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Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists but not local people.
Why is this the case and what can be done to attract more local people to visit these
places?  Causes – Solutions

- As local inhabitants have a false sense of familiarity with their culture and
history, they are reluctant to visit these places  by contrast, they are inclined
to visit international art galleries where they have chances to discover alien
civilizations. + example.
- The layout and exhibition/ organization of museums are somehow not
aesthetically pleasing, they fail to grab the attention of those who are living
- The high entrance fee for attending exhibitions of ancient artefacts or historical
relics may prevent more indigenous people from going to such places.

- Educational programs dedicated to history should be launched to educate local
residents about the significance of native history and ways of life  there are
many invaluable lessons have not been discovered and they should be well-
preserved to impart/ pass down onto next generations as a way of traditional
- More funding should be allocated to bolster/enhance the image and
organization of museums and historical heritage to increase the attendance of
the locals. Similarly, presentation and interpretation in these sites should become
more friendly user and aesthetically attractive
- The ticket price for enrolling in any exhibitions should be made affordable to
access more potential customers  such a subsidy/subsidises can provide an
incentive for local passengers to stop by these areas.

In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the history of one’s
own family. Why do people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?
 2 part question

Why + positive
- The search for one’s origin possibly allows him to have a deeper insight into his family
history and develop a sense of pride and attachment. This helps descendants learn
more about the past and greatly appreciate the invaluable lessons that their
forefathers have left. (Thanks to investigations, many Vietnamese children have
known the great sacrifice of their fathers to gain the independence even though they
have never ever see their fathers)
- Another benefit can be seen in the way orphans have higher chances to seek their
biological parents through medical tests such as DNA. Similarly, the research for
family history is a good way to find out about genetic/inherited diseases, which may
run in a family. By having early diagnosis of one genetic disorders, for example,
doctors possibly provide prompt treatment to infants since they are in the embryo/
womb/ fetus.

Nowadays, there is a trend that media reports focus on problems and emergencies
rather than positive development. Some people think it is harmful to individuals and
to society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
 Partly agree

It is said that media and press are inclined to place an emphasis on problems and
emergent issues instead of positive ones. From my perspective, I partly agree that this
has detrimental effects on individuals and society as a whole.

Negative side
- Once being exposed to bad news frequently, media consumers possibly feel
fearful of the outside world. This has manifested itself in the way the implications
of COVID 19 are exaggerated and there is no cure for this. As a result, many
patients are at stake as they adopt inappropriate treatments, making the
situation even become worse.
- By contrast, the availability of positive stories can provide an incentive for
readers to overcome the hardships and reach their goals. Breaking news about
the success of implementing vaccinations for COVID 19 can promise a world
devoid of this virus and this stimulates patients to follow doctors’ guidelines to
fight the disease.

Positive side
- Negative stories, on the other hand, notify audiences of unpalatable truth and
perceived threats that they may encounter in real life.
Eg: terrorism has been on the rise in many regions where heinous crimes are
committed regularly and the governments sometimes fail to administer/ impose

Some people believe government should spend money on building train and subway
lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and wider roads is
the better way to reduce traffic congestion.  discussion opinion
Benefits of constructing and expanding road networks
- Increase more lanes for a sheer number of vehicles travelling together  minimize
the number of collisions and create more space for cars to steer away from lengthy
delays  contribute to mitigate traffic jam.
If there are designated/ specific lanes for motorbikes and cyclists, for example, there
would be unnecessary for them to travel in a small path as before.

- However, such a policy is also associated with drawbacks such as the scarcity of land
or environmental impacts. In other words, if more land is dedicated to road
infrastructures, there would be at the expense of residential properties since many
houses can be demolished for road construction. More importantly, this scheme also
encourages more private vehicles, which are a precursor of air contamination derived
from the growing exhaust fumes every day.

Benefits of investing in public transport such as trains or the subway.

- The provision and extension of mass transit can alleviate traffic congestion because
this forms of transport are capable of carrying many passengers at one time. Hence,
this ultimately lessen the number of vehicles commuting on a daily basis, and
commuters would not found themselves being stuck in traffic anymore.
- Besides, many subway lines can be underground so that they do not require many
space on the surface and this, therefore, do not affect residential buildings/ areas.
- This means of transport is also environmentally friendly because buses can take many
guests while release not pollutants as many private vehicles add up.

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