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 The given diagram illustrates how liquid chocolate is produced
 As can be seen from the illustration, there are 10 steps im this process beginning with growing
cacao trees.
 Firstly, cacao trees are grown in South America and Africa, Indonesia. After that, the pods are
ripe and red. The pods are harvested. White cocoa beans inside the pods are collected. The
beans are fermented. The beans are spread in the sun to dry. They are put in large sacks. The
sacks are transported by trains and lorries. They are taken to the factory. The beans are roasted.
The beans are crushed. Their outershell is removed. The inner part is pressed. The liquid
chocolate is produced
 The given diagram illustrates how liquid chocolate is produced
 As can be seen from the illustration, there are 10 steps im this process beginning with growing
cacao trees.
 Firstly, cacao trees are grown in certain areas including South America and Africa, Indonesia
until the pods are ripe and red. The pods harvested in order that white cocoa beans inside are
collected. The beans are fermented until thay turn dark brown before they are spread in the
sun to dry. After that, they are put in large sacks which are transported by trains and lorries to
the factory where production process takes place. After the beans are roasted at 350 Celsius
degrees, the beans are crushed so that their outershell is removed. Finally, the inner part is
pressed, and the liquid chocolate is produced to meet the needs of customers.

The given bar chart illustrates the percentage of renewable energy in total energy supply, including four
countries including Australia, Sweden, Iceland, and Turkey between 1997 and 2010.

As can be seen from the chart , the proportion of renewable energy in Iceland and Sweden increased,
while the figure for Australia decreased. By contrast, the figure in Turkey fluctuated over the period

In 1997, the percentage of productive power in Australia was 10%, which was nearly double that of
Sweden. Meanwhile, the proportion of renewable energy in Iceland was higher than that of Turkey, at
47% and 38%, respectively.

From 1997 to 2010, the percentage of renewable energy in Australia witnessed a minimal decrease of
5%. Besides, there was a slight rise in the percentage of productive energy in Sweden of 10%, while the
figure for Iceland went up remarkably to 70%. Finally, the percentage of renewable energy in Turkey saw
a marginal increase of 40% before it declined to 32% in 2010.

TASK 2 : It is important for parents to read stories to children. Other think it is unnecessary because
children can find them in other sources e.g books , and TV. Discuss both views and give opinions.

Parents should read

- Control the content (Avoid inappropriate content )

- Improve family bonding ( Spend time care and share => Mutual understanding )

Other sources

- Improve language skills

- Save time
+ Social work
+ Enjoy personal life

In this modern era, parents should read stories to their children frequently is a topic of public interest
and concern. While somepeople that it unnecessary because kids can find them in other places, such
books and TV. But I personally believe that it is preferable for parents to tell stories to their children.

On the one hand, there are also many advantages of children can find them in other sources e.g books ,
and TV. Firstly, parents today have a lot to consider, and as a result, they hardly have time for
themselves, let alone reading a story to their children. As a single parent household becomes more
common in today's society, the demands of both the home and the workplace must be balanced.
Secondly, children should learn to be independent at the earliest stages of life Children can read all kinds
of books on their own and can decide whether or not to keep the book in order to further their
education. Additionally, it supports children's early language development.

On the other hand, in my opinion, there are many benefits of teaching children by parents on stories. It
cannot be denied that, Parents reading stories can control the content, avoiding inappropriate content.
It can be seen that if children are allowed to find out information on their own through books, TV, etc.,
they are too young to perceive what is age-appropriate, safe or not. Moreover, reading stories for
children when they are young, reading to them helps improve family connections and influence the
child's personality. Parents who put effort into bringing up and educating their children can build family
bonds and prepare their children well for future. By reading books to their children and having
discussions about them, they are also able to minimize the generational gap.

In conclusion, I think it is possible for parents to spend time following their children by telling stories,
even though today's kids can read books or watch movies without needing their parents to hold them
on every step.

TASK 2: Scientists tell us that some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing
that, millions of people still continue doing unhealthy activities. What are the causes and what are the
solutions for this ?


- Addiction (Stimulants) => body cannot function properly without these

- Convenience + Comfortability
- Enviroment

Solutions :

- Enact laws
- Impose high tax

TASK 2 (3): Crimes committed by young people are increasing in major cities throughout the world.
Discuss the causes and how to solve for this problem.


- Lack of strict laws

- Financial burden : + high living expenses
+ high unemployment rate
- Violent content: + games
+ films
 Affect psychology
 Behavior
- Living enviroment ( the lack of good role models )


- Improve education ( invest money )

- Create more jobs ( build industrial zones )
- Censorship

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