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The Importance Of Belonging

Why is feeling belonging crucial for people? A sense of acceptance is very crucial for
teenagers, so they may want to fit into a group. But feeling belonging, and fitting in do not mean the
same thing. In a other word, there is a difference between belonging, and fitting in. Belonging means
attendig a group without losing self idendity. So, belonging in a group has many benefits, such as
feeling connected to people, and having a healthy self-development.

First of all, being alone effects people’s psychology. To begin with, attending a social group
prevents feeling lonely. When people feel lonely, they may feel anwiety, and must struggle with
depression. This situation may be worse especially in young people. Secondly, those who
communicate with their friends feel safe. They can tell anything to their friends without fear, and
take advices to friends. That is to say, belonging in a group is helpful for people’s mental health.

Second of all, a helthy friendship provides having a healthy self-development for people. For
example, they can do what they want with their friends, because nobody judges them, or if there is a
problem she, or he and their friends can solve the problem together. In addition, this situation
increases someone's selfconfidence. To sum up, belonging in a group associate with friendships, and
self- development.

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