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OGL 481 Personal Case Analysis

Structural Frame
1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

As the Human Resource Manager for Evolution Fresh, I was looked to help transition the
organization through an acquisition. The situation I am reflecting here is the
communication meeting for the organizations town hall. Evolution Fresh was owned by
Starbucks and this event was to formally announce the acquisition and name the new
parent company that would be taking over. During this communication meeting little
details were to be provided given the lack of confirmed changes, however it was
important to provide as much information and transparency that we had at the time.

2) Describe how the structure of the organization influenced the situation.

Starbucks was the parent company of Evolution Fresh since 2012. Evolution Fresh was
ran very similar to Starbucks with their like minded values, culture, leadership and
development. Evolution Fresh structure is organizied as a professional bureaucary.
“Control relies heavily on professional on training and indoctoration.” (Bolman & Deal,
2021, p.84) Many departments and support groups function as one with goals of
Starbucks core culture. Changes to Evolution Fresh employees had always been made
intentionally with transparency to build trust with employees.

Knowing the organization was a professional bureaucracy; myself and the Vice President
wanted to be intentional when and how the acqusiton communication was delivered to
the employees. It was important to not allow the information to leak to even the most
trusted leaders first. Providing the communication intentially, timely and in one meeting
would help the structure, which was used to slower changes. Employee needed to
understand that this change would not be as slow as previous company changes. Reform
was going to be quick and unlike they have ever experienced previously.

3) Recommend how you would use structure for an alternative course of action
regarding your case.

Change is the only constant in organizations. Structural changes are not easy however, it
is important for structures to adjust. Evolution Fresh was going to be acquired by a new
organization that had a very different operating model. The new organization, Bolthouse
Farms operated under a more of a simple structure. Evolution Freshs’ new operating
model after this announce meeting would turn to a more drastic route that the current

structure did not operate under. Effective July 1st 2022 employees would feel the impact
of changes quickly and what might seem to some as abruptly.
Leading up the announce and acquisiotn date, I would of recommended that leaders
attempt to focus more on the current structure running model and how we could better
prepare for changes with little time after the formal announcement. Looking back I could
of influenced leaders to take a more hands on approach to direct changes. Leaders could
have rolled out newer initiives for new practices and the work group could have been
better prepared for change and how to trust the process and leaders more openily.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

Looking back to pre-communication meetings with the current owner Starbucks and new
Bolthouse Farms I would of better influenced senior leaders from Bolthouse to have
better details to present during the communication meeting. Structure is instilled in
organizations without often times knowledge of those impacted. As the structure changed
from one owner to another employees were not prepared for the gut wrenching change
that was presented to them.
Change management is important and not enough thought went into the hours after the
July 1st meeting. The townhall set up, delivery, verbiage was all explained and detailed
out. However the impact and emotional aftermath we had not prepared as well for the
hours and days after this communication.

Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership
(7th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

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