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Cloud Computing Scenario

By: Wyett Almonte

● What are cloud service providers?- Cloud service providers are “a third-party company

that provides scalable computing resources that businesses can access on demand over a

network, including cloud-based compute, storage, platform, and application services.”

● What is platform as a service?- Platform as a service(PaaS) is when a third party

company comes in and delivers hardware and software service over the internet.

● What are 2 benefits of cloud computing?- 2 benefits of cloud computing are that it is very

secure and safe. Also that it is very cost effective.

● What is one disadvantage of using cloud computing?- One major disadvantage is that if

there's a situation where there is no service, there is no way to access anything.


● Google. (n.d.). What is a cloud service provider? | google cloud. Google. Retrieved

February 26, 2023, from



● Chai, W., Brush, K., & Bigelow, S. J. (2022, February 7). What is Paas? platform as a

service definition and guide. Cloud Computing. Retrieved February 26, 2023, from
● 12 benefits of cloud computing and its advantages. (n.d.). Retrieved

February 26, 2023, from


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