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Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Class__________________

LESSON Exponents and Roots

5 Review for Mastery: Squares and Square Roots
A perfect square has two identical factors.
25 5 5 52 or 25 ( 5) ( 5) ( 5)2 then 25 is a perfect square.

Tell if the number is a perfect square.

If yes, write its identical factors.
1. 121 2. 200
3. 400

Since 52 25 and also ( 5)2 25, 25 5 and 25 5

both 5 and 5 are square roots of 25.

The principal square root of 25 is 5: 25 5

Write the two square roots of each number.

4. 81 5. 625 6. 169
81 625 169

Write the principal square root of each number.

7. 144 8. 6400 9. 10,000

Use the principal square root when 5 100 3

evaluating an expression. For the 5(10) 3
order of operations, do square root 50 3

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first, as you would an exponent. 47

Complete to simplify each expression.

100 1
10. 3 144 20 11. 25 144 13 12.
25 2
100 1
3 20 13
25 2

20 13
5 2

Holt McDougal Mathematics

Name ________________________________________ Date __________________ Class__________________

LESSON Exponents and Roots

6 Review for Mastery: Estimating Square Roots
To locate a square root between two consecutive integers, refer to the table.
Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Square 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
Number 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Square 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361 400

Locate 260 between two integers.

260 is between the perfect squares 256 and 289: 256 260 289
So: 256 260 289
And: 16 260 17

Use the table to complete the statements.

1. 39 2. 130

39 130

39 130

After locating a square root between two consecutive integers, you can
determine which of the two integers the square root is closer to.
27 is between the perfect squares 25 and 36: 25 27 36
So: 25 27 36
And: 5 27 6

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The difference between 27 and 25 is 2;
the difference between 36 and 27 is 9. 25 27 36
So, 27, is closer to 5. 2 9

Complete the statements.

3. 100 106 121 4. 250

106 250

106 250
106 100 250
121 106 250
106 is closer to than 250 is closer to than

Holt McDougal Mathematics

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Perfect Squares and Cubes Operations

Write the square or cube for each number.

3 2 3
1) 20 = _____ 2) 6 = _____ 3) 2 = _____

2 3 2
4) 9 = _____ 5) 12 = _____ 6) 18 = _____

Write the square root for each number.

____ __ ____
7) /
^V 400 = _____ 8) /
^V 4 = _____ 9) /
^V 324 = _____

__ ___ ____
10) /
^V 1 = _____ 11) /
^V 49 = _____ 12) /
^V 121 = _____

Write the cube root for each number.

_____ ____ ____
3 3 3
13) /
^V 4913 = _____ 14) /
^V 512 = _____ 15) /
^V 729 = _____

_____ __ _____
3 3 3
16) /
^V 8000 = _____ 17) ^V 1/ = _____ 18) /
^V 5832 = _____


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