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358:2000: 0. '..
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Personal prote~ti\Te , .J

equipIllent for; "\tvork.

positioning and
prevention of'falls fro III
a height - Belts for
work positioning and
restraint. and work
positioning lanyards


11\(' Europ<'aJ1 Standard EN 358: 199f1has the status of a

BlitL"h StcUld,U"(i


N ;sfiH:2000
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National fore\yord
Tili." Blil ish Sialld;l!"! t is 1111'o:-:;("ia] English tUlguagl' \"t'I~ion of E\ :J;>S:\!I'/!I.
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~uRopAISCHE NORM Decembe4' 1999

ICS 13 340.99

E:-;!ish 'Jersion

Personal protective equipment for work positioning and

prevenlion of falls from a height - Belts for work posit:oning and
. restraint and work positioning lanyards
tC;u'pCl11enl rjc protection oncl'llduelle de ma'ntoer. au trava:1 Schutzausrustung fUI Haltelunktione
"I c:c prf:\"t.:llioon contre des chutt:s de hauteur. Ceintures de Verhlnderung van AbstUrzen . Haltegurte L
nl:110to.:n ,1" t,;!V;ul d ele relen!)e cl lun9~S de mauiticn au Vert>indun!Jsminel'ur Haltegt;;te

CEN meml;ers are bound \0 comply wilt, Ihe CENICENELEC I~:emal Regulatrons which stopulate Ihe condltrons for givmg Ihis Eu.
Standard the slatus 01 a nal,o"al standard withc:.!! any alleralic:- 'Jp-Io-date lists ar.c blbhographlcal refi!rences concerning ~.rch r
~tanda.ds may be oblained on appll(;C'hcn 10 the Cen:ral Secre:;;"al or 10 ani CEN member.

ih,S Europr:;111 St;1n;!ard cx,~ts In Ihree O"'CI:II ve'SlOn5 :Enghs~. ~renc:-J. German) A vers'o~, In any other language nlade by 'r31~
"nd.:c Ihe rc~ponSlblh!y 01 a CEN member II1to lIS own languaqe and notilled to the Central Secretanat has the same status as he

CEN I11cmht:c$ arc: the n;1l,on:l1 st;,,1(1ards bOdl<!$ of AIIs.trm. 8el;,;.Im. Czech ReputJllc. ()enmark. Finland. France. Germany. Gr3e
lc:el;H1d. Irel:lnd. Itillf. Luxembourg. Netherl;mds. Norway. Portu;;al. Spain. Swerlen. SWitzerland and United Kingdom.

IT!!.!)I'I'.,\:>: (,lI:-I~IITTEE FOR SHSD.-\RIJIZ:\ T10~

('11\11'1'''' II:kOl'fi ~ IJr SO!!.~L\II..:\TI()S
1 t"{I;)' \1:-'(,111':-' ;.II~IIII.I IT!!. :-'(Jk~Il'Sli

Central Secrciarial: rup de Slassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels

All "9h1S at explodaloon In any lorm and by any t;:i:ans reserved R(!I No EN 358
wurldwlde !or CEN niltional Members
Contents (

"'.II('word. .. ......... d 2

Introduction .................. 3

1 Scope .............. .. .... .... .... ... ... ...-. 3

? ~hfm;itive references. ........... ........ 3

.............. ..4

.........-...................... .. ... ... ...... ....... .................................... 4

.................. ................. 6

i) !nformatiof' supplied by the mariula'cturer. marking c;nd ~a:king .... 9

:11;ltive) CICI~se~of this European Standarc addressing essential requirements

or other provisions 01 EU Directives... ................................ 11

[his European Standi:Jrdhas been prerared by Technical Committee CENITC 160. Protection against falls from height
ncluding wOrl;ingbe:ts, the Secretariat of which is held by C!:--J

rhis European Standard supersedes [N 358: 1992

-!lis European Standard shall be given the status of a naticnal standard, either by publication 01 an identical text or by
!ndorsemeOl. at the !ate5t by June 2000. and conflicting nat:onal standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by June 2000.

'tllS European Standard has been prepared under a rr.a::::!ate given to CEN by th~ European Commission and the
'uropean Freo. Trade Associatior, and supports essential r€:;uirements of EU Directive(s).

0: relationship with EU Directive(s). see iillormative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this standard.

,xo.uing to the C";N/CENELECInternal Regulations'- the nationai s:andards organizations of the follow;ngcountries are
ound to implement this Europear. Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic. Denmark. Finland. France. Gennany,
,fC'l'c:elc:elClnd.!reland. Italy. Luxembourg. Nether!ands. N:;rway.Portugal. Spain. Sweden. Switzerland and the United

..:: t ,




~8SI 03-2000 '.f ~

.:f -
, I
. P~ge
EN 35!U 99'
. .
When work undertaken at.a height is of zhort durat:Ocl.or for technical rea$o~$ the provisio!1of a working platforr
suitable barriers .and other similar safeguards is impracticable. then the prevention from falling from a height whil
performil'Y cor're"Ctlythe related work actiititycan be achieved by the use of personal protective equipment" Equipme
when manufactiJred.accor<1Jngto tnis standard is desig:1ed !o either secure the user safely :n positionat the point of wo
(work posltioniilg),ot prevent the user from reacl)in9 c position Where a fall can occur (restraint). It is essp.ntial to nol
that such personal, equipment by d.esign does not meet the requirements necessary for the purposes of fall ~rres!: it me
be'ne,=essary to supplem~nt it with collective or per!';or.almeans of protection against falls froma height, and its safe USI
in practice. rel!ez upon the effeciive training dnd instru:::tionof the user. .

1 Scope
This'European standard applies to belts and lanyards I:;tended for the pUipase oi work positic,nina or ~€straint. It spedfie
the requirements, testing. marking 2nd information sll~::!ied by the manufacturer.

2 Normative references

ThiS European Standard inco'rpor~tes'bydated 0: unda:ed refe"fence. provisions from other publicatio'ns. These normativE
:eferel1ccs are cited at the appropriate .places in the text and the pUbhcations are listed hereafter. For dated references
subseql:cnt amendment!; to or rt!visions of any of t:lese publi"cations apply to this European Standard only wher
incorporated in it by amer'ldment 01 revision. For uncated references the latest edition of the publication referred tc
EN 137:1993
Respiratory' protective devices: self-contained open-circuit compressed air breathir:tg apparatus: requirements.
testing. marking

EN 354
Personal projective equipment against falls from a h:!ghl -Lanyards
~N 361 .
Perzonal protectiv~equipment'aga!ns:fa!ls from a height Full body harnesses
EN 362
Personal projective equipment against falls from a height - Canriectors
EN 363
Personal proteciive equipment against falls from a height - Fall arre:;t systems
f:N"364: 1992
PerSbnal prolective equipment 'against falls from a height - T~st methods
EN 365' '.
Persona: protective equipment against falls from a height. Genetal requirements for instriJctions for use and
marking .

EN 892
Mountain~eringequipment Dynamic mountaineering ropes. Si3fetyrequirements and test methods
equipment - Harnesses Safety requirements' and test methods
ISO 9227
.1 Corr~sion tests in a~ificial atmospheres -Sal! spray test.
". 'J'Definitions

For the purposes of (his standard the following definitions appiy.

3.1 -attachment element

a loaa ,:",,,,';lr:-:g
elemE:nt provided fcr thp. connec!ioll of otl)er components



. -:.. ~~J~}
Page 4 I
EN 358:1999
).2 compo.i1cnt (
. .
a part 0: a syst"! a PQintof sale by tfie manufacturer, supplied with.packaging. marking a!)d infoimat:on supplied by (
. the manufacturE:r. Body supports (inclucJir.gwaist belts) and !anyards are examples of components of systems (see
EI.J363) .. .
3.3 element.
CIp:'lrt 01 a component or a sub-system. Ropes. ' e::-;)ing.attachment elements. fittingsar.d anchorage lines are eX.'.Imples (
u! l~I.~rnnnts

3.4 restraint (

a techn:que whereby 3 person is pre'len!ed by me;;;]s of personal protective equipment from reaching wnes where the
,j:~k01 <JIvii i,am a height exists . {
3 5 waist belt
a holly support Ihal cn';lrcies' ,he body at the waist

3.6 work p'ositioning

a Ie .:hnique that enables a person to work supportec by personal protective equipment in tensiorl in such a way that a fall
: ;Jrevented . (

3.7 work positioning la':1yatd

a component used to connect a waist be!tto an ancho~poinl. or to a structure by encircling il. as a means of SIJpport .1

4 Requirements (

4.1 Design and construction (

4.1.1 Waist belt (~ A waist belt shall be designed to enable the wearer to perform his work without undue .discomfort and. remain ..(
secure ,lg,lInst the ha7ard of a fall from a height Esse:1tial fastening and adj<.Jstment elements 5:-'all remain accessible to
Ihl~ wearer and shall operate effectively when manipulated by hand. .
~ A w<Jisltlelt shall be not less than 43 mm wine and shall bE:capab!e of adjustment io fit the wE:arer. The waist belt
shall have al least one attachment eiement intended for the connection of load bearing components. The waist belt shall
rnl,Cllhe penorinance requirements spe~ified in 4.2.
"'1.<- The fastening and adjustment elements of a waist belt shall be design€:..:and constructed so that when correctly
fa~tl:ned, involuntary release or opening of the element cannot occur. When' fastening or adjustment elements can be :'(...
secured in morE:than one manner, then the w-'3is!belt shaHt;omplywith the perform<3;'1ce req'Jiremenisof this stan!:lard
when the elemer.!s a{e secured in each available manner. .
:,F' II shall be possible to earry out a visual.inspection of the waist belt and all its attachments even when the b~Jtis ";..~'.I
incorporated into a g~rment or if it is a component in CIfv" body h~rness. . )~ A waist bell not fitled with a back support and intended for work positioning purposes shall be not less than 80
nlm widc.

~.1.1.£ A back support when fitted to a waisl. belt shall be designed to gi~e physical support to the wearer without
r.lut<ting eithf,r arm or leg movements. The minimum length ()f the back support shall be 50 mm longer than half the
:ircumference of the belt when adjusted to Ihe maximum raoial length (waist size) specified by the manufacturer. The
niroimumwidth of the back support shall be 100 mOl for a length of 200 mOl centred on the spine or the wearer and shall
I~ a minimum of 60 mm el$ewhere.
. .

.1.1:7 Whpn ~ waist belt is eq,..lIppe1 with 'shoulder or :eg straps they shall not impair u~e of the waist bel! in any way.
No <1l1a::.hmentelemenl shall be connec:ad to a 5,oulder or leg strap.

1.1.8 When a waist belt is incorporated into other equ1;:~enl. e.g. a full body harness (see EN 361). then th~'waist belt
1II(~etthi~pl~rlorrnancc requirements ';pecified ill 4 2

~t3SI 03-2000
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. ,.... Page 5
:;t. EN 355: 1999
4.1,.2 Work positionin,g,lanyard
:J . , . A work Positioning lanyard bf fixed length shall meet the requirements of EN 354. It shall be intended for a
( , spedfic, purpose. which'shall be detailad by the manufacturar. The length of such a work positioning lanyard snail be the
minimum length to achieve its specified purpose. . A work positioning lanyard eq~ipped with a length adjustment elsment sha!1 ba cap'able of adjustment to the
( , minimumlengthwhichenables fieedomto workand prevents the wearer fromfallir.gwhen the lanY2rdis incorporate:
into aspecif:ec!'work posi!ioning system. ' Every work positioning lanyard shall be so constructed that involuntaryrelease of the lanyt:lrdwhen connected Ie
n \v.list belt 'is prevented. The material of th'e wore; positioning lanyard shall be te'fllinated ili such a way that a leng:::
( ,
adjuster when' fitted can no! be released from ::-:e Ic:nyard involuntarily. When, a work positioning lanyard can b:::
asse:;lbled in more than one mannE!r then the lanyard shall meet the performanGe requiremenis when tested with each
me~hod of assembly,
( A work positioning I<:nyard equipped with a :ngth adjus!ment e,lemer.tshl'lli be either:

a) permanently attached to the w<Jistbelt at or.: end and have a connector co~patib1e with an attachment element
fittedto the.waistbeltat the otherend; ,

h) detachahle. in which case there shall be a co~nedor at each end compatible with the attachment element(s) of the
.( waist 'belt: or, ' ,

< c) detachable (and independent). whereby at :east 9nC end of the work positioning lanyard shall be capable of
attachment te' a siJitable anchor point; and the lengtn adjustment element shall be capable of connection to the waist belt
attachme~t element either directly or via a detachable lanyard of maximum !ength 0,5 m. '

( The work positioning ianyards described in a) and b) shall have a'maximum length of 2 m. The WQrk
positioning lanyard dezcribedin c) shaHbe Clssigneda length of 2 m for the purpose cf testing but shall not have a
speCiiiedmaximum length unless a limit is specifi~d by.the manufacturer.
}... It sh'all be possible t,o carry,out a visual inspection of at; the elements incorporated into the work positioning
lanyard, '

\ A work positioning lanyard'shall meet'the performance requirements of 4.2 when tested with a waist belt ofa type
with which it i3 intended t6 be used,

. 4.1.3 Materia'ls

4.1.'3.1 Webbing and yarns shan be made. from virgin filament ,or multifilamenl synthetic fibressuit2bl~for the use
( ,in~~.nded. 1:he breaking tenacity,of the synthetic fibre shall be~nown to be at least 0,6 Nltex. '

{ Threads used for sewi~ shall be' Jjhysically compatible with the, webbing and' o'f ~quality comparable with that of
the webbing. The~ shall be of a contiasting colour or shade ~n order to facilitate visual inspection. ' ,

4.1;3.3 When a work 'positioning lanyard is intended for a special application then'the material appropriate for that
\. specification (e. g. chain or wire Tope) shall be'specified by the manufacturer. ' The material usee in the manufacture of a work positioning lanyard shall be known to have a minimumbreaking
forceof 22 kN.

4.1.4 ' Connectors

I. , ' Connectors shall comply with EN 362.

t 4.1.5 Thennal resilience
( Equipment which is clair(1ed'to be suitable for use in high temperature environments (e.g. fire-fighting exposure) shall be
iested in accordance with 6.3.1,4 of ,EN 137: 1993 and shall not continue 10burn for mor,ethan 5 s after r~moval from the
l test flame.



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EN .358:1999 : .t ,,!
4.2 Performance . I
( ':\
4.2.1 Static strength
( A waist belt shaU be subjected 10 the static stre'ngth tast .described in 5.2.1 and stlnll withstand a force of 15 kN
for 3 min without releasing the cylinder.
\ 'I A waist bell with an integral wor\{positioning lanyard shall be subjected to the static strength test described in I
( .
5] 2 and ~h()11
withstnr.d a force of 15 kN for 3 min.wiihoutreleasing' the cylinder. . A work positioning lanyard with an adjustable element shal! be subjected to the static strength test described ir.
5.2.3 and sl1:,11
withst::lnda force of 15 kN for 3 rnin 'ithout fracture.

'4.;>.2 D"yn::tmic strength

A v;;lis! belt ,;nd n work ro:;itioning lanyard shall ::>etested in combination as described in 5.3 and ~hall not allow the
dLiI1H1iY to be released. ..

4.2.3 Corrosion resistance f I'

Wrlt!n tested in accordance with 5.4 each metal part of a waist belt ar.d of a work positioning lanyard shall show no
. ':Idence of corrosion which could affect its funciion.

5 Testing {

5.1 TeSt-apparatus' \

5.1.1 Apparalus for the testing of waist.belts nnd worj<pcsitionir"!g13'1y()rdsshan meet the requiremants of 4.7 of
E=N364:1992: and, in respect of an <l1t~rnalivedummy (withwaist) the model shown in Figure 2 of EN 12277:1998 given
a rnass of 100 kg shall be acceptable.

5.1.2 The diameter of the test cyli'1der specified in 4,3 of EN 364: 1992 may be reduced to a minimumof 250 mm to avcid ( I
between the wais! belt buck!e and the cylinder.

5.2 Static strength test methods ( :

5.2.1 Waist belt

5 2.1.1 Install the waist bea and. test cylinder in the test 'app::Iratus a's shown in figure 1. Apply the specified test force
between the test cylinder artd a waist belt attachment element. ~..1'aintain the force for 3 min and observe whether the
waist belt releases the cylinder.. . ,.' When waist belt attachment 'elements differ in design, or manner of connection. to the bel\, then the test shall be
repealed for each different type of attachment. A new waist belt shall be used for each test.

~-BSI 03-2000
~f;~~:ji.: . Page 7
:.~': .f:: EN 358:1999


.. .

.' ~~t
.' '
. 1 Allachl1lenl elemelll

;0, Th.e buckle. shall nOIcbnlac: Ihe Cili!1()er .

Figure 1: Static strength test for a waist belt

5.2.2 Waist belt with in:egral wort. positioning lanyard

Install the waist b~l! wi!h inlegral work.positioning lanyard and test cylinder in Ihe test apparatus as shown in figure 2.
Ensure thai the lenglh adjustment element is a mi.limulT:of 300 mm from the free end of the lanyard and mark its
position..Apply a force of 5 kN for a period of 3 min between the test cy!inde-rand the connector at 'he free end of the
.~~. work positioning lanyard. Record any movement (slippage) cf the lanyard ma!e-rialthrough the adjustment element. Any
movement of tlie inat€rial (!>Iippage)through the adjustment element shall not exceed 50 mm. Release the load and
immediately move the .adjustment element of the work positioning lanyard to the end stop of the lanyard. Apply the
. specified test force (15 kN) between the. test cylinder and the cor-nectar at the free end of the work positioning lanyard.
Maintainlheforce for:; min and obs~rve whether the waist belt or the work positioningIc:nyardrel<:dsesthe cylinder.
Dimensions in millimetres


. 1. 300mih.

:,( :. ..

.. .

.: 1 Attachment. eie-ment

~~ : . . .2 Lenglh 2djus!ment element

'1 .
.. a) The buckie shall not contact Ihe cylinder

Figure 2: Stati.: :tor 3 waist belt with integral work posi.tiohlng lanyard

t .



.;~ ~I03-2000

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Page 8
EN .:.'j8.1999 . . .. ""
'. .(
5.2.3 Delach~ble work positioning lanyartJ with a length adjustment elem2nt
( "
Assemble the \'Iork:positioning lanyard ;)$ shown in I!gure3. E:l5ure that the length adjustment element is a m:nimum of
300 mm from the free cndof tne lanyard af}dmark its pos:tion. Apply a fOiceof 5 kN for a period uf 3 min between the
connector al.the anchor point and the length adjustment element. Recorc1any movement (slippage) of the lan)'ard ( ,
1i13terialthrough the adjustmen! element. Any movement (slippage) of the matedal through the adjustment element shull
nut exceed 50 mm. Release .the load and immediately move the adjustment element of the work positioning lanyard to
the end stop of the lanyard. Apply the spe.cilied !es! force (15 kN) between the connector at the anchor point rind th~
length adjustment element. Maintain the forr.e lor 3 min and observe whether the work positioning !anyard fractures.

Dimensions in millime!res


1 Length aojlJslm~ht element

Figur~ 3: Static strength t~st for a detachable work positioning lanyard

5.3 Dynamic strength

,( \
5.3.1 General When", waist bell without an accompanying work positio~ing lanyard is required to be tes!ed then a ~
f11oulltaineerin.grope of 1~ mm diameter meeting the requirement of EN 892 'single rope' cat~gory shall be used for .~
.:::< i
the pdrpose of the test. Whell a waist bell with an integral work positioning lanyard is required to be !ested and the
lanyard length is less. th3n 1 m then a lanyard of :ength 1 m shali be provided for the purpose of the test.

5.3 1.2 When wais: bell aUachment elements differ in design, or manner of connection to the bell, then the test shall
be repeated for each different type of attachment. A new waist.beft and work.positioning lanyard shall be used for each I'";"
test. When 3 work positioning lanyaid withoul an accompanying wais! bell is required to be te!5tedther. either a
W(1;stbelt meeting the requirements of this standard filled to a torso dummy, or a rigid mass of 100 kg. shall be used
for 111'':
purpose of the test.

5.3.2 Test method Fit the waist bell to the select~d torso dummy. Allach the work positioning lanyard or mountaineering rope to
an attachment element of the waist belt. Adjust the length of the work positioning lanyard, or mountaineering rope, to
(1 :t 0,05) m. Secure the connector at the free end of the work positioning lanyard to a structural anchor point as
shown in figure 4. . Suspend the dummy by its upper allachment point and raise it s<;> that the waist bell allachme:lt element is
level with the $tructural anchor point :::Inda~ close possible to it (without risk of contact during the fall). Hold the torso
dummy with the quick release device. .
'.i.: [(elease the t0fSO dummy without initial velocity tG free fall feet first about 1 m before the wort<positioning '.". ~,
l:mY<1rdtakes up the !ensic.n. Observe whether the to!SO dummy is released by the waist bell ...


~BSI 03-2000 j.~

Page 9
EN 358:1999

.. O..3mmax.

1 Length adjustment element

2 Torso dummy v -. -U-

Figu.e 4: Oypa.mic.strength. test for waist belt and work positioning lanyard

5.4 Corrosion resistance

5.4.1 Expose the specimen to the. neutral sc:1tspray te~t:fo( a period of 24 h and then dty it for 1 h. The nelliral salt spray
test procedure shall be ir. accordahce with ISO 9227.

5.4.2. When the sp.ecimen is exa,r.ined white scaling crtamishing is acceptable if the funr.tion of the element or
component is nol impaired. When it is necessary to gain v;sual access to i'1ternal components dismantle the device and
examine as described. .

6 Information supplied .by "the mc~inufacturertmarkiilg and packaging

6.1 Informatioh supplied by the. manufacturer

The informaticnsupplied by the manufacturer sha!l confom to !he relevant requirements o( EN 305 when applicable, and
shall in addition contain the:followingin(ormationand advice: .

a) size details and instructions on how to obtain the optimum fit:

b) the correct way to put on the beit;

c) the essential need to regularly check ta.stening and/or adjustment elements during use;

d) identificationof attachment element~. the correct method of connecting io them. and a .clear and unambiguous
st2tement which states the purposeo( each ar.achment element:

e) a-stalemcnt of the purpose and :imitationsof the product:

fj a warning that the equipment is. no: suitable for fa!!arrest purposes and that it may be necessa:y to supplement
.arrangements (or work posiiioning or restraint withcollectivemeans (e.g. safety nets) or personal means (e.g. fall arrest
systems in accordance withEN 363) of protection.against falls (rcm a height:

g) an instruction to. position and/or adjust the work positioning lanyard in such a way that the anchorage point is
maintained at or above waist levet the lanyard is kept taut: 3"ndfree movement is restricted .toa maximum o( 0.6 m:

":.B5, 03.2000
. ~"(
P~gl! 10
EN 3~i:i: 199~ '..

h) tna! llSf:!of the equipmenl is intended to be restricled \0 propedy Irained and competent personnel. :)r subjecllo a levei of. (
cOmpelrml supervision;
i) tlwl hefoh~ '.~t1 of Ihe equipmenl con~ideralion should be given as to how al"'Ym:cessary rescue '.:ould be safely achieved;
j) on any limitations applicable to the r.1i:1lerialsof !ha producl or hazards which may affect the performance of the malerials.
(~,g temperalure. chemical agenls. sharp f'dges: abrasion. cuts, uliraviolet radiation. t:tc: \

k) C!: (;(,;lI1111f1;;:1d disinfecting the preduct. (

I) 011I .\: expl:cled lifespan of ihe equipment or how this may be determined:

rn) how 10 prOleclthe equipment during transportation:

:1) II)e IOlerpre!i'ltion of any m<:irkings:

0) Ih!'!:H~f;GfrHregular checks on It)e waist bell and as:;cc.aled lanyard(S1 for signs of wear or damage before use.

6.2 Marking

The marking of waisl bells and work positioning lanyarc5 ~hall comply with EN 365 and shall in addition include Ihe
rnanufar.lurer's model designation or reference and the number of this European Stanoard. i.e EN 358,

6.3 Packaging

E<Jch waCi,tb(:11and work posilioning lanyard shall when suppl!ed be wrapped in suitable moislure proof packaging.



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Page 11
EN 358:1999

Clauses of ihis European Standard 2ddressing essential requirem.ents or other provisions of

EU Directives

This European Standard has been preparec1 u:-.:er a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission ane the
Eurupean Free Trade Association and supports ess~ntial requireme'1ts of EU Directive 89/686/EEC.

WARNING: Otner requirements and other EU Di,e:tives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope o~ ihis
Eu,'l)pean Sta:-adard.' .

Tire following clauses of this ElJropean Standard a:e !ikely to 'support requirements oi Directivcl 89/686/EEC. Annex I':

EU-Dlrective 89/686/EEC. Annex II CICluzesof this European Standard

1.1 Desiqn principles
1.'1 Ergonomics 4.1. .1.
1.2 Inno\.UOIlsness. of PPE
1.2.' 3 Maximum permissible user impediment,2
,3 Comfort and efficiency
1.3.1 Adaptation to user morphology to 4.1.1..3
1..3.2 liQhtness and desiQrfstrenQth.,
1.3.3 . Compatibility of different classes or types of PPE for 4.1. 6.1 f)
simultaneous use -
c-. !r.formatiop supplied by ihe.mar.!Jfac:tu,er 6.1
2.1 PPE incorporatir.Qadjustment systems to i.2.2 to
2.4 prE subie:t !o c3Qeinq 6.1 D. 6.1 k). 6.1 I)
2.9 PPE incolporating components which can be adjusted or, to 4.1.2 4
removed by the usp.r .
2.1C PPE for connectior: to another, external ccmplerTIfntary 6.1 t). 6.1 g)
2.12 PPE bearing one or more identifir.ation or recognition maiks 6.1 n). 6.2
directly or indirectly ,elating to ht::althand safety
_. ..L.L Preventicn of falls from a height Q).6.1 j)

Cumpliance with the clausp.s of this European St<:md::lldproviGe~one means of conforming with the sp~cific essential
izquirements of the Directive concerned and associated EFTA regulations.

e.-SSI 03.2000
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BS EN :35R:2000. i
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BSI i.<;III(' illdq}(,:lcI~'11I natiollaJ body r('sponsihl~ for prE'paring British Standards. It
"r('s"ilis 1111'(:1\ \'il'\\' 1':' sl.unlanL<; ill Ellropl' ami al t)1(' illt('i1Iatio:laJ 1('\'('1. II i.<;
illl'li'liorah'd hy HClyal t 'h:u1I'r. .

Biil i.<;hSI~UI:I;U'(L<;
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1!1t' id,.ltliIY IIf whie'" e:a;, j,;, fllulld ell: till" ill.;id,' frollt ('f)\"'r. 1'1'1: iJ~O ~;!I;'ti ~I(.XXJ.
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impl('l1Il'nt::t ion of thn~;(' ihat haw b('t'n publish('(i as Ur;t ish Standards. unJess
olli<'rwisC' f('qllc'st ('(I.
Information 011 standards

BSI p1u,iilt's a wid,' 1~III~t'of illfollnati:n\ (In n:uiollaJ. ElIrop(',u: ~U\d int('matioliaJ
st<Ullj;u'(lt.; tltrou~h its Lihr.u)" mill its T('chnkaJ 1I('lp iO E:q)orters &'f\;c(', \'ar;ous
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i .

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