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Name : Valerie Eisen L.

Limsiaco Section : BSN - 2E

- 1 omelet cooked in palm oil - Saturated fat (3.3 grams)
- 1 ½ Fried rice cooked in palm oil - Saturated Fat 1 grams and
- 2 cup of water- no oil required, 0 calories

- 555 Tuna - Saturated Fat 0.4
- 8 lumpia shanghai cooked in palm oil- Saturated Fat 9.6
- 2 Plain rice - unsaturated no oil
- 3 cup of water- 0 calories

- Adobo cooked in palm oil - saturated fat 5.6 g
- 1 ½ Plain rice- unsaturated no oil
- 1 ½ cup of Water - 0 calories

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