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There are three main purposes:

Exploratory: As the name implies, researchers perform these studies to delve deeper into a set of
queries. The solutions and analyses might not provide a resolution to the alleged issue. It is being
done to address brand-new, unexplored problem areas. The groundwork for more thorough data
gathering and analysis is laid by this exploratory procedure.
Descriptive: It concentrates on gathering data in order to increase knowledge about current
concerns. Research that is descriptive analyzes the actions of a sample population. The study
only needs one variable to be conducted. Descriptive studies' three main goals are to describe,
explain, and validate the results.
Explanatory: To comprehend the effects of particular modifications to current standard operating
procedures, causal or explanatory research is carried out. The most common form is conducting
experiments. For instance, a study that is done to determine how rebranding affects consumer

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