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As a prospective doctor who is now pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology, I can honestly
say mathematics plays a crucial role in our daily lives. From our everyday contacts with other
people that include mathematics or computations, including buying groceries at the store and
paying for household bills like rent, electricity, and water. In the world we live in, mathematics is
everywhere. These elements must be considered in our daily lives.
In biology, we frequently investigate how living things develop or proliferate. According to the
course's definition, biology is the branch of science that examines all living things, including
their shapes, sizes, and forms as well as how they come into existence and other scientific and
mathematical concepts.
We may test particular problems correctly and successfully by mastering math. Mathematics
strives to apply the knowledge we have gained through the years to answer problems that arise in
everyday life, rather than only concentrating on ideas or problems. This helps biologists like
myself to understand life on a larger scale.

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