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18th MAY 2018

TIME: 09:00 HRS - 11:00 HRS

Candidate’s Examination Number: ……………………………………………………………………

1. Time allowed is Two hours
2. Write your Examination Number in the spaces provide,
3. Read the questions very carefully before attempting to answer,
4. There are FOUR (4) sections in this paper, A, B, C and D,
5. Read the instructions on each section carefully,




SECTION A: MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS: (Answer ALL questions by circling the correct answer
for each.

1. The lymph node is unique to females only

A. Parotid
B. Submandibular
C. Supramammary
D. Popliteal

2. The heart is enclosed in the:

A. Pleurae
B. Pericardial sac
C. Peritoneum
D. Mesentery

3. Follicle Stimulating Hormone is produced by the:

A. Ovaries
B. Hypothalamus
C. Pituitary gland
D. Pineal gland

4. All are bones of the axial skeleton except:

A. Ribs
B. Vertebrae column
C. Scapula
D. Sternum

5. Which of the following has no bony attachment to the body so as to absorb more ‘shock’
A. Rib cage
B. Hindquarters
C. The tail
D. The scapula

6. Pneumatic bones
A. Contain air filled spaces called sinuses
B. Serve to change the direction of the tendon movement
C. Develop within special organs
D. Are unattached to any other bones

7. Which bone of the sternum provides an attachment for the linea alba in cattle?
A. Xiphoid
B. Second sternabrae
C. Manubrium
D. Seventh sternabrae

8. Lobules are:
A. Anatomical sub-divisions of the lungs
B. Basic functional unit of the lungs
C. Part of the alveoli sacs
D. Divided by lobes

9. Which digestive organ passes in more three regions of the animal body
A. Small intestines
B. Trachea
C. Oesophagus
D. Large intestines

10. The following salivary gland is palpable in food animals:

A. Parotid gland
B. Submandibular gland
C. Submaxillary
D. None of the above

11. Which of the following list of organs best describes regional anatomy
A. Heart, spleen and uterus
B. Spleen, trachea and kidneys
C. Heart, lungs and part of the esophagus
D. Liver, spleen and trachea

12. Which specie lacks the gall bladder?

A. Porcine
B. Bovine
C. Equine
D. Caprine

13. The following bones constitute part of the axial skeleton except
A. Manubrium
B. Lumbar vertebrae
C. Scapula
D. Ilium

14. Tracheal bronchus is common in:

A. Pigs
B. Horses
C. Ruminants
D. Both A and C are correct

15. The bones of the head that house sinuses are

A. Maxillary and zygomatic bones
B. Frontal and temporal bones
C. Frontal and maxillary bones
D. Zygomatic and temporal bones

16. The sweetbread generally refers to the:
A. Pancreas
B. Thymus
C. Liver
D. Spleen

17. The bovine kidney

A. Has 15 – 25 lobules
B. Elongated and bean shaped
C. Has a heart shape
D. Has one renal papillae

18. Trypsinogen is produced by the:

A. Liver
B. spleen
C. Pancreas
D. Endocrine glands

19. The “master gland” refers to the:

A. Hypothalamus
B. Pituitary gland
C. Cerebrum
D. Thymus

20. All are green offals except:

A. The intestines
B. Rumen
C. Lungs
D. Mesentery

21. Which of the following bones houses the roots of teeth in sheep?
A. Incisive bone
B. Mandible
C. Frontal bone
D. Palatine bone

22. The fixed part of the small intestines is comprised of:

A. Duodenum
B. Ileum and colon
C. Jejunum and ileum
D. Jejenum and colon

23. The costal arch is formed by the:

A. Sternum
B. Sternal ribs

C. Asternal ribs
D. Floating ribs

24. The first cervical vertebrae is the:

A. Axis
B. Atlas
C. Xiphoid
D. Navicular bone

25. Which of the following is a palpable lymph node in cattle during ante-mortem inspection
A. Sub-mandibular lymph node
B. Retropharyngel lymph node
C. Bronchial lymph node
D. Hepatic lymph node

26. The first sternabra is called

A. Linea alba
B. Manubrium
C. Xiphoid cartilage
D. Intersternabral cartilage

27. A steer is a:
A. A castrated male less 12 months destined for fattening to provide choice meat
B. Young female less 6 months
C. A female animal less 24 months old and has not yet calved
D. Mature bull

28. All are muscles involved in inspiration except:

A. Diaphragm
B. Intercostal muscles
C. Masseter muscles
D. Abdominal muscles

29. The bones of the os coxae in cattle include:

A. Ischium, ilium and sacrum
B. Ischium, ilium and pubis
C. Pubis, ilium and sacrum
D. Ischium, pubis and Sacrum

30. Which of the following bones doesn’t constitute part of the oral region?
A. Incisive bone
B. Maxilla bone
C. Palatine bone
D. Frontal bone

31. The bronchial lymph node:

A. Drains the masseter muscle
B. Principle LN of the lungs
C. Is negligible during PM inspection
D. Drains part of the spleen

32. Which of the following is not a constituent of the “fore-stomach” in cattle?

A. Rumen
B. Reticulum
C. Abomasum
D. Omasum

33. The following is not an organ of the digestive system?

A. Spleen
B. Pancreas
C. Liver
D. Rumen

34. Which of the following are important salivary glands in cattle

A. Submaxillary glands
B. Parotid glands
C. Sublingual glands
D. All of the above

35. Which of the following is an example of a splanchnic bone

A. Scapula
B. Fibula
C. Navicular bone
D. Humerus

36. The caudal lateral fossa of the shoulder girdle (scapula) bounded caudally by the spine is the
A. Glenoid cavity
B. Supraspinous fossa
C. Infraspinous fossa
D. The serratus ventralis

37. Cells, intercellular products and fluid describe the features of:
A. A system
B. A tissue
C. An organ
D. Epithelial cells

38. In cattle slaughter abattoirs, the region formed by intersection of the diagonals joining the lateral angles of
the eyes to the nearest parts of the opposite horn bases is the:
A. Target spot for stunning
B. Target region for assessing facial asymmetry
C. An area prone to traumatic injuries especially during bull fights

D. Can be used for age estimation

39. The part of the brain concerned with memory and consciousness in cattle is the:
A. Cerebellum
B. Hypothalamus
C. Cerebrum
D. Pineal gland

40. Microbial fermentation occurs in the:

A. Rumen
B. Abomasum
C. Omasum
D. Reticulum

SECTION B: Answer ALL questions in this section. Each question carries 1 mark.

1. Ossa cordis in cattle is a pneumatic bone

A. True
B. False

2. Blood vessels arise from the apex of the heart

A. True
B. False

3. Developing follicles are associated the high Progesterone levels in female animals
A. True
B. False

4. The compact bone lies beneath the spongy bone

A. True
B. False

5. The liver is both an exocrine and endocrine gland

A. True
B. False

6. The thoracic duct opens directly into the heart

A. True
B. False

7. Cranial nerves arise from the spinal cord and innervate deep skeletal muscles
A. True
B. False

8. Foramen ovale remains patent for life in pigs

A. True
B. False

9. The roof of the cranium is formed by the paired maxilla and incisive bones
A. True
B. False

10. Broad ligament suspends the large intestines in females

A. True
B. False

SECTION C: SHORT ANSWER SECTION (Answer ALL questions in this section. ALL questions carry
equal marks – 5 Marks

1. With the aid of a sketch, describe the anatomy of the bovine kidney

2. List the major palpable lymph nodes in both a bull and cow and explain the importance of lymph nodes in
meat inspection

3. Describe the anatomical boundaries of the body cavities

4. Describe the general sex characteristics of a male carcass

5. List all the bones of the hind limb in cattle

6. List all the organs responsible for digestive secretions in a cow

SECTION D: LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS: Answer ANY THREE questions from this section. All
questions carry equal marks – 6.6 Marks

1. With the aid of a detailed sketch, describe fetal circulation in a pregnant cow (6.6 Marks)

2. List and describe the anatomy of all organs of the respiratory system (6.6 Marks)

3. Describe the ruminant stomach in detail (6.6 Marks)

4. Describe the skeleton of the forelimb in a cow (6.6 Marks)

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