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is typically defined as “the study of speech sounds of a language or languages, and the laws
governing them,” particularly the laws governing the composition and combination of speech sounds in
Phonetics is the study of human sounds.
Phonetics is divided into three types according to the production (articulatory), transmission (acoustic) and
perception (auditive) of sounds.

Phonetics Vs. Phonology

Phonetics: the study of human sounds.

Phonology: the study of how speech sounds are put together to form words that convey meaning with in a
specific language system.

Phonetics: study and describe human speech sound in general without reference to any language system.
Phonology: study and describe human speech sound in a specific language.

Phonetics emphasizes the form of speech sounds by describing and categorizing their physical attributes, their
articulatory and acoustic components and their auditory effects.
Phonology stresses their function as meaning-establishing and meaning-differentiating phonemes with in a
language system.

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