must prevail every day more
Paragraph 9
Every day technology appropriates more of a new revolution and permeates where
companies must prepare each day more for digitization where companies that already
carry out the digital world are one step ahead of companies that do not consider it that
Paragraph 10
Despite the fact that Europe always grows in innovation and manufacturing, it declines
from a new problem that makes it descend in the world, such as the slow distribution of
its products, so digitalization can accelerate its distribution.

Paragraph 11
A clear example of adaptation and evolution is Tesla, a company that has just emerged,
starting from a technological model, and arriving at the creation of electric cars
with state-of-the-art technology, and robust automation in its production and assembly
Paragraph 12
Testa's products will bring with them a service, where the vehicle will fully comply with
the diverse functions required by the consumer, from a walking office, to an
entertainment center, all pointing to an integrality.
2 Write a summary of ten lines from the text.
The need for a close relationship between technology and industry becomes more
evident with the passing of time, where as a principle the digitalization of
processes helps to give added value and implicitly provides services, which in the long run
will end up being the purpose of the product, since the service requires qualified labor
and will last longer in time. The investments in research and technology become a focus,
where the profits for the developed activity must have a percentage of reinvestment in
the two fields already mentioned and the growth of the companies that develop this plan
in the médium terms, and train their personnel to carry it out, will be directly
proportional. The technology will determine the growth and evolution of the
economy, therefore its importance and necessary adaptation should not be ignored, if it
is desired to transcend in the time.

3 Choose a paragraph and translate it with your own words.

Europe, with its modernization, would take it to a higher level than the rest of the world,
helping to eliminate cross-border trafficking since everything is easier for all of Europe and
the world, so to equalize in competition it must become more dynamic through
technology so that can further drive innovation
4 Choose ten words from the text and organize them alphabetically. Look for the
meaning of each word.

 Business: Occupation, activity or work that is carried out to obtain a profit,

especially that which consists of carrying out commercial operations, buying and
selling goods or services.
 Company: A company is an organization or institution dedicated to activities that
seek economic or commercial benefit.
 Computers: Electronic machine capable of storing information and processing it
automatically through mathematical and logical operations controlled by computer
 Economy: Economics is the social science that studies: The extraction, production,
exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services.
 Europe: Europe is one of the continents that make up the Eurasian supercontinent,
located between parallels 35º 30 'and 70º 30' north latitude.
 Manufacturing: Manufacture or elaboration of a product from the combination of
its components, especially in series and by mechanical means.
 Marketing: Set of techniques and studies that aim to improve the
commercialization of a product.
 Strategy: Strategy is a general plan to achieve one or more general or long-term
objectives under conditions of uncertainty.
 Technologies: Technology is the sum of techniques, skills, methods and processes
used in the production of goods or services or in the achievement of objectives,
such as scientific research
 Accelerating: A business incubator is an organization designed to accelerate
growth and ensure the success of entrepreneurial projects through a wide range of
business resources and services.

5. Match the term with the corresponding meaning.

a Client d things created by projects

b Solution e products and services that solve a clients problem
c Engagement b A customer
d Project a products and services that solve a clients problem

e Deliverable c An agreement between clients problema

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