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Peer and Self- evaluation Rubric

CG 8.3 assumes a constructive attitude, congruent with his/her knowledge and

skills within different work teams

My Name is: Miguel Soto

Group #: 7D
Title of the assignment: Comic Book Inventions

1. After completing your Comic Book Project, consider your strengths, and how you might make any
improvements in the future by completing the grid below. Be specific!

What went well? What could have gone How could I improve this area
better? in the future?

 Thw way we do the project The organization    In other teams projects

2. Provide a grade for yourself and for each one of the team members. Must write a short comment.

Name Grade Comments

Cristian Martinez 8 Work well but we distracted a lot

Ricardo moreno 8 Work well, but I was confused with some things that he said

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