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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Respectable the jury of speech contest.

All of audience whom i respect

First of all, let's thank Allah the Al Mighty who has been giving us mercy and blessing so we can attend
this meeting without any obstacles in this great occasion.

Ledies and gentleman

What Is Digital Transformation?

Before we discuss what is meant by digital transformation, let's briefly understand the meaning of
these two words.

The meaning of "Transformation" is about a change of form (shape, nature, function, and so on),
while the word "Digital" means more related to numbers for a certain calculation system.

These two words will give a broader meaning when combined to become "Digital Transformation".

Understanding Digital Transformation or Digital Transformation is a process of utilizing digital

technology to bring about significant changes in various aspects of life so that needs can be met more
quickly, easily, and practically.

later various aspects of life will be affected starting from community activities, the business world,
even the government system.

Digital Transformation is arguably the most phenomenal breakthrough of this century. From what was
originally done manually, slowly switching automatically. Starting from payments, data recording, to
marketing, even though all of them are affected by developments in the world of technology

Ledies and gentleman

But you know, the concept of digital transformation itself is actually not something new. This concept
began to emerge several decades ago, to be precise in the era of the industrial revolution 3.0 when
smart machines such as computers & software were developed.

However, is in this era that digital transformation is accelerating due to the massive shift from analog
technology to digital technology which touches almost all aspects of life.

This digital transformation refers to how technology supports the business revolution with various
fields of technology that support it, such as the Internet, Big Data, and so on.

As we know, digital transformation will not happen by itself without the main aspects that cause it to
happen. 3 main aspects in digital transformation:

a. People

Yes, you and all of us are the first aspect of digital transformation, where digital skills, digital culture,
even to the business organizational structure are all filled in and digitized.

b. Technology

In digital transformation, humans alone cannot stand alone without supporting technology. The role
of technology here is more as a tool that man will later use
c. Business

The last aspect that is no less important is the business that must also be transformed. Business
transformation is a process of changing business systems, either partially or completely

Ladies and gentleman

Then, how is digital transformation in Indonesia? Is it running smoothly or is it stuck in the middle of
the road?

You might be asking this question at this time, seeing that access to technology is not evenly
distributed throughout Indonesia.

To answer this, we can listen to the statement from the Minister of Communication and Informatics,
Johny G. Plate during a Working Meeting with commission I DPR RI in March 2022.

He said, "The completion of the 2021-2024 Digital Indonesia Roadmap is one of the five directions for
accelerating digital transformation delivered by the President on August 3, 2020."

From this statement, let's dissect a few points regarding the government's strategy in accelerating the
development of digital transformation in Indonesia.

Examples of the application of e-business in Indonesia run by these digital companies can be seen, for

Buying and selling transactions that occur on marketplace sites owned by Tokopedia, Shopee,
Bukalapak, or others Media companies that transfer their business products or services in the form of
digital so that readers can directly access the latest news through devices owned by other digital
startups that are developed to provide various solutions through the use of technology

Then what exactly are the strategies implemented in transforming to digital by several large
companies that have been successful because of it?

To answer your question, here we present 5 examples of digital transformation carried out by digital
companies in Indonesia so that they can achieve success in the current era!

1. Netflix with On-Demand Streaming Service

2. Gojek with Ordering Service via Application

3. Jenius BTPN with Online Banking Facilities

4. By.U Telkomsel as the First Digital Provider in Indonesia

5. Tokopedia with C2C & B2C E-commerce Systems

Ladies and gentleman

If a simple conclusion is drawn, digital transformation is a deep transformation of business and

organizational activities that includes processes, competencies and business models to fully

As human being, I realize that I can’t avoid the mistakes, so I apologize to you all. And I don’t
forget to say thanks so much for your nice attention.

Wassalamu'alakum Wr. Wb.

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