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Name: Prince Jone M.

Gonzaga Grade/Section: 12 HUMSS Y1-6

Subject: Disciplines and Ideas Applied in Social Science Activity #3 “Essay Writing”

Why Being A Counselor Is A Vocation

Counselors took their time as students knowing they will serve others for good; dedicating all
their sleepless nights to having sufficient counseling knowledge. I believe that being a counselor
is not just a profession, but a vocation. A vocation is an ongoing process of our dream that is
hard to kill because of the love we have for it. Behind the professionalism that our beloved
counselors exhibit, their passion and will in doing their job are often unseen. It takes months to
pull a person out of their black hole, and counselors are patient enough to be with them
throughout their journey, and they will use whatever technique is needed just to be of help.
Redirecting someone from their dark path is a beautiful thing, and to consider counseling a
“profession” is an understatement.

Counseling is a vocation because individuals in this field choose their job to help others. They
made their life about helping others live. In my opinion, it is difficult to put other people’s life
first, and for you to do that as a living is a selfless act, and should be applauded. Human
psychology is very complicated, and eliminating problems is not a walk in the park. The world
out there is scary and more often than not unsafe. Everyone gets hit by a stone from to time, and
it is hard to recover, and we have counselors who we can call our heroes. It is a vocation to save
others who are drowning despite not knowing how to swim with their wave. Every redemption
story had one counselor that straightened their tangled life, and one of those stories is mine. And
for that, I will forever look up to counselors because they make it so easy to breathe a million
little times.

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