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Weekly Report 2

Topic/Issue : The features of the scientific languages: Concision and Simplicity

Direction : Here are a number of questions and or statements by context and

draw, describe your point of views, and or explain and give examples or details if

1. In terms of language, there is a terms ‘scientific language’ and its opponent is

‘non-scientific language,’ How do you view these to different domains, and give

real examples of the language that belong to each domain to support your


Answer: Scientific language

Brotowidjoyo (195:8-9) scientific language, that is, scientific essays that

present facts and writings according to a good and correct writing


Meanwhile, according to Eko Susilo (1995:11) scientific language is in

accordance with scientific nature, and is based on observation, evaluation,

research in certain fields, compiled according to certain methods with a

writing system that is polite in language and its content can be justified for its

truth or scholarship.

Science requires the use of special language codes to differentiate from

colloquial language; there is even specialized language for the different

scientific disciplines. Each branch of science uses its own jargon or language

codes: medicine, biology, technology, astronomy, mathematics, physics, etc.

 Characteristics of Scientific Language:

 Systematic

 Use formal language

 Logical
 There is no place for personal opinions or feelings. In this way,

scientific language avoids ambiguities and misunderstandings.

 Straightforward and Logical

 Clear

 Solid and concise

 Formal and Objective

 Use of symbols and terms of science

For example articles and theses, writing articles and theses using scientific

language. Because of using formal language with procedures, using

statements based on the theory, presenting accurate facts (not emotions or

feelings) with detailed analysis, and writing systematically using scientific

language, there is no place for personal opinions or feelings. In this way,

scientific language avoids ambiguities and misunderstandings.

Another example in an academic biology book, the book uses scientific

language according to its scientific field, such as the word “Oryza sativa”

which is written in the language of biology, which means “Padi”. The word

"Oryza sativa" is foreign to hear if you do not study biology, so you cannot

just write the use terms of science field carelessly. In this way, science avoids

ambiguities and misunderstandings.

Non-scientific language

In The Book of Kajian Bahasa Indonesia (Based on Scientific Writing) by Budi

et al. (2021), “non-scientific language in writing” is an essay that is

determined based on facts and accuracy of writing. The facts in question are

personal, so they are subjective. Even so, the writing is still based on the right


Characteristics of non-scientific language:

 Written based on personal facts

 Facts inferred subjectively

 Persuasive
 Connotative and popular language style

 Imaginative

 The situation is dramatized

 Emotional

 Descriptive

As in short stories, novels, plays, and fairy tales. Because it uses non-scientific

language and not from research but from experience, knowledge, and there are

no facts and can be dramatized. This work is also written for art or to fulfill the

writer's inner satisfaction to stimulate the imagination of the reader.

2. One of the characteristics of scientific language is concision of language usages.

Draw the terms of ‘concision’ and ‘simplicity” briefly. Then, take a look the table

below and find out the concision and or simplicity of words/phrase of the left


Answer: based on our discussion, concision is a systematic brief achieved by the

writer in order to express the goal of the piece of writing clearly, precisely, and

directly. The writer's goal should be to explain the point in the most relevant way as

appropriately as possible. Meanwhile simplicity is any form of written, signed, or

spoken communication that is kept within bounds that are significantly smaller than

generally seen in linguistic communication.

Instead of Consider/possible words/phrases
A large number of Many
Has the capacity Ability/power
Whether or not Certainly/surely
Are in agreement Corresponding
Prior Main/ primary
Subsequent Later/ensuing
At this point in time/at the present time Now
Due to the fact that Because/considering
In the even that Only if/as long as
A new initiative Strategy/plan
Nearly unique Exceptional/rare
Plays a key role in Contribute/promote
Both cultures were equally Equality/equivalent
3. In many cases, writer to use complex word when a simple word will do. Bad

writers or translators consider long words more impressive than short ones (literary

work). How two words may have the same meaning, but to other cases they are

having different meanings. Take a look the examples below!

Words Words Words

Use Utilize Give Method Methodology

Give Method means

means to a particular
means to
Utilize freely form of
consume Methodology
means to transfer procedure for
from a Administ means a
use the accomplishing
limited er means system of
Meani somethin possessio or
supply or to give methods used
ng g beyond n of approaching
take help or in a particular
its (somethin something,
somethin service area of study
intended g) to especially a
g to or activity
purpose (someone systematic or
achieve a
); hand established
over to one

4. One of the most overused adverbs is "very." Somehow, every experiment is

"very innovative," every result "very interesting," and every conclusion "very

important." When "very" isn't enough, you'll find "extremely." Then, please fill in

the blank to..

No Word with “Very” Consider/possible words/phrases
1 Very accurate Exact
2 Very often Frequent
3 Very valuable Precious
4 Very good Excellent
5 Very necessary Essentials
6 Very clever Brilliant
7 Very large Huge
8 Very powerful Compelling
9 Very short Brief
10 Very simple Basic
11 Very clear Obvious
12 Very capable Accomplished
13 Very old Ancient
14 Very important Crucial
15 Very complete Comprehensive



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