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The African Union has been acting for 22 years as the voice of the African continent.

However, it has failed to resolve conflicts and unconstitutional changes in the governance of
Africa, why? Let’s dive in to find out!

The African union (au), is an intergovernmental body, established in 2002, to promote unity
and cooperation among African countries and to boost the economic development of the

Unlike its predecessor, the organization of African unity, AU did not hesitate to send in
forces assembled from its member states’ militaries to resolve civil wars and other conflicts.
Its first notable intervention was in 2004 when AU troops went into Sudan to stop the
genocide in Darfur — perhaps the first time in Africa’s modern history that a regional force
had stopped a civil war. It was followed up with another mission to end jihadist violence in

. One of the AU’s most notable achievements was the African Continental Free Trade Area,
inspired by the European union’s model. It came into effect in 2021 and envisages the
formation of the world’s largest free trade area, encompassing 1.2 billion people in 55

However, The AU has failed at promoting African unity, its prime goal. This was witnessed
when Kenya battled Djibouti for the non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council
Coming to the performance of the au in the past 22 years, I think there has been a lack of
commitment among the political allies that are mandated to advance Africa’s regional
agenda. The challenges that the AU faces can be classed into two categories—those that
require immediate attention and those whose resolutions can be undertaken through a long-
term process
Coordinating the fight against terrorism and violent extremism:
from the destruction of financial infrastructures and the bloodbath of college students in
Kenya with the aid of using al-Shabab; the slaughter of villagers and the abduction of college
women in northeastern Nigeria with the aid of using Boko Haram; the indiscriminate killing of
human beings at inns in Mali and Burkina Faso; and the downing of an airliner in Egypt,
terrorism and violent extremism keep to constrain the cap potential of Africans to stay
collectively peacefully and create the wealth that they want to combat poverty and enhance
their dwelling conditions. It is crucial to notice that the handiest inclusive financial boom and
improvement and the establishment, inside every African country, of governance structures
that assure the guideline of thumb of law, together with appreciation for human rights, can
deal absolutely with terrorism and different forms of violent and negative mobilization.

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