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Tropical forests are forested landscapes in tropical regions.

land areas approximately bounded by the

tropic of Cancer and Capricorn, but possibly affected by other factors such as prevailing winds. Borneo
rainforest. Some categories of tropical forest types are difficult. While forests in temperate areas are
readily categorised on the basis of tree canopy density, such schemes do not work well in tropical
forests. There is no single scheme that defines what a forest is, in tropical regions or elsewhere. Because
of these difficulties, information on the extent of tropical forests varies between sources. However,
Tropical Forests are extensive, making up just under half the world’s forests. The tropical domain has
the largest proportion of the world’s forests 45 percent, followed by the boreal, temperate and
subtropical domains. More than 3.6m hectares of virgin tropical forest was lost in 2018. Types of
tropical forest. Tropical forests are often thought of as evergreen rainforests and moist forests, but
these account only a portion of them (depending on how they are defined - see maps). The remaining
tropical forests are a diversity of many different forest types including: Eucalyptus open forest, tropical
coniferous forests, savanna woodland, and mountain forests (the higher elevations of which are cloud
forests). Over even relatively short distances, the boundaries between these biomes may be unclear,
with ecotones between the main types. In the tropical forest, there are a lot of exotic animals that are
caught by brokers for wool or stuffed animals. Illegal tree felling also occurs in the Rainforest from which
the forest begins to disappear from the maps. people throw garbage into nature and wherever possible,
the planet and all nature is polluted and it's terrible. I think that all forest reserves should be closed from
our people, and so on. People you must protect forests and nature. Who if not us?

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